Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It's official! The holiday season is in full swing as of today~ Starbuck's brought out their RED CUPS!!! I walked into our office this morning, and I saw Samson (a guy at our campout who rededicated his life to Christ! It was so good to see him since he lives on Lanai, the other island) with his starbuck's red cupped drink! I was so excited to see Sam of course, but I flipped when i saw the red cup! haha If you are Caitlin, you know how momentous this day is! I love it because it reminds me of Christmas, which reminds me of home...oh sweet home! 49 days til i come home! Not that I want to count away the days here, I want to be all here, but I can't tell you how excited I am to be with my family and friends there!

Last week and this past weekend were great- Brandon and Amy came home! And so did Craig, our head pastor- so it was a fun reunion type of a week. On Sunday night I went over to Brandon and Amy's for dinner. Afterwards I got to talk with Amy for awhile, which was such a blessing to my heart. I just praise God for fellowship- there is so much joy, refreshment and delight after talking with a brother or sister in Christ.

Today Vanessa, the 9th intern, flew in from Canada! So all of us interns and her overseers picked her up at the airport and took her out to lunch. She is such a sweetheart whose lips constantly praise God- I love it and can't wait to get to know her better! The best line of the day though was when she asked Glenn, Jena and I how we were liking Hawaii. Glenn, who was standing next to Jena, said "Oh it's been awesome. But you know, the honeymoon stage is definately over now." (as you know when you go to a new place, the first month or so is like heaven...before reality hits) And Vanessa looks at Glenn and Jena and asks, "Oh, did you guys just get married!?" HAHA Oh, if you knew the two of them, it would make it that much funnier- but take my word for it, it was so great! I love her already so much!

The bad side of life right now is that I'm sick- yes, yet again. And in a way that I'd rather not say; being sick is so humbling. And I feel like I've just been so sick since I've gotten here. It's really discouraging, but reminds me that I am dependent upon Christ every day- He gives us our every breathe and every ounce of strength. I am going to try and go to the doctor's tomorrow and get a check up- I haven't had one in about two years, so I'm overdue for one. I just have had so many health problems the last year or so...so please be praying for wisdom for the doctors and that I'd be able to get in...sigh. I'm just done with my body- but it reminds me that i am like grass which whithers- I can't wait for the Lord to return, when we will be with HIM forever, and have perfectly healthy bodies!

Oh, finally- there is a lot on my heart tonight and things I'm thinking through- esp with next year- but I just want to say that I am so thankful for the people God has blessed in my life- for how they so love and follow faithfully our Papa. I realized the other day that a lot of the girl's in our youth group are new believers and come from unsaved families. Praise God! But then I'm so humbled and in tears when I think of how sweetly God has blessed such godly, loving and supportive parents in my life who are my best friends. And then to think of the sweet friends I have who encourage me and show me how to love Jesus more and people more. And it's been so exciting to see what God's been doing in their lives as I'm away- I can't wait, again, until we are all in heaven- when no goodbyes will ever be spoken again- and we will all be together, in perfect unity, praising and adoring our Father together!
Love you all with all my heart- may God's blessings and love be full in your life today!

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