Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm baaaack! I know i haven't blogged in months, but i'm ready to be back in action! I don't really know how to explain the past 6 months of my life- except to say that it has been a journey- and like any journey, one with heights of joy and amazement, and depths of heartache. But I have not been alone in the journey; in fact I have the best Companion one could ever hope for, who leads me and is a light to my path. His presence has filled me with joy and hope and comfort. And I have come to know my Companion in a much deeper way the past season. He is so good and so faithful.
I've had to say many goodbyes and have shed many tears, but I am so thankful for God's wisdom and perfect plan. I am loving living at home, back in Washington. I greatly miss those in Maui- like this one:

:) But I feel overwhelmed at God's blessings and gifts here.

So to catch you up and to give you a glimpse of the past chunk of my life, i broke it down month by month:

High School Auction

High School Mission Trip to LA


I got the blessing of seeing Caitlin get married to her sweet Nicholas


Saying goodbye to my girlies

Mom and Dad came to visit!

Mariner's Game for Dad's 61st Birthday


Race Around the Rock Paddleboard Race with my Pops

Hanging out with my best friend

Psalm 18:30
"This God—his way is perfect;
the word of the LORD proves true;
he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My trip home~

Home was absolutely wonderful! It was the quickest trip I've ever had, but absolutely wonderful. I came back refreshed and overwhelmed with thankfulness with how the Lord blessed my time with friends and family. While I was home, I:
-browsed J CREW and Anthropology (my mom and i laugh because i have such "high class" style, but never actually buy anything! Hey a girl can dream can't she!?)
-had Starbucks almost every day :) yep, it's official, my mom and I are addicted!
-talked wil the wee hours of the night with Caitlin- yes, at 23 yrs. old i still greatly delight in sleepovers!
-drove 15 hours to California
-helped KK get ready for her wedding and honeymoon! Being a bridesmaid is the BEST!
-celebrated my best friend get married to the man of her dreams
-got my hair and make up done for the first time ever!
-fell in love with fake eye lashes ;) did you know you can get almost permanent ones!? i may look into that.
-had many heart to hearts with my mama, and rejoiced that the Lord would bless such an amazing woman of the Lord into my life for my mother
-stopped in P-town aka Portland- love that town- however, it was freezing that night! whoohee!
-drove back to Washington
-coffee date with Olga, my sweet sweet friend
-went on a walk with my Papa
-ate Chipotle, Panera and Olive Garden- ah yes, breadsticks how i love you.

Here are some photos from my trip~

Monday, April 11, 2011


This Saturday, my beautiful Kaelyn Kraft will become Kaelyn Foster! Kaelyn is one of my best friends- a true answer to prayer that freshman year of college. I would have transferred had it not been for kaelyn's friendship. We played master's tennis together (haha!) and she was my roomate in Israel. Kaelyn has taught me what living in community looks like, how to be vulnerable and open, and the importance of seeking mentors. I started tearying up just looking at these photos...oh buddy! I can't imagine what i'll be like at the wedding.
Kaelyn, I love you with all of my heart. I can't wait to celebrate this day with you and Dominick- what a JOY it is to see God's answers to our prayers for your husband. What a gift! God is ever faithful. YAY!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

oh give thanks!

Isn't this so beautiful! ooo! how i long to go back to Santorini one day-

Jill, a woman I dearly look up to, shared with me today how she's reading this book and the author has them write in their journal every moment they're thankful for- as it happens. So, for instance, if she's washing dishes and she looks at the bubbles and how the light reflects them- they're so beautifully crafted by our Lord- she will stop and write down her thanksgiving. She said she is so enjoying slowing down and giving thanks to the Lord for all the "little things". I have been praying that i would have a thankful heart lately. When we have thankful hearts, it helps us rejoice even in times of heartache and struggle. My list for today:
1. Joe Coffee in big yellow mugs
2. a car that has free gas and can drive to the other side of town
3. Jill's encouragement, love- how she rejoices and weeps with Risa and I
4. The ocean breaking on our drive to see jill today.
5. little children's smiles
7. my friendship with my pastor Craig
8. Sunshine
9. my daily walks with the Lord- there's this new path I found that leads me to the ocean. I am so in love with this walk- the Lord has met me daily as I cry out to him on our walk- and I see all the palm trees, fresh flowers, mountains, paddleboarders, and tourists learning how to surf.
10. Hillsong's cd "Aftermath"

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fun Creations

hair clips are getting popular here in maui! My girls LOVE making them (as do I!!!!) Mackenze and I stayed up til midnight on Tuesday night making these...we laughed, saying we could have stayed up all night!


Sunday we went and saw CATS at the Wailuku Theatre! It was truly magical:) Lisa, a woman at the church who pretty much runs our high school auction, gave us 7 free tickets! We laughed the whole way through- it was so funny to watch grown men and women act like cats!
Then yesterday, Jake took us upcountry to pick tangerines and oranges! We went to this house and they had an acre with banana, tangerine, orange, avocado and grapefruit trees! AH! I LOVE fruit- i can only dream of living in a home one day with orchards of fruit- so yummy :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Row Row Row Your Boat

This morning we got to go out on Fairmont's Canoe Rigger- in a word- AMAZING! It was so fun! Since the rowers knew we were local, they took us out farther than usual. We used leaves to wipe down our snorkeling masks and got to free swim in the deep ocean for awhile. If you swam down just 4 feet you could hear the whales singing to one another. It was incredible! One of the guys held up this clear stick, "Hey look. It's a barnical from the whales- it just fell off.......actually, no, it's a part of a jellyfish!"
Me: "Oh no! Did it sting you?" (As he throws it far away)
Him "Yep....k, time to get back in the boat. The larva is stinging!"
It did sting me! It feels like a mosquito bite....we quickly jumped back into the boat. Then we rowed for awhile longer and THREE whales- a mama, baby and the escort (aka guy) came up about 20 feet from our boat! INCREDIBLE! It was so close you could see the texture of its skin. (not skin...what's it called?!) It was majestic really. They cruised for awhile, exhaling out of their blow holes. "Bubba", the hawaiian guy on the boat, answered all my questions about the whales :)
1. They migrate down from Alaska and stay here for about 3-4 months because it's too cold to give birth up north.
2. They get pregnant around Sept and deliver around Feb-March
3. The babies drink the mama's milk- i think he said 140 gallons of milk a day!
4. The guys fight over the women. And they go hard at it- whenever you see tail slaps or breaches from the whales, its most likely the guys trying to win the affections of the girl whales- so they can be chosen to escort them up north. Isn't that so cool!? So yes, the women get to choose which guy.....I love how they vye for their attention.
5. The escort whales protect the mama and baby from sharks and scary water mammals :) What protectors!