Monday, September 13, 2010

Risa and I with our PACKED van for the beach baptism!
Jena and I at Big Beach
Dinner at this beautiful home at Makena Beach with the staff

Shell finding at Bigs
Beach Baptism!! LOVE THIS DAY!

Sorry I haven't written in quite some time- a lot has been going on! I'm not quite sure where to begin-so i guess i'll just give you a run down :)

-home was amazing- so restful, healing and just a delight. God poured out His gracious love on me. Highlights: praying and processing with my mama, camping trip with my pops, seeing nene and baby violet!, visiting Caitlin and Nick at the airport, cherry pie!, coffee with Danice, and panera with my sweet Olga.

-meeting the new interns! We have one new girl, Lisa who is just a doll. She's from Michigan "don't ya know" and loves people and africa. She grew up on a maple farm! (how cool is that!?) We girls just adore her- she's such a blessing. Then we have 3 new guys: Blake (children's ministry, from Texas), Martin (young adult's, from Georgia) and Ryan (junior high, Texas). YES! We have some southern boys indeed :) I love it- I love how close the guys are getting too! We girls will come over to hang out and they'll be sitting down drinking tea together- haha! I'm really excited for our group- they just all really love the Lord and are hungry to know Him more.

-the moment I landed, I hit the ground running! They threw me a party at the Cove (surfing spot) for youth group- it was so sweet. Brandon had me sit on a cooler and had the kids and leaders share encouraging words about me and then Brandon gave me a word- that his prayer for me is from Eph.6- that I will rely on the Lord this year fully and depend upon His strength. (Which was such a blessing- the exact prayer I need and exactly what i feel like God is teaching me)

-Samantha, a junior, asked me to go to coffee with her last week (of course! only my FAVORITE thing to do!!!) and she shared with me how she wanted to rededicate her life to Christ- she's so hungry for him and longs to be "pleasing in His sight"!!! Oh man, this was the coolest thing ever! How sweet it was- I felt so blessed to be able to be with her and share some scripture with her and pray with her- to hear her surrender to the Lord and long for Him. My heart was completely overjoyed. There's is nothing sweeter than being a part of God's work- what a joy and delight it is!!!

-I turned 23!!! And it was the best birthday ever! Really it was a whole birthday weekend- friday-monday! Friday night the interns threw me a surprise party (i had NO idea!) which included balloon animals, carrot cake, a princess balloon and card, and my sweet sweet friends. Saturday Risa and i went to the Marriott with our starbuck's drinks and read our bibles as we overlooked the ocean, heard the pool waterfall behind us, and birds chirping all around- ah! The sweetest morning ever. Then we had a sunset cruise that night :) I got sick, but that's okay- it was still so sweet to be there. Sunday we went over to Jake's for homemade chili and football and then over to Leslie's for my girl's birthday night! We had delicious food and I got to spend the evening some of the dearest girl's in my life- Risa, Jena, Lisa, Leslie, Amy and Jill. Amy got me my first kitchen good- a apple pie pan but it's so cute! It's martha stewart, red, and has the apple pie recipe in it- oh! words can't do it justice- it's so adorable! Then tonight, two of my high schoolers took me out to sushi with their parents- so fun!!! They go all out!
Anyways, it was just the sweetest birthday. God's love overwhelmed me and i was so humbled at His and other's love.

-I've been learning a lot and really drawing closer to the Lord. I love Him so much. My prayer for this year is that He will be my best friend and my choice Love. I long to adore Him and give Him the worship and praise that He is so worthy of.
-Also, I am so thankful to be in Maui. It really has become home to me. Hope Chapel is my family- I LOVE my family here and the church body. And I praise the Lord for that because i have been so homesick this summer, but really I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I love the high schoolers, my friends and family here, Maui itself- and I LOVE what I do. It's certainly not always paradise- but I love it and know God has me here for His good purpose- He truly has given me the desire of my heart.

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