Thursday, February 17, 2011

Love & Whales

The winning pizza!

I love my roomates <3

Jena putting her head in the water, trying to hear the whales sing!

This past week has been epic! We had our Valentine's Day party for the Furnace last Thursday. The kids had a pizza making contest & we played "name that love song". Jeremiah and I taught on Love, especially with regards to having purity in relationships. I loved teaching with someone else- to play off one of another and touch on things that one of us may have left out. As I studied and looked up passages on purity and love, I was really encouraged and challenged to be pure in my own life- am I honoring those around me? Am I all about their good and their best interest, or do I look to myself? (We based our talk out of Romans 12-14)

Then on friday, Brandon took Risa, Jena and i out on the Trilogy for a whale watch- so fun! We shared our hearts and our dreams for next year over Panda and melona bars ;)

Valentine's Day itself was amazing- I'm waiting for a photo to come through and then i will give you the whole story ;)
BUT! Wednesday morning Dave Case took us 4 girls out on his zodiac to whale watch- let me tell you! I have never been so close to whales before. They are so GINORMOUS and majestic. I loved hearing them sing to one another while the motor was turned off, and seeing them jump out of the water doing flips! We learned on our Trilogy tour that their tales are called "flukes" and their muscle in the middle of their back is called a "coddle pa-dunkle" which is the strongest muscle in the whole animal kingdom- amazing! (also extremely fun to say :)

Risa and I are still trucking through our 24 day reading through the bible's so much reading and yet so amazing to see God's amazing love, grace and mercy. Who am I that He would choose me and show such grace and tender love?


  1. Lyss can you send me your 24 day Bible read thru? That sounds amazing!

  2. You can't say Valentine's Day was amazing and not tell us why.... Inquiring minds want to know!
