Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fun Creations

hair clips are getting popular here in maui! My girls LOVE making them (as do I!!!!) Mackenze and I stayed up til midnight on Tuesday night making these...we laughed, saying we could have stayed up all night!


Sunday we went and saw CATS at the Wailuku Theatre! It was truly magical:) Lisa, a woman at the church who pretty much runs our high school auction, gave us 7 free tickets! We laughed the whole way through- it was so funny to watch grown men and women act like cats!
Then yesterday, Jake took us upcountry to pick tangerines and oranges! We went to this house and they had an acre with banana, tangerine, orange, avocado and grapefruit trees! AH! I LOVE fruit- i can only dream of living in a home one day with orchards of fruit- so yummy :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Row Row Row Your Boat

This morning we got to go out on Fairmont's Canoe Rigger- in a word- AMAZING! It was so fun! Since the rowers knew we were local, they took us out farther than usual. We used leaves to wipe down our snorkeling masks and got to free swim in the deep ocean for awhile. If you swam down just 4 feet you could hear the whales singing to one another. It was incredible! One of the guys held up this clear stick, "Hey look. It's a barnical from the whales- it just fell off.......actually, no, it's a part of a jellyfish!"
Me: "Oh no! Did it sting you?" (As he throws it far away)
Him "Yep....k, time to get back in the boat. The larva is stinging!"
It did sting me! It feels like a mosquito bite....we quickly jumped back into the boat. Then we rowed for awhile longer and THREE whales- a mama, baby and the escort (aka guy) came up about 20 feet from our boat! INCREDIBLE! It was so close you could see the texture of its skin. (not skin...what's it called?!) It was majestic really. They cruised for awhile, exhaling out of their blow holes. "Bubba", the hawaiian guy on the boat, answered all my questions about the whales :)
1. They migrate down from Alaska and stay here for about 3-4 months because it's too cold to give birth up north.
2. They get pregnant around Sept and deliver around Feb-March
3. The babies drink the mama's milk- i think he said 140 gallons of milk a day!
4. The guys fight over the women. And they go hard at it- whenever you see tail slaps or breaches from the whales, its most likely the guys trying to win the affections of the girl whales- so they can be chosen to escort them up north. Isn't that so cool!? So yes, the women get to choose which guy.....I love how they vye for their attention.
5. The escort whales protect the mama and baby from sharks and scary water mammals :) What protectors!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March On Beloved, March On

At the beginning of March, a friend showed me Beth Moore's blog, with the entry being "march on". March always seems like a bit of a rougher month- inbetween the holiday hub-ub and summer. I was at a point where I was exhausted and burned out. This entry so encouraged my heart and gave me the theme of March to be "march on". Keep pressing on- keep trucking on!
The past few weeks have brought about some heartache and loss. It's been a rougher season. However, in all the pain, GOD REMAINS FAITHFUL. GOD REMAINS GOOD. How sweet it is to be held in the hands of Aslan. I know that, although I don't understand the circumstance itself, I know God is at work. It's one of those seasons that i don't think I could have "marched on" my own- and i'm so thankful I didn't try- but one where God has carried me. Times of pain are so hard- they're painful- BUT! What sweet moments they are with the Lord. He has drawn me ever close into His loving arms. Truly, God is close to the broken hearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 119 has been my life line these past few weeks. I've always loved the word of God, but never has this passage given me so much HOPE. God's word is our HOPE. It revives. strengthens. gives life. gives HOPE.
With God, I know I can keep marching on....even through the mud and rough terrain. Soon He will lead me to the waters of rest.

(Beth Moore's site:

On a lighter note, I was shopping in Paia the other day at my favorite boutique and THIS book was on the shelf! It screamed "ALYSSA!" See, here's the deal- I have secretely (and maybe not so secretely) wanted to be a surfer forever! It's my dream to be a surfer- not just talk about it, but actually be good at it. So I have decided that THAT is my goal this summer- learn to surf. And be able to actually go out and do it! I'm diligently reading this book and today I was so engrossed in it, that i jumped when a friend knocked on my door- i totally forgot she was coming over!