Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter Camp!!!

2 days til Winter Camp!!! WHOOT WHOOT!!!
sorry for the lack of blogging! Life has been BUSY lately- we leave on Friday morning for Camp Keanae for winter camp with the high school students this friday! I'm so STOKED!!! It's out by Hana- so lush, beautiful cliffs and ocean views await :) But what I'm most excited about is to spend time with the kids- laugh with them, play games, worship together and hopefully have heart to hearts- So if you guys could be praying this week and weekend for our time there that would be so wonderful!!!
prayer requests:
Strength and wisdom for both Brandon and I as we plan and prepare
No clicks! Kids would feel welcome and loved- make lifelong friends
The kids' hearts would be open and ready to draw near to the Lord- that this would be a weekend in their lives that's a turning point- salvation, encouragement, fall in love with Jesus and live for Him alone

Needs of kids:
~a lot of kids are coming who are lonely and don't have a close knit group of friends- fearful
~kids who are lukewarm- on the edge- could follow the Lord and be such amazing leaders in the church or could fall into the world
~a lot of new believers
~a lot of kids who come from broken homes or unsaved homes

Kids by name on my heart:
~Cassi: depressed, needs friends
~Shekinah: on the fence
~Makenze and Riley: so nervous, don't really know people outside of each other
~Kiana: not sure if she's saved, comes from really tough home

Thank you so much for your prayers!!! I can't wait to tell you all about it!!!!
Theme for camp: Loser's Win- Matt. 16:25 "For whoever would save his life for my sake will find it. "- Jesus

Personal level:
-i saw whales yesterday at Wailea flipping and waving to eachother!!! INCREDIBLE! They were just praising and delighting in their Creator!
-I caught my first gecko today for Brody- yes, Brandon has taught me well!!! haha I put it in a ziplock bag and laid it on Brandon's desk- he was quite excited- we decided it needs to be a requirement for Brandon's future interns "able to catch geckos" :)
-The Lord has been sifting me and changing me and teaching me- the past 7 or so days have been t-o-u-g-h and heartbreaking at times- however, I praise God for his wisdom and counsel- truly He disciplines us for our good- and I can honestly praise God in these little storms- I've been brought low, humbled, and more in love with Jesus than before. He is just drawing me nearer to Him- sweetly broken. And I praise Him for His grace washed over me, for His unending love, and for blessing me with my parents, Brandon and Amy, Risa, Stephanie Kim, and Jeff~ praise our sweet Lord for the body of Christ!!!

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