Monday, February 1, 2010

Winter Camp

Camp Keanae

beautiful-LOSE YOUR LIFE TO GAIN YOUR SOUL- unity-hearts hungry for God-ridiculous loser costumes- dodgeball-steal the bacon-kanjabi-Ching's pond-worship-bonfire-hide n' seek-Deathstar-Hokipa-laughter-joy-labor in love-REJOICE-peace-I wouldn't want to be anywhere else doing anything else

This past weekend was so fun! We went up to Camp Keanae in Hana- it was stunning! The camp is on the point, overlooking the cliffs and ocean. Ben talked about Matt. 16:25- how we are called to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Him. The kids really grabbed hold of it's truth and it was neat to talk about it during small groups- for them to be challenged to get rid of things in their lives that aren't honoring to Him, and to live in surrender- to live a radical life for HIM because He gave it all for them-
The girl's in my group were wonderful! I so loved hanging out with them- Hope blew me away with how she so loves the Lord and really is living for HIM- and she's only a freshman! Riley and Mac came, who were also freshman, and took a real leap of faith to come because they didn't know anyone else. Jessica was in my group- and I actually have been intimidated by her all year because she's just one of those really cool girls, but I LOVED getting to know her! Everything she said just made me want to pee my pants she was so funny- and then Kiana came! PRAISE GOD! She didn't show up when we left, and when I called she said her mom had grounded her, but then Friday night her mom drove her all the way to the camp! It was so neat to hear her open up a bit- how she really does see a difference in us Christians and how she feels so loved and welcomed- please pray for her. After one of the sessions she had tears running down her face, esp. after we talked about how God is our Father- but our perfect Father, who fights for us, loves us, protects us, provides for us and is always there.

The highlight of the weekend though was our seminars- we had guys/girls purity, Lord vs. Savior, evangelism and then I got to teach on time with the Lord and bible study. My group met at the cottage overlooking the ocean, and the first group I had was just 4 girls, and we sat on the deck. It was the sweetest time to hear these girl's hearts hunger after God and be so teachable to know how to study the Word of God- I wouldn't have wanted to teach on anything else- it was so sweet!

Another highlight was hearing two girls come talk to me and ask me to pray for them- to hear their hearts and what they're struggling with- and how they both want to just want more of the Lord and live for HIM alone- what sweethearts.
Thank you for your prayers- I can't tell you what a joy it is to serve the Lord and love on these kids


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