Monday, August 16, 2010


Nene and I with baby Violet!
Hiking Multnomah Falls in Oregon

My favorite place- Redondo at Sunset

blackberries.jpg image by AndreAnna1105

I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be HOME. I am so very thankful that the Lord has brought me home, even if it's just for two weeks. It has been so healing and refreshing to be with my family, friends, church body and in beautiful Washington. Sigh- I just love it here. Thank you Jesus for this time.

Also! I got a mac this weekend! Whoop whoop! I still can't believe the Lord blessed me with a mac- I never thought i would ever be able to actually buy one. And may I just say- I love it! If you are considering a laptop- mac all the way! The best part though is that now I can skype with everyone back home!

The Lord is so faithful and loves us so much. He is really refining me right now- and it has been t-o-u-g-h but I praise Him for His faithfulness and his love. Everything He does is out of His great love for us- His steadfast love. My mom explained to me today what steadfast means- it's two-fold. Steady- faithful- just even and forever. And then fast is like clinging- holding tight. The Lord loves us faithfully, forever, and He HOLDS TIGHT TO US! Our God is good and ever loving.

Tonight we had the bi-monthly Baden game night! Haha! What a blessing it was to be with the cherry's, forbe's, baden's and wallstrom's- baby violet! It was so fun. I am so thankful for these friends that God has placed in my life- we have walked life together through the thick and thin- from childhood- ah! I just love them! It was so encouraging too to talk with Shannon tonight about believing in the Lord- trusting Him no matter what. He is God- He is faithful- He is good.

oh yes! haha i posted blackberries because it's one week away from being blackberry season in washington! Only my favorite thing about Washington summers! YUM YUM YUM! They grow wild everywhere- I love going on my runs and smelling them. Speaking of smell!!!! Today I went for a run and there were two cardboard boxes on the side of the road, and one was open. So I naturally peaked in and saw a furry animal- I started to peer down, thinking they were little kittens or even a puppy, and then it hit me! THE SMELL! They were DEAD racoons!!!!!!! G-R-O-S-S!!!!!!!!!!