Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I can't believe it's Dec. 8th already! It's flying by! This weekend was really fun- and full! On Saturday I had the day off of work from the bookstore (what a treat!) so Lisa, Risa, Leslie and I went to Jori's craft fair and then laid out at Kawakapu- I can't get over at how beautiful Maui is- how majestic is our Lord! Truly His creation SHOUTS His praise!

Then we stopped for lunch and the girls got their Diet Pepsi- the 2L was cheaper than the normal one, so naturally they got the 2L! haha I love this photo- yes, it's official, my roomates are all addicted to Diet whatever (as KK says ;) Christy left a great legacy for us!

Then we headed over to KAM 1 (one of the beach's) for Jeff's birthday! Jeremiah cooked tri-tip for him! (i told the interns on wednesday when we had steak for lunch from our pastor that I feel like a man when I eat steak- like hair grows on my chest! We rarely had steak growing up- and it seems like such a treat and a man's meat to me- esp. when people eat it still bloody!) I love that Risa's dream meal, one she would have if it were her last meal on earth, is steak.

Naturally, we put a little game of volleyball together- look at these two! (also, we won!)

On Sunday, i took Jeff on a picnic dinner for his birthday- it was so fun! I got some martinelli's to celebrate the occasion! (That was always our celebration drink growing up)

This morning we went over to the Spencer's for breakfast- he is one of the elders at our church. OH! I so cherish our time with Mark and Jori- and oh how i treasure her food! She is an amazing cook! This morning we had homemade acai bowls- my absolute favorite thing in the whole world. In my ideal world, i would wake up to this every morning :) I'm so thankful for them- i would love to one day have a home where we invite people over all the time and share meals with them. It's such a blessing to us- what a treat! We also had french press coffee:)

Here they are! Acai smoothy mix: frozen acai packets, apple juice and frozen banana.
Then top it with granola, honey, coconut, strawberries, blueberries and bananas.

What an answer to prayer! One of the elders at our church donated a running van to us interns! It doesn't need water poured into it to run, it has a radio, working breaks, and it's clean! Praise the lord!

Ministry is going well- please pray for Amy and Brandon. Amy had surgery last week, so is resting and trying to recover. She's in a lot of pain and it's going to be a slower healing process than they thought. Please pray for healing for Amy, and peace for Brandon- two jobs, 3 little kids under the age of 5, and he's speaking in big church this sunday.
This week I had small group but only jade could make it, which turned out to be a huge blessing. It was so great to have a heart to heart with her, hear how she is, and what struggles she has. We got starbucks, drove through the lighted trees at Wailea and went walking on the path at Wailea. I love hearing these girls share their struggles with me- and being able to love on them and remind them of God's love and truth- they are not alone! God is with them- and I'm thankful for the opportunities I have when I hear of struggles they have that I've had in the past, or still do. What a privilege it is to see God's hand at work in my trials- how he uses us to comfort others.

Yesterday, I took Sissy out for breakfast to this cute french bakery- she turned 17 yesterday! I asked her what she was hoping for or excited about in this next year, and what she said melted my heart:
1. looking forward to college and praying she'll be ready
2. that she will fall deeper in love with Jesus
Amen girlfriend! That's what it's all about!

Brandon and I are also getting ready for winter camp- More than Conquerors is our theme this year
based on Romans 8:37 "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us"

here's our inspiration ;)

Other things:
1. I've been able to skype with one of my best friends Renee two times in the past two weeks! That's HUGE for us! haha we are queens of phone tag- today i got to see kimmy and her boys, anna and mama o- how sweet! My family in california- love you guys!
2. Christmas parties galore! Tonight for Rise, Saturday for Staff Christmas, and next tuesday for our girl's small group!
3. If I could I think I would get all of my food supplies at Whole Foods! IT'S AMAZING! Also, i love drinking water out of glass bottles- so classy ;)
4. 12 days til i see my beautiful parents!!! HOME SWEET HOME!
5. I love Psalm 119, and was encouraged by this verse this morning,
Ps. 119:31-32 "I cling to your testimonies, O LORD; let me not be put to shame! I will run in the way of your commandments when you enlarge my heart!"
Run- not merely walk, but run towards the Lord, running in His ways which are best and good! When HE enlarges our hearts- sets our hearts free- notice it's His working in us- he has set my heart free so I can run in His ways and cling to Him! Those who believe in God will not be put to shame (romans 9:33b). In Him is life, light and salvation and grace.
I've been reading from my NASB bible lately- the one I've had since junior year in high school- it's big and all marked up- it has tear stains all over, esp. the psalms- it has moments noted of a verse really speaking to me. Sometimes it's just so good to go home in a sense- to read from one of your bibles that you had for a long time. My bibles are the most important earthly treasure i have- i feel like they're part of my heart, my map for life, my light unto my feet. I'm so thankful the Lord has blessed us with his word- so true, so faithful- our sword.
6. Lately I've been thinking into the future and really having a dream of mine pressed on my heart- the Lord is telling me to leave it in His hands and really pray for it- even though it seems impossible to me. Actually, there's 3 dreams I'm praying for! I'm so thankful that nothing is impossible with our MIGHTY Lord, and that He gives us desires to progress the kingdom of God- what a jOY that we can be apart of His plan! I will share them with you one day- maybe sooner than later :)

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