Thursday, February 11, 2010

Favorite quote from Brody yesterday:
(after telling me that he caught a gecko at preschool)
Alyssa "Hey Brody, would you ever want to BE a gecko?"
Brody "NO! I don't want to live in a jar!"
The Lord's mercies are new every morning- this morning I woke up so excited to spend time with Him! Praise the Lord- that only comes from Him. I enjoyed reading Ps. 91 from my new ESV study bible!!! :) My favorite was v. 14- the Lord has SET HIS HEART to love us- I love that! He is determined, faithful, gave us a promise, does not lie, & planned it out.
I then went running on the path at Wailea- the waves were kickn' today. 9am rolled around and Risa and I drove to church, where we proceeded to sit in the van for a half hour talking, and then decided we both wanted starbucks, so we drove over there and got their valentine's cups!!! THANK YOU PAPA GOD

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