Saturday, April 17, 2010


Today was wonderful- restful and homey.

I woke up, drank my lemon-medicated tea, which made my throat feel like a soft pillow!- (i'm trying to be poetic...still need work!), had breakfast at Starbuck's and met the highschool girls for hula. We're learning a hula dance to "City on our Knees" for our auction on May 16th- it was so fun! I love those girls with my whole heart! I am so thankful for the group of kids the Lord has chosen to go on our missions trip- they're studs! I just love spending time with them.

Then I went shopping with Christy- I loved driving all the way to town (haha, it seems so far! 20 min...this isn't the mainland!) and just talking with her. I'm so thankful for Christy. I love her openess, excitement for life and her discerment and wisdom. Then I worked on a little project and went to Jamie's to see her and Rio get ready for Senior Luau tonight! whoot whoot! Jamie is just like her mom! I love it- and I loved being there for their photos...driving away I thought "now this feels like home" I guess just being in a home with a family, taking the day slower- not really having to be anywhere. It was wonderful- I am learning to just be, and not necessarily do, this week.
Well, having the car today and not having anything to do, I drove to Wailea and shopped some more (I know! more shopping!). I took Kihei road back to watch the ocean- ah! I still can't believe I live right on the ocean- grocery stored-it up, and got Jamba for dinner.
Now, I have to admit, I have a problem! I am officially addicted to Jamba Juice- I've had like 6 in the past two weeks! So I am making a vow right to not have one at least until the auction...actually, until May 10th...that's more realistic! But I did get the acai primo bowl- ah! acai smoothy, granola, bananas, blueberries, coconut, and honey- truly, nothing is better! Do you ever love a food so much that you sigh after every bite!? haha...well yes, that's me and the taste like Maui in my mouth!

I'm thankful for the restful, slow day today, especially after a week of being sick and feeling really out of it- and for the girls God has blessed in my life-

OH! I didn't tell you my week- well it went super fast, Risa left for Brazil, and I got surgery! (I kind of like saying that because I've never had surgery before- well i did get my wisdom teeth out...but somewhere other than my mouth). I had to get a mole and cyst removed on my back- Dr. Baker from South Carolina (now say that with a southern accent!) did the procedure. At first the nurse brought me into the surgery room- and I saw a big hawaiian man lying down with his girlfriend laying on top of his chest, comforting him as he wimpered...and I saw a bloody foot...oh buddy! I almost passed out right there! Thankfully the nurse led me back to the other room- and to be honest, the surgery was fascinating to me. Dr. Baker numbed both areas so I didn't feel anything. The cyst I had had forever and I guess what happens is that your pores can get clogged up- but it still produces the oil- so he just took it out (it was like a big wax ball) and stitched me up! Sorry, that's probably so gross! The whole time I thought of Risa and how she would have loved to have been there-she loves medical things! (Her papa's a doctor)

Also, our toilet still isn't fixed! Oh buddy!

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