Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blessings overflowing

today is one of the most beautiful days in maui yet! Just the right breeze with the beaming sun- God is so beautiful!
This morning we had our high school car wash to raise money for them to go to Winter Camp- it was a blast! It was so fun hanging out with the kids and serving together- and if you're a youth leader needing a fundraiser- shoots, car washes are the way to go! The kids that came earned almost all they needed! Praise the Lord! One girl named Kiana came- she has been coming the last month or so. She got kicked out of school and just started at Maui High. That same week she checked out Hope Chapel, hoping to meet a new crowd of friends to be with- please pray for her if you think of it. She is really sweet and teachable- I'm hoping I can get to know her and just love on her and that she comes to know Jesus. She definately comes from a difficult family life.

Yesterday morning I got to sleep in (fantastic!) and then had my green time at the church- I really am thankful for green time. I love being able to pray and think and worship- they added a couple of extra hours to all of our green times a week ago- and yes, the interns now have the privilege of cleaning all the bathrooms ;) On Monday I helped clean them with Steven and Glenn and make my life! It was so funny hearing them complain about the girl's bathrooms- apparently they're a lot worst than the guys, although I'm not so convinced. But the worst was the handicapped bathroom! We had to spray it down with deodarizing spray before we entered- whoo eee!

Tomorrow I'm having some girl's over for a girl's night! I can't tell you how much I love these kids- and how thankful I am that they want to spend time with me- what a joy and delight! I'm going to bake Chloe her birthday cake- confetti- I can't wait!

Also, on monday we interns are starting the P90X!!!! Whoot whoot!!! Watch out, soon I will be able to lift the same amount of weight as you! (just joking! only in my dreams)

Tonight Risa and I are going to make a hip hop video! haha We've been brainstorming gangsta' names all week...we realized you can just add "izzle" "money" and "dawg" to any initial and you're good to go!

Highlights of the week:
~sweet talks with Risa- how she makes me laugh!
~Michelle: what a cutie pie- I love spending time with her! I'm so thankful the Lord has put her in my life- she so loves our Lord and shines bright.
~walks in Wailea
~talks with mom- always an encouragement and so great to see God answering prayer
~Jeff: such a joy in my life; so thoughtful

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