Monday, August 17, 2009

This weekend my parents and I went to good ol' Spokampton (Spokane!) to visit my grandparent's. I forgot how beautiful Washington is- the whole way over and back I was mezmerized at God's beauty- there were billions of trees and beautiful mountains and lakes- God is an amazing Creator! It was so good to see my grandparent's- I wish we could have stayed longer. Here's the weekend in a nutshell:

1. Wolfy's (50's diner) for lunch- they gave me one of my grandmother's books that she had written in from the 1800's- the book, not my grandmother! I couldn't love anything more- i greatly admire and love my Grandmother Shirley, even though I never got to meet her. She died when my mom was 19. She was a woman after God's very heart, who spent her life sharing the gospel and discipling women.
2. The best nap of my life!
3. Looked around at Mel's (cutest furniture shop) with my mom and dreamed of what we could do to our home.
4. fell in love with sweet onions at dinner :)
5. watched "Amazing wedding cakes" with mom- and they were amazing!

1. coffee and bible reading!!! my absolute favorite thing in the world!
2. ran
3. church
4. took my grandma to see "Julie & Julia"- SO ADORABLE! It made me real hungry :) And it inspired me to write on this here blog
5. Found out that one of my old roomates is dating a boy and couldn't be more overjoyed for the two of them ;)
6. talked with my dad and mom for awhile as we piled on my bed before going to sleep

1. breakfast with the fam
drove home...
and realized that I need to rely on and trust the Lord much more than I do- everything I have and all that I am is because of Him.

" Thank you Jesus for providing for my every need and for your steadfast love and patience. Thank you for changing me to be more like You- may I be a sweet reflection of You."

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