Friday, November 27, 2009

As I'm sitting at work, chewing on some Bazooka bubblegum (!!!! I haven't had this since soccer practice when I was in 7th grade-mmmmm:) I realized I should update my blog~ however, I have to go soon so I thought I would just tell a little tale of today~

So I was cleaning for my green time today, which I really love actually, and I was in the back bathroom in the sanctuary- yes, I do get the privilege of scrubbing a toilet once a week! But I was sweeping the floor, and moved the plunger, to see this GINORMOUS- did I say GINORMOUS!?-cochroach, just lying there, dead as a doornail. (is that the right saying!?) AHHH!!!! Now, I must admit that I have only killed one cochroach since I've been here- and it was little and really in defense of Amy and Brookey. So I did a little dance, got tons of paper towels and then realized I could just sweep it up in the dust pan. BUT STILL! I actually got really nauteous haha!

I'll write later about this past week- love you all!

This weekend:
church tonight!
Graffiti clean up with the kids
little boys' (twins) birthday- turning 2!
working in the nursery- yes!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Lord is Gracious and Compassionate

Time flies here! I can't get over it! My heart is full this morning; I don't even know where to begin... well, i guess the beginning is always good :)

Tuesday's small group was so sweet! 4 girls came!! Sofia, Michelle's friend who is a catholic, came back, which was an answer to prayer! And Sheqina came back- which is such a blessing from the Lord. The first time she came I was honestly intimidated by her, and when I was getting ready on Tuesday morning for small groups I thought of her, and prayed that she'd come, although deep down I knew I was still intimidated. However, she came, and the Lord totally changed my heart and gave me such a joy and compassion for her! Praise God! We were talking about Gen. 2- How God provides for us and we are to obey Him, which is our worship. I got so pumped to teach because I had learned so much while preparing. The best part was when Sheqina said, "Man, I never knew Genesis was so interesting!" Michelle: "I know, I thought it was just creation and that was it." Sheqina: "No, it's so good! There's so much here!" My heart leaped for joy! I can't tell you how sweet it is when girl's get excited for the Word of God- truly they are my delight and joy as Paul says about the church in the epistles.

Thursday I made a costco run and helped Amy clean her house for our Progressive Dinner that night with the high schoolers. Amy and I got to sit down and eat lunch together, which was a blessing to my heart- I am so thankful for her in my life; for her honesty and wisdom. Well! Thursday was crazy and I loved it! We celebrated Thanksgiving with the kids, so we all met at Brandon's house for pupus (appetizers), then we went to another house for salad, then another's for dinner, then another's for dessert. At each stop we had a 5 minute devotion on thanksgiving. Amy talked at the first stop about being thankful for Who God Is, then another leader talked on the church, Brandon talked about our nation and we wrote letters to soldiers, and then I talked about friends and family- I loved it! I got to share about the blessing and answer to prayer Risa is in my life- how sweet it is when we have heart to hearts; how God made us relational beings- and there is so much joy in walking life together. The coolest part was how excited the kids were- 70 kids came!! We've been having about 30 kids each week at youth group, so that was huge! Funny story- I told kids that I could give them a ride home (we were aways away) but if you know me, you know I'm not very good with numbers and practicality- so I didn't realize I was the only ride back to Kihei- let's just say I had 11 kids piled into our van! Haha- They were on top of each other and on the ground- with two huge water jugs. Love it! But praise the Lord, they all got home safely :)

Friday was green time- well, Friday honestly I was feeling a bit "blah"- it was more of a quiet day, which I liked, and I love my green time (cleaning) but I was a bit blah- and on the way home-haha-I got a ticket for not wearing my seat belt! It was the weirdest experience- so calm, and quick- literally within 6 minutes he had me pulled over, and ticketed. The funny thing is that you really don't wear your seat belt in Maui- at least we never do. But apparently you should! It was cool though that the Lord helped me to think on 1 Thess. 5:16 & 17 about giving thanks always- in every circumstance. I've been learning that this week in my study- how when we give thanks, we have deep joy and satisfaction in the Lord! So true! Well, when I was ticketed I got to practice that truth- I am thankful it was just a seat belt ticket, and I know it's good- the Lord's protecting me from accidents and I need to obey...the whole experience was just a bit funny and so matter of fact- not much emotion, it just was. "It is what it is" HOWEVER! Last night at church worship was incredible! I was just praying, asking God to come meet me because I didn't honestly feel like worshipping Him, although I know He's so worthy- and He totally did! Our God is so gracious- it was powerful last night, and it brought me to my knees and in tears at how His cross sweetly breaks us, and how I so desire to be so lost in His love.

