Tuesday, October 27, 2009

He makes His face shine upon us

Last week Rio and I had a sleepover at Brandon and Amy's house 'cuz she's house sitting for them while they're in Cali. I can't tell you what a blessing it was to get away for a bit, and just spend time with Rio and hear all that the Lord's doing in her life. This girl amazes me! She is going through so many trials right now with her family, future and friends, but through it all, she is running to the Lord and entrusting her heart to Him. And I love how praise just flows from her lips constantly. I want to be more like her! The Lord really used our time together to remind me that life is not about me! Sometimes I get so caught up with all that's going on in my own life and heart, when really I need to look to Christ and focus on loving Him and loving others. And in that there is so much joy and peace.
Well, while we were hanging out, we decided to start up the dishwasher but didn't have soap for it- so we thought we could just put in regular dish soap! I had already put in some, and asked Rio if we should put in more- she said "No, i think it'll expand alyssa." But I was thinking we should put in as much soap as if we were washing all the dishes by hand. (If you don't know this about me, i definately don't have much common sense...) So, needless to say I loaded that bad boy up and we went to the living room to have our girl talk. About an hour later, we were getting ready to go to bed, when i walked into the kitchen and saw this!!!
SOAP EVERYWHERE! HAHA Oh boy- so for all you readers, not to self- do not use regular dishwashing soap for your dishwasher- there's a reason why we use a different kind! haha I just think it's so funny because i always wondered how people could possibly do this- well, now i know!
This weekend we interns got to go to Lanai for the young adults camping trip. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! Lanai is about a 45 min. ferry ride from Lahaina, Maui- it's kind of like the hawaiian equivalent to wooby island in Washington- just a little island where about 2,000 people live. The campsite was right on the water and beautifully landscaped. We just relaxed- swam, snorkeled, cliff jumped (i didn't do this...), soccer, slept under the stars, bonfire, sang worship songs, testimonies, and smores! :)
We were told that you can swim with dolphins in the morning so we went out snorkeling Sunday morning, but didn't see any at first. We did see some beautiful fish though and a manaray! (I saw it going for Risa's toes...we immediately swam back to shore!) But after breakfast, we heard all the dolphins were out and sure enough there were