Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Way to go Starbuck's! Today I popped on in to our starbucks across the street (have i mentioned that we have one across the street!? Oh yes! How I love it here) and I noticed that they made Valentine's cups for this week! I was so thrilled, I almost ordered a drink just to have a cup! haha Way to go corporate :)

Other random things:
-I think I'm leaning towards liking black licorice
-If I could be in any commerical, I would want to advertise fresh squeezed orange juice! There's no better way to start your day :)
-Nene can feel baby Wallstrom kicking!! a-mazing!

Valentine's Day is coming up! I like this holiday because it reminds me of the precious gift of LOVE. The Love of our Faithful Lord, the love of family, friends, the body of Christ- I've been reading through 1 John the last week and I'm amazed at how God loves us- so sweetly, faithfully, and graciously. We can love because HE FIRST LOVED US. GOD IS LOVE. God has poured out His love into our hearts! Love is Light- when I think of how the Lord loves me- with steadfastness, joy, forgiveness, patience, GRACE-I am so humbled- Lord may I fall in LOVE with YOU and may I love others as You so love me- Also! Michelle spent the night last Saturday night and I was so blessed by her. Towards the end of the night I was tired and wanted to just pop in a movie and fall asleep, but she sat on the couch and asked me how I truly was doing- what a sweet pie!- and then we had a really good heart to heart. She amazes me! I am so thankful for her honesty and openeness with me, and how she asks about me and speaks truth into my heart. She encouraged me to just tell people what's on my heart- even if I'm upset or confused or disappointed- to have open, honest, humble communication- the Lord is showing me how I need to be more vulnerable and honest- that it won't be perfect, and it's true that I don't have it all together! Oh Lord, forgive my self-righteousness. Praise Him for the body of Christ- for pointing us to truth.

Love to you all! Happy tuesday-

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