Then this morning I got to go paddelboarding with Leslie and chat over starbuck's afterwards! She is such an encouragment to me- that I can be so honest and open with her. We're going to start getting together every Saturday morning for paddelboarding and discipleship! I'm so excited- I told her I am really interested in Young Life, and I told her my fears and weaknesses so she's going to walk through me with those and help me with discipling my girls in the youth group.

Oh! And I changed my plane ticket for coming home for Christmas- so I get to be there on the 18th!!! Less than a month- crazy!

This week, through all that happened and what I've been studying, the Lord keeps showing me His grace and compassion. He truly provides for us and blesses us when we obey Him- and what a JOY it is to obey our loving, faithful Father. Oh how I long to be with my Papa- to run into His arms and be held there forever- I can't wait til we meet at His throne as His bride and worship Him with our whole hearts for eternity! He will dwell with us there...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Best Day on Maui Yet!!!!

On Saturday Leslie took the four of us girls upcountry for a picnic and cardboard sledding!!! I had never even heard of cardboard sledding before (have you!?) but let me just say, it's my new favorite past time for sure! It was a blast- some other families came up to join us, and it was so fun to watch the kids sled down the steep grass hill- although they had brought real sleds! True Maui style- shoots, who needs snow?
Then after our lovely picnic, we met up with the other "Risers" (young adults group) for some caving adventures at Uncle Pat's! Haha, this was the greatest- I totally thought it was this little lava tube you climbed through, and then a big room cave, and that was it. Well, it actually turned out to be the hardest cave climb i've ever had, and i've been on a few hikes before! We had to climb down into the cave, through coffee bean plants and a little cliff, and then through this tube (which wasn't a biggy at all). But then the hike was so intense! You know how on the mainland caves are usually freezing, well, this one was humid and we all were sweating! And so dirty and cut up from the lava rock- but totally worth it! Loved it truly! I got to talk to Brett, a previous intern, during the hike and it was so cool to see God through the cave- for instance, it was completely pitch black, and you could only see the step ahead of you with the light of your flashlight- it reminded me that God's word is a lamp unto my feet, and that usually we never see past the next step we need to take- but God so graciously leads us, one step at a time. And Brett mentioned too that hiking the cave is kind of like the body of Christ- we each shine our light for the Lord, but each light is unique. And how we are dependent upon one another to walk this life- support, encouragement, and how our lights encourage each other. I don't know if that makes sense; Brett put it in such a great way! After the hike- RUGGED!

Afterwards we had dinner and a bonfire at Unlce Pat's property that looked out on the ocean. So beautiful! I got to talk to Leslie and Tiffany about young life and how Tiffany came to know the Lord through the camp. It got me really excited for possible job opportunities in the future!!!
haha! Uncle Pat drove us girls up to our car at the end of the night in his old bronco- he took us off roading- up a huge, steep hill! Haha- it was awesome! The power steering broke on the way up, but nonetheless Uncle Pat kept pushing through- he is a kick.
BUT! My favorite part of the day i think was driving home with Leslie and Risa in Leslie's convertible with the top down- I just sat in the back looking up at all the stars- incredible! God is magnificent and beautiful!

This week:
Small Group tomorrow with my girls :)
Bible study with the intern girls
Thanksgiving Progressive Dinner for high school

Friday, November 13, 2009

snapshots of my life

Our intern crew at Christy's birthday: from top left: Jena, me, Risa, Christy, Vanessa; bottom left: Steven, John, Glenn, Chris

My small group girls at the Lavendar Farm yesterday- so beautiful!

This is Leslie- I love her so much! She works in the bookstore and is leading our girl's bible study by Beth Moore "When godly people do ungodly things." She is such a joy to me!

This one I just had to put up- isn't Brookey so adorable!? We had a beach day with the high schoolers last friday morning, so I got to hang out with Brookey for a bit and play house until the high schoolers came- she wanted to try on my big sunglasses! What a cutiepie

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Tuesdays are becoming my favorite day of the week! I lead a small group with two of my girls, and then afterwards us intern girls and our friends Leslie and Brittany have a bible study. We're going through "When godly people do ungodly things" by Beth Moore- and it is so enlightening! I just love fellowship- getting together and talking about the Lord! There are few things that are sweeter~
But! Yesterday during our small group, Michelle came with her friend Sofia. They are both sophmores in high school. I love seeing Michelle love on her friends- she truly has the gift of evangelism. Sofia is a catholic and is going through a really difficult time right now with her parents getting a divorce. She just opened up her heart yesterday and shared her hurts. I felt so blessed to listen and pray with her.
For our small group we're going through a book on our covenant with the Lord- how He wants a relationship with us. Yesterday I was teaching through how we're created in the image of God (which is such an awesome and sweet truth that I am clinging to more and more these days!) and I read Psalm 139 to the girls. It was so cool! ha I just love God's sweet sweet love for us. I read Ps. 139:17-18
"How precious to me are your thoughts (about me) O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you."

