Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm baaaack! I know i haven't blogged in months, but i'm ready to be back in action! I don't really know how to explain the past 6 months of my life- except to say that it has been a journey- and like any journey, one with heights of joy and amazement, and depths of heartache. But I have not been alone in the journey; in fact I have the best Companion one could ever hope for, who leads me and is a light to my path. His presence has filled me with joy and hope and comfort. And I have come to know my Companion in a much deeper way the past season. He is so good and so faithful.
I've had to say many goodbyes and have shed many tears, but I am so thankful for God's wisdom and perfect plan. I am loving living at home, back in Washington. I greatly miss those in Maui- like this one:

:) But I feel overwhelmed at God's blessings and gifts here.

So to catch you up and to give you a glimpse of the past chunk of my life, i broke it down month by month:

High School Auction

High School Mission Trip to LA


I got the blessing of seeing Caitlin get married to her sweet Nicholas


Saying goodbye to my girlies

Mom and Dad came to visit!

Mariner's Game for Dad's 61st Birthday


Race Around the Rock Paddleboard Race with my Pops

Hanging out with my best friend

Psalm 18:30
"This God—his way is perfect;
the word of the LORD proves true;
he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him."