Saturday, February 19, 2011

Read thru the bible in 24 days- Chronological Plan

As I mentioned before Risa and I are reading through the bible in 24 days chronologically! We wanted to read through the bible in the order that events occured, and let me tell you it's been the COOLEST thing ever- hard, tiring, moving, and incredible. For me it's been so great to take a step back and see the whole story, instead of bits and pieces. I've really seen GOD shine through the pages- I've learned a lot about WHO HE IS and WHO WE ARE- how sinful, corrupt mankind is, nothing is new under the sun, and how JUST, GRACIOUS, RIGHTEOUS, MERCIFUL, COMPASSIONATE, AND CLOSE He is!
A couple of you have asked for the reading plan, so here it is! (I don't have my reading list right in front of me, so i tried to do my best!) Hope you guys are encouraged and as moved by it as I have been~ (also, i couldn't do it in 24 days- more like 30...i have a week to go:)
(this plan is on but split up for a year)

Day 1: Gen 1-11
Job 1‐42

Day 2: Gen 12-50
Ex 1-35

Day 3: Ex 36-40
Lev 1-27
Num 1-15
Ps 90

Day 4: Num 16‐36
Deut 1‐ 34
Ps 91

Day 5: Joshua 1-24
Judges 1-21
Ruth 1-4

Day 6:1 Sam 1‐20
Ps 11, Ps 59
1 Sam 21‐24
Ps 7, Ps 27, Ps 31, Ps 34, Ps 52
Ps 56, Ps 120, Ps 140‐142
1 Sam 25‐27
Ps 17, Ps 35, Ps 54, Ps 63
1 Sam 28‐31, Ps 18
Ps 121, Ps 123‐125, Ps 128‐130

Day 7: 2 Sam 1‐4
Ps 6, Ps 8‐10, Ps 14, Ps 16, Ps 19,
Ps 21
1 Chr 1‐2
Ps 43‐45, Ps 49, Ps 84‐85, Ps 87
1 Chr 3‐5
Ps 73, Ps 77‐78
1 Chr 6
Ps 81, Ps 88, Ps 92‐93
1 Chr 7‐10
Ps 102‐104

Day 8: 2 Sam 5:1‐10, 1 Chr 11‐12
Ps 133
Ps 106‐107
2 Sam 5:11‐6:23, 1 Chr 13‐16
Ps 1‐2, Ps 15, Ps 22‐24, Ps 47, Ps 68
Ps 89, Ps 96, Ps 100, Ps 101, Ps 105,
Ps 132
2 Sam 7, 1 Chr 17
Ps 25, Ps 29, Ps 33, Ps 36, Ps 39
2 Sam 8‐9, 1 Chr 18
Ps 50, Ps 53, Ps 60, Ps 75
2 Sam 10, 1 Chr 19, Ps 20
Ps 65‐67, Ps 69‐70
2 Sam 11‐12, 1 Chr 20
Ps 32, Ps 51, Ps 86, Ps 122
2 Sam 13‐15

Day 9:Ps 3‐4, Ps 12‐13, Ps 28, Ps 55
2 Sam 16‐18
Ps 26, Ps 40, Ps 58, Ps 61‐62, Ps 64
2 Sam 19‐21
Ps 5, Ps 38, Ps 41‐42
2 Sam 22‐23, Ps 57
Ps 95, Ps 97‐99
2 Sam 24, 1 Chr 21‐22, Ps 30
Ps 108‐110
1 Chr 23‐25
Ps 131, Ps 138‐139, Ps 143‐145
1 Chr 26‐29, Ps 127
Ps 111‐118
1 Kgs 1‐2, Ps 37, Ps 71, Ps 94
Ps 119:1‐88

Day 10: 1 Kgs 3‐4, 2 Chr 1, Ps 72
Ps 119:89‐176
Sng 1‐8
Prov 1‐24
1 Kgs 5‐6, 2 Chr 2‐3
1 Kgs 7, 2 Chr 4
1 Kgs 8, 2 Chr 5
2 Chr 6‐7, Ps 136
Ps 134, Ps 146‐150