I explained to them that God thinks about us all the time- we can't count how many thoughts he has for us- more than the sand! And then i explained - just think, I can't even count all the pieces of sand in my hand if I take handful, let alone all the sand on every beach in the world, and then to think of all the sand on the ocean floor (It still completely blows my mind! I had never thought of all the sand on the ocean floor before- and then to think that the ocean takes up what, 70-75%of the earth!) I started to go on with the lesson, and I asked the girls a question, and they weren't really listening- and then michelle goes, "wait! I'm sorry- i didn't hear what you asked. I was just thinking of all that sand- for real? the bible really says that!? That He thinks of us that much?" I LOVE IT! I said YES! and then I had her look up the verse in her bible, and sure enough that's what it said- they just couldn't get over how cool that was!

I still can't get over how amazing that is- GOD'S LOVE IS UNFATHOMABLE!

Monday, November 9, 2009

weekend update

tennis by the beach!
beach day with the girls
hip hop abs with SHAN T! haha
rearranging the living room
"she's the man"
"Christmas Carol"

Today is Christy's 24th birthday! whoot whoot! We're going to take her to Outback for dessert tonight- and (hopefully she's not reading this!) we're going to get her Diet Coke for life!!! haha I have never met anyone who loves DC as much as this girl- I love this girl. This past week we got to have some heart to hearts (or H2H as Risa likes to say!) and it was such a blessing- I love her servant's heart with making us dinner and making our house feel like a home- she is so cute. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET GIRL!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It's official! The holiday season is in full swing as of today~ Starbuck's brought out their RED CUPS!!! I walked into our office this morning, and I saw Samson (a guy at our campout who rededicated his life to Christ! It was so good to see him since he lives on Lanai, the other island) with his starbuck's red cupped drink! I was so excited to see Sam of course, but I flipped when i saw the red cup! haha If you are Caitlin, you know how momentous this day is! I love it because it reminds me of Christmas, which reminds me of home...oh sweet home! 49 days til i come home! Not that I want to count away the days here, I want to be all here, but I can't tell you how excited I am to be with my family and friends there!

Last week and this past weekend were great- Brandon and Amy came home! And so did Craig, our head pastor- so it was a fun reunion type of a week. On Sunday night I went over to Brandon and Amy's for dinner. Afterwards I got to talk with Amy for awhile, which was such a blessing to my heart. I just praise God for fellowship- there is so much joy, refreshment and delight after talking with a brother or sister in Christ.

Today Vanessa, the 9th intern, flew in from Canada! So all of us interns and her overseers picked her up at the airport and took her out to lunch. She is such a sweetheart whose lips constantly praise God- I love it and can't wait to get to know her better! The best line of the day though was when she asked Glenn, Jena and I how we were liking Hawaii. Glenn, who was standing next to Jena, said "Oh it's been awesome. But you know, the honeymoon stage is definately over now." (as you know when you go to a new place, the first month or so is like heaven...before reality hits) And Vanessa looks at Glenn and Jena and asks, "Oh, did you guys just get married!?" HAHA Oh, if you knew the two of them, it would make it that much funnier- but take my word for it, it was so great! I love her already so much!

The bad side of life right now is that I'm sick- yes, yet again. And in a way that I'd rather not say; being sick is so humbling. And I feel like I've just been so sick since I've gotten here. It's really discouraging, but reminds me that I am dependent upon Christ every day- He gives us our every breathe and every ounce of strength. I am going to try and go to the doctor's tomorrow and get a check up- I haven't had one in about two years, so I'm overdue for one. I just have had so many health problems the last year or please be praying for wisdom for the doctors and that I'd be able to get in...sigh. I'm just done with my body- but it reminds me that i am like grass which whithers- I can't wait for the Lord to return, when we will be with HIM forever, and have perfectly healthy bodies!

Oh, finally- there is a lot on my heart tonight and things I'm thinking through- esp with next year- but I just want to say that I am so thankful for the people God has blessed in my life- for how they so love and follow faithfully our Papa. I realized the other day that a lot of the girl's in our youth group are new believers and come from unsaved families. Praise God! But then I'm so humbled and in tears when I think of how sweetly God has blessed such godly, loving and supportive parents in my life who are my best friends. And then to think of the sweet friends I have who encourage me and show me how to love Jesus more and people more. And it's been so exciting to see what God's been doing in their lives as I'm away- I can't wait, again, until we are all in heaven- when no goodbyes will ever be spoken again- and we will all be together, in perfect unity, praising and adoring our Father together!
Love you all with all my heart- may God's blessings and love be full in your life today!