Monday, April 12, 2010

miss fix it...or not!

i love the little things that happen in life that you just have to laugh at!
A couple of days ago, Risa and I's toilet stopped working! It just wouldn't flush no matter how long you held down that handle. On Saturday we told Jena- and mentioned how we're using her bathroom :)- and she said, "well, did you try opening the top and pulling the string?" Risa and I looked at each other and laughed and then went into the bathroom to try and see if that worked- and it did! But not permanently, so we played with it a bit more (actually risa did and i just watched and encouraged!) when the whole string broke off and fell into the abiss of water! Ah well...all we have to do is call the main office and they'll fix it, it's just a matter of calling! But in the meantime, we are toiletless...
then, last night as we were on our slushi quest 2010 for pina colada ones (which we found right away! yum!) we were talking about flat tires and I mentioned that that's my worst nightmare and that I've never had one...I wouldn't even know what to do if it happened! Well, sure enough as I hopped in the van this morning to make my 8:30 am apt. I noticed that the car was running terribly and there was a terrible sound. However, I just blasted the music because our vans usually run poorly...haha, but then i realized that no, something really was wrong. I thought it might be the axil again (we had to take it in last week- it was making the worst noise!) so I just kept driving. When I reached the highway, I thought to myself "Well, I'll just go fast to see if the noise stops" But the van could hardly make 30mphs! It was bad sauce. I was just praying to make it to church...i knew it wasn't going to make it though. Finally, a guy pulls up besides me (As everyone else is passing me) and tells me to pull over- and it was then that I realized I had a flat tire! YEP- A FLAT TIRE! haha Now, this summer I remember asking my dad what to do if I ever got a flat tire and his exact words were "Oh honey, just use your womanly wiles and you'll be good- and then call me!" haha oh papa- well, i'm looking at this flat tire, thinking of my meeting, and that the church really isn't that far off- and thinking of how Jena told me when she got a flat tire last year and drove her car all the way across the I-90 bridge and to I thought "surely I can make it to the church- if Jena can do it, I can!" SO I hopped back into the van and drove...slowly- finally, as I was turning to get on the street of the church, I realized there's no way I can go any further. So I pulled over, and walked to church- making it just in time! I called the faithful Jake Spence, and he told me he'd fix it. Praise the Lord! But as I walked back out to the van to put the key in the car, Brandon pulled up and asked what happened- then as I was telling him the story, we both looked at the was in threads! I mean- THREADS- Not just a little blown out of deflated- but you could see the strings holding it together! OH BUDDY!
Praise the Lord Jake got it fixed- and I learned a lesson! When having a flat tire, don't proceed to drive on it!

On a serious note though, it was a neat lesson because Craig had just talked about Matt. 6 yesterday at church about not worrying- but trusting in God, He is our heavenly Papa, Sovereign- and when we trust in Him we have peace and it glorifies Him. He said we can trust in Him because He is our Father- he takes care of us. I wasn't worried at all with the flat tire this morning because I knew I could call Jake and he would take care of me and fix it. And then when Brandon came up- he was so sweet to see what happened and offered to help. Even last night, both Tylan and Jeremiah offered to fix our toilet- or told us what to do-
1. I love that men love to fix things- and problem solve
2. I realized I am not a fix it person! I just let it happen...oh dear!
3. Just as those men helped me- so my Papa helps me and takes care of me. I am so thankful that I can rely on Him fully and rest because He is in control!

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