Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Tuesdays are becoming my favorite day of the week! I lead a small group with two of my girls, and then afterwards us intern girls and our friends Leslie and Brittany have a bible study. We're going through "When godly people do ungodly things" by Beth Moore- and it is so enlightening! I just love fellowship- getting together and talking about the Lord! There are few things that are sweeter~
But! Yesterday during our small group, Michelle came with her friend Sofia. They are both sophmores in high school. I love seeing Michelle love on her friends- she truly has the gift of evangelism. Sofia is a catholic and is going through a really difficult time right now with her parents getting a divorce. She just opened up her heart yesterday and shared her hurts. I felt so blessed to listen and pray with her.
For our small group we're going through a book on our covenant with the Lord- how He wants a relationship with us. Yesterday I was teaching through how we're created in the image of God (which is such an awesome and sweet truth that I am clinging to more and more these days!) and I read Psalm 139 to the girls. It was so cool! ha I just love God's sweet sweet love for us. I read Ps. 139:17-18
"How precious to me are your thoughts (about me) O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you."

I explained to them that God thinks about us all the time- we can't count how many thoughts he has for us- more than the sand! And then i explained - just think, I can't even count all the pieces of sand in my hand if I take handful, let alone all the sand on every beach in the world, and then to think of all the sand on the ocean floor (It still completely blows my mind! I had never thought of all the sand on the ocean floor before- and then to think that the ocean takes up what, 70-75%of the earth!) I started to go on with the lesson, and I asked the girls a question, and they weren't really listening- and then michelle goes, "wait! I'm sorry- i didn't hear what you asked. I was just thinking of all that sand- for real? the bible really says that!? That He thinks of us that much?" I LOVE IT! I said YES! and then I had her look up the verse in her bible, and sure enough that's what it said- they just couldn't get over how cool that was!

I still can't get over how amazing that is- GOD'S LOVE IS UNFATHOMABLE!

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