Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pictures are coming soon! Sorry, I've just been lazy to upload! But get ready for some Hana and Easter photos:) and my adorable high school girls!
Today was wonderful- so restful! I helped Jena clean the children's building with my weekly vacuuming (which has been great- I get to listen to sermons as I work out my arms! haha no but really, if you want strong arms- don't go to the gym, just vacuum for 2 hours! shoots!) I listened to John Piper's sermon from the Resolved Conference in 2008 on hell- it was so good! But guess what I realized today!? When Jesus died on the cross, He not only bore the wrath of God for our sins- our sins yesterday, today and tomorrow- but for eternity! I never realized that before- and He did so for millions upon millions upon millions of people- the cross itself is excruciating, but Jesus bearing the wrath of God for eternity is what makes it so incredible.

After vacuuming, I ran the path at Wailea, talked with Jeff- HE'S COMING TO MAUI IN MAY!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING- and read more of "Shadow of the Almighty". Then I took a glorious nap and went on a coffee date with Michelle- i love her! I didn't even realize how much time had passed, I was enjoying talking with her so much. Then we had our girl's bible study tonight- we're going through "How do you walk the walk you talk?" by Kay Arthur- it's on Ephesians- which I love!

Oh dear! I just realized I need to start and finish our intern evaluation! ah! Night!

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