Day 11:1 Kgs 9, 2 Chr 8
Prov 25‐29
Eccl 1‐12
1 Kgs 10‐11, 2 Chr 9
Prov 30‐31
1 Kgs 12‐14
2 Chr 10‐12
1 Kgs 15:1‐24, 2 Chr 13‐16
1 Kgs 15:25‐16:34, 2 Chr 17
1 Kgs 17‐19
1 Kgs 20‐21
1 Kgs 22, 2 Chr 18
2 Chr 19‐23

Day 12: Obad 1, Ps 82‐83
2 Kgs 1‐13
2 Chr 24
2 Kgs 14, 2 Chr 25
Jonah 1‐4
2 Kgs 15, 2 Chr 26
Isa 1‐8
Amos 1‐9
2 Chr 27, Isa 9‐12
Mic 1‐7
2 Chr 28, 2 Kgs 16‐17

Day 13: Isa 13‐27
2 Kgs 18:1‐8, 2 Chr 29‐31, Ps 48
Hos 1‐14
Isa 28‐39
Ps 76
Isa 40‐48
2 Kgs 18:9‐19:37, Ps 46, Ps 80, Ps 135
Isa 49‐63

Day 14: Isa 64‐66
2 Kgs 20‐21
2 Chr 32‐33
Nahum 1‐3
2 Kgs 22‐23, 2 Chr 34‐35
Zeph 1‐3
Jer 1‐31

Day 15:Jer 32‐40
Ps 74, Ps 79
2 Kgs 24‐25, 2 Chr 36
Hab 1‐3
Jer 41‐52
Lam 1-5
Ezek 1‐17

Day 16:Ezek 18‐48
Joel 1‐3
Dan 1‐6

Day 17:Dan 7‐12
Ezra 1‐6
Ps 137
Hag 1‐2
Zech 1‐14
Est 1‐10
Ezra 7‐10
Neh 1‐13
Ps 126
Mal 1‐4

Day 18: Luke 1, John 1:1‐14
Matt 1, Luke 2:1‐38
Matt 2, Luke 2:39‐52
Matt 3, Mark 1, Luke 3
Matt 4, Luke 4‐5, John 1:15‐51
John 2‐4
Mark 2
John 5
Matt 12:1‐21, Mark 3, Luke 6
Matt 5‐7
Matt 8:1‐13, Luke 7
Matt 11
Matt 12:22‐50, Luke 11
Matt 13, Luke 8
Matt 8:14‐34, Mark 4‐5

Day 19: Matt 9‐10
Matt 14, Mark 6, Luke 9:1‐17
John 6
Matt 15, Mark 7
Matt 16, Mark 8, Luke 9:18‐27
Matt 17, Mark 9, Luke 9:28‐62
Matt 18
John 7‐8
John 9:1‐10:21
Luke 10‐11, John 10:22‐42
Luke 12‐15
Luke 16‐17:10, John 11
Luke 17:11‐18:14
Matt 19, Mark 10

Day 20: Matt 20‐21
Luke 18:15‐19:48
Mark 11, John 12
Matt 22, Mark 12
Matt 23, Luke 20‐21
Mark 13
Matt 24
Matt 25
Matt 26, Mark 14
Luke 22, John 13
John 14‐17
Matt 27, Mark 15
Luke 23, John 18‐19
Matt 28, Mark 16
Luke 24, John 20‐21

Day 21: Acts 1‐14
Jas 1‐5
Acts 15‐16
Gal 1‐6
Acts 17‐18:18
1 Thes 1‐5, 2 Thes 1‐3
Acts 18:19‐19:41
1 Cor 1‐8

Day 22: 1 Cor 9‐16
2 Cor 1‐13
Acts 20:1‐3, Rom 1‐3
Rom 4‐16
Acts 20:4‐23:35
Acts 24‐26
Acts 27‐28
Col 1‐4, Phm 1

Day 23: Eph 1‐6
Phil 1‐4
1 Tim 1‐6
Titus 1‐3
1 Pet 1‐5
Heb 1‐13

Day 24: 2 Tim 1‐4
2 Pet 1‐3, Jude 1
1 Jn 1‐5
2 Jn 1, 3 Jn 1
Rev 1‐22

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Love & Whales

The winning pizza!

