Friday, August 28, 2009


I'm here! I'm still in shock i think- i flew in yesterday afternoon and just am humbled and so thankful at God's gracious love and for how He comforted my heart. My mom took me to the airport yesterday bright and early and we got to sit and talk over coffee for an hour before i left, which is our favorite thing to do! That's what i miss the most whenever i go away ~ coffee dates with my mom. BUT! I got to be bumped up to first class and sat next to this man who looked like the evil one on "Enchanted"- the one with the big eyes who tries to get the princess to eat the apple! haha He wasn't evil at all though- super nice. Flying into Maui it was so cloudy, you couldn't see anything. But then right when the clouds broke open, the island appeared- lush and green- and this hug rainbow! It was the most incredible thing I've ever seen! And so of the Lord- it was as if He was saying "Welcome Alyssa- don't worry, you are in my hands and I will never leave you"
The youth pastor Brandon and his wife Amy and their new baby picked me up from the airport with a pink lei of plumeria! That's all i was hoping for! And let me tell you, i'm convinced that's what heaven is going to smell like~
we went to Paia, the hippy town, for lunch and got fish burgers which was maybe the best thing i've ever put in my mouth! And then we got gelato- it was just such a blessing being with them. I absolutely love them both- and their three adorable kids- and feel so at home with them. They drove me around the island a bit- in Brandon's convertible jeep (my dream car!).

Last night, we had youth group- the Furnance- and they had a welcoming beach party for me! I was really nervous to meet the kids, fearing that they wouldn't like me- but they were the most welcoming bunch of kids i've ever been around. All the girls came up and introduced themselves and were so talkative and excited for this next year. Eden, one of the girls, kept saying she can't wait to have girl time! Girl, I am so up for that! They even had a hula for me last night too~
I can't wait to get to know them more.
The only bad thing was that my rainbow flip flops (or slippers as they call them here) got stolen at the beach- i guess rainbows are a hot commodity here- but that's totally okay! But, if you ever come to hawaii, know not to leave your slippers behind!

Then today we had intern training and we all have our own desks and little offices! crazy- and the church is awesome! The staff are so welcoming, and our head pastor Craig is a big teddy bear- he's taking us surfing tomorrow!

I love and miss you all~ grace and peace

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