Friday, February 19, 2010

Why Risa is one of my besties:
(besides the fact that she loves the Lord with her whole heart, is so encouraging, listens, cares, is compassionate and makes me pee my pants with laughter...)
idea of an ideal girl's afternoon while in Waikiki: Sunbathe on the beach, sleep, read Romans 4, then get take out at Outback (mmmm...delicious chicken grilled sandwich with FRENCH FRIES!!!) and take it back to our hotel room :) aw, yes. STRAIGHT UP GENIUS!

Ps Praise the Lord for appetites! I was SO SICK this past sick...and have been nauteous for 6 days...but today, my appetite is in full swing, and I don't think food has ever tasted so good!

Post more later about my time in Honolulu with two of my loves ;)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Favorite quote from Brody yesterday:
(after telling me that he caught a gecko at preschool)
Alyssa "Hey Brody, would you ever want to BE a gecko?"
Brody "NO! I don't want to live in a jar!"
The Lord's mercies are new every morning- this morning I woke up so excited to spend time with Him! Praise the Lord- that only comes from Him. I enjoyed reading Ps. 91 from my new ESV study bible!!! :) My favorite was v. 14- the Lord has SET HIS HEART to love us- I love that! He is determined, faithful, gave us a promise, does not lie, & planned it out.
I then went running on the path at Wailea- the waves were kickn' today. 9am rolled around and Risa and I drove to church, where we proceeded to sit in the van for a half hour talking, and then decided we both wanted starbucks, so we drove over there and got their valentine's cups!!! THANK YOU PAPA GOD

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Way to go Starbuck's! Today I popped on in to our starbucks across the street (have i mentioned that we have one across the street!? Oh yes! How I love it here) and I noticed that they made Valentine's cups for this week! I was so thrilled, I almost ordered a drink just to have a cup! haha Way to go corporate :)

Other random things:
-I think I'm leaning towards liking black licorice
-If I could be in any commerical, I would want to advertise fresh squeezed orange juice! There's no better way to start your day :)
-Nene can feel baby Wallstrom kicking!! a-mazing!

Valentine's Day is coming up! I like this holiday because it reminds me of the precious gift of LOVE. The Love of our Faithful Lord, the love of family, friends, the body of Christ- I've been reading through 1 John the last week and I'm amazed at how God loves us- so sweetly, faithfully, and graciously. We can love because HE FIRST LOVED US. GOD IS LOVE. God has poured out His love into our hearts! Love is Light- when I think of how the Lord loves me- with steadfastness, joy, forgiveness, patience, GRACE-I am so humbled- Lord may I fall in LOVE with YOU and may I love others as You so love me- Also! Michelle spent the night last Saturday night and I was so blessed by her. Towards the end of the night I was tired and wanted to just pop in a movie and fall asleep, but she sat on the couch and asked me how I truly was doing- what a sweet pie!- and then we had a really good heart to heart. She amazes me! I am so thankful for her honesty and openeness with me, and how she asks about me and speaks truth into my heart. She encouraged me to just tell people what's on my heart- even if I'm upset or confused or disappointed- to have open, honest, humble communication- the Lord is showing me how I need to be more vulnerable and honest- that it won't be perfect, and it's true that I don't have it all together! Oh Lord, forgive my self-righteousness. Praise Him for the body of Christ- for pointing us to truth.

Love to you all! Happy tuesday-

Saturday, February 6, 2010

~Today was a Wonderful Day~

Oh Saturdays, how I love thee! I got to hang out with the love of my life- Brookey- this morning! Amy said she was so excited to hang out with us that she even put on her Hello Kitty lipstick! She came over to our hacienda and we watched cartoons and painted her nails. Then Risa, Jena and I took her to GAP and the beach! Haha- oh my goodness! She and I ran into the waves together with her big floaties and had a blast wading through all the waves- she was a stud! And loved every moment of it- oh! melt my heart! I could have spent the entire day with this sweet petunia- i really can't wait to have kids! one day...I always crack up when Risa talks about having kids and how they're going to be her "little sidekicks"- well, after today I finally get it! I can't wait to have a sidekick around to live life with, love on and teach. Here's some photos of our day together

Friday, February 5, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Winter Camp

Camp Keanae

beautiful-LOSE YOUR LIFE TO GAIN YOUR SOUL- unity-hearts hungry for God-ridiculous loser costumes- dodgeball-steal the bacon-kanjabi-Ching's pond-worship-bonfire-hide n' seek-Deathstar-Hokipa-laughter-joy-labor in love-REJOICE-peace-I wouldn't want to be anywhere else doing anything else

This past weekend was so fun! We went up to Camp Keanae in Hana- it was stunning! The camp is on the point, overlooking the cliffs and ocean. Ben talked about Matt. 16:25- how we are called to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Him. The kids really grabbed hold of it's truth and it was neat to talk about it during small groups- for them to be challenged to get rid of things in their lives that aren't honoring to Him, and to live in surrender- to live a radical life for HIM because He gave it all for them-
The girl's in my group were wonderful! I so loved hanging out with them- Hope blew me away with how she so loves the Lord and really is living for HIM- and she's only a freshman! Riley and Mac came, who were also freshman, and took a real leap of faith to come because they didn't know anyone else. Jessica was in my group- and I actually have been intimidated by her all year because she's just one of those really cool girls, but I LOVED getting to know her! Everything she said just made me want to pee my pants she was so funny- and then Kiana came! PRAISE GOD! She didn't show up when we left, and when I called she said her mom had grounded her, but then Friday night her mom drove her all the way to the camp! It was so neat to hear her open up a bit- how she really does see a difference in us Christians and how she feels so loved and welcomed- please pray for her. After one of the sessions she had tears running down her face, esp. after we talked about how God is our Father- but our perfect Father, who fights for us, loves us, protects us, provides for us and is always there.

The highlight of the weekend though was our seminars- we had guys/girls purity, Lord vs. Savior, evangelism and then I got to teach on time with the Lord and bible study. My group met at the cottage overlooking the ocean, and the first group I had was just 4 girls, and we sat on the deck. It was the sweetest time to hear these girl's hearts hunger after God and be so teachable to know how to study the Word of God- I wouldn't have wanted to teach on anything else- it was so sweet!

Another highlight was hearing two girls come talk to me and ask me to pray for them- to hear their hearts and what they're struggling with- and how they both want to just want more of the Lord and live for HIM alone- what sweethearts.
Thank you for your prayers- I can't tell you what a joy it is to serve the Lord and love on these kids