I love my roomates <3

Jena putting her head in the water, trying to hear the whales sing!

This past week has been epic! We had our Valentine's Day party for the Furnace last Thursday. The kids had a pizza making contest & we played "name that love song". Jeremiah and I taught on Love, especially with regards to having purity in relationships. I loved teaching with someone else- to play off one of another and touch on things that one of us may have left out. As I studied and looked up passages on purity and love, I was really encouraged and challenged to be pure in my own life- am I honoring those around me? Am I all about their good and their best interest, or do I look to myself? (We based our talk out of Romans 12-14)

Then on friday, Brandon took Risa, Jena and i out on the Trilogy for a whale watch- so fun! We shared our hearts and our dreams for next year over Panda and melona bars ;)

Valentine's Day itself was amazing- I'm waiting for a photo to come through and then i will give you the whole story ;)
BUT! Wednesday morning Dave Case took us 4 girls out on his zodiac to whale watch- let me tell you! I have never been so close to whales before. They are so GINORMOUS and majestic. I loved hearing them sing to one another while the motor was turned off, and seeing them jump out of the water doing flips! We learned on our Trilogy tour that their tales are called "flukes" and their muscle in the middle of their back is called a "coddle pa-dunkle" which is the strongest muscle in the whole animal kingdom- amazing! (also extremely fun to say :)

Risa and I are still trucking through our 24 day reading through the bible's so much reading and yet so amazing to see God's amazing love, grace and mercy. Who am I that He would choose me and show such grace and tender love?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Time has been flying by! Whoo eee! What the past two weeks have entailed:

-housesitting with Risa- peaceful, big comfy bed and washer and dryer in the house! (revolutionary really!)
-french press coffee with Sarah and Risa every morning. I don't think I can ever go back to coffee form a coffee maker
-Reading the bible chronologically in 24 days- UH MAZING!
-studying Ephesians and leading my small group- your identity in Christ
-planning our Valentine's Night with the High Schoolers (it's tonight! Pizza making contest, love song competition, talk on purity with's going to be great!)
-Lahaina whale watching
-Leadership Summit with the pastors/leaders at church
-new job with Robin
-running on the beach
-babysitting the Smith kiddos- LOVE them with all my heart
-Auction and Mission trip planning-here we go!
-Superbowl party with the interns
-Learning how to live out Romans 12
-praying with faith, thankfulness and hope
-Renee and her family are coming to visit in a couple of weeks!!!!!

Here's some photos:
(I'm really trying to practice my photography skills. It's my secret dream to be a photographer:)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

With God all things are Possible

Just thought I'd share that I'm going to be working alongside Robin Jones Gunn!!!!!!! Oh my goodness I think it's just now hitting me! I'm going to be working part time, but helping her with organizing, replying to letters, the website, etc.
She came up to me a week and a half ago at Big Beach and asked if I knew anyone that can be her assistant and help her with all the things she needs to do- she really just wants to focus on writing, and needs help with all the other things. With puppy dog eyes I asked her if I could be that person, and she said "Oh my! I didn't even think you could because of your internship, but can you!?"
So after praying and talking to some people, it's a go! I can't believe it!
Last year when I was thinking of my absolute dream job, it was working for Beth Moore or Robin Jones Gunn, helping write bible studies. I emailed Beth Moore, but they only have volunteers. I thought it would be impossible with Robin.
"for nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37