Monday, November 29, 2010

November at a Glance

I can't believe it's almost December! This month has FLOWN by! Sorry I haven't been keeping up on blogging- hopefully December will be a bit slower, but I have a feeling it's going to be even busier! The days are already filling up.
Here's a glance at November!
Girl's Sleepover= CRAZY! Lisa and i put a girl's sleepover together. What do you do at a sleepover? Well! The game of spoons, I have never, worship, dancing, eating and of course TPing! The girls loved every moment of it! I had never TPed before, so I put it on my bucket list for this year- ooo eee! it was an adventure. Lisa also spoke on beauty and what it means to be made by our loving Father. (also, note to the wise! When you prank the boys, be expecting revenge! We were water ballooned and woken up with shaving cream EVERYWHERE!)

Hello Fall! Cassi, a senior, came over and we made 14 loaves of Mama Joy's famous pumpkin bread! So yummy~

Big Beach Days- love this quote from our friend Dave Case:
Me: How ya doing Dave? (as we're floating out in the ocean)
Dave: Oh man Alyssa, i'm doing great! It's November and I'm still in my swim trunks, floating out in the ocean! I'm just doin' great!

We had our annual Progressive Dinner for the high schoolers- we hop around to 3 different homes, eating a different course of the Thanksgiving meal. At each house we gave a devotional on what to be thankful for. The kids loved it! This year we put a twist to it and had them all bring something "roll" on- ie skateboard, etc.

These are my beautiful small group girls! I had them over last Monday and we made Turkey cupcakes and wrote turkey hands of thanksgiving to our pastors. I just ADORE these girls! I am so very thankful that God has blessed them into my life- they are just a JOY to be around and be able to pour into.

Thanksgiving Eve Service at church- aren't my roomates stunning!?

Thanksgiving! Starbucks coffee, cinnamon, gingerbread, bible, Honolua Bay, watchin' my beau surf, RISE gathering, celebrating with my Maui Family- the Smith's :) Children laughing, homemade apple pie, Texas bourbon yams (haha- not quite cooked all the way!), stories, spending the night in Brody's bed (how can a 5 year old have a bed that is 20 times more comfortable than mine!? it was INCREDIBLE!), waking up at 5:15am- 3 kids under the age of 5 + one mommy + me- our mission- black friday shopping! SO FUN! Heart to heart with Amy

Lavendar Farm- lavendar coffee, lavendar shortbread, fog, fresh air, dreams shared in our club house, Wendy's- thank you Tarpy family for letting us use your car!

I have so much to be thankful for- my heart is overflowing! I wrote a list of things I am thankful for and it was amazing how I actually had to stop myself or I could have gone on for hours. God is so faithful- so true. His Word is true, His promises are faithful, His love is intimate, and His way is righteous and good. I am so thankful for HIM! And for all of His blessings, especially the family of God-

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