Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sweet Friendship

Today was sweet! I love how God reunites friends- My dear sister Stacey is getting married (!!!!!) on Saturday so today a bunch of us girlies who all grew up in the same youth group helped set up for the wedding. (And may I say it's going to be GORGEOUS! That Dory Green is INCREDIBLE!) I was so encouraged by Stacey, the bride-to-be; for her gentle heart and her excitement to marry the man that we have all prayed for and dreamed of who he was going to be for years! My favorite was hearing her whisper to her mama a couple of times throughout today, "Mom, I'm getting married!!" And then her cute squeel...

Oh! And my mama treated me to a pedicure today, which was fantastic! We only go on special occassions and we always go to the same place- so for prom, high school graduation, our family vacay to Mexico, college, and now me going to Hawaii and for the sake of my mom's toes not seeing much sunlight after August...
i love sitting in those big massage chairs and having girl talk with my most precious mother!

OH! But I almost forgot the BEST part of the day...and that was this morning . I woke up early this morning and so my mom and I sat out in the living room reading our bibles with of guessed it! Our big mugs of coffee :) Then towards the end, we got to talk about what we're learning from our Proverbs study, and it was soooo sweet! I can't even tell you. I just love hearing what the Lord shows my mom and the insight she has. We were talking about friendship in Proverbs...(Lord I love you! That was a theme throughout today!!!) and one of the verses talks about not being close friends with one who sings songs to a heavy heart. I never really knew what that meant- I always took it literal! But my mom was saying it's not being sensitive, caring, or thoughtful to someone's burdens and heartache- for not weeping when they weep- we need to have compassion and a tender heart.

A sweet day for sure!

I'll post more about hawaii a little later- but! Let's just say I will be on the beach of Maui this time next week- CRAZY!

1 comment:

  1. reading this made me smile. :)

    i miss you alyssa...and i'm excited for what God is doing with this next step of your life. hanny and i were talking about you the other day and wondering why we couldn't have gotten jobs at churches in hawaii too...but tulsa is where God has put us and we're both excited about what He's doing there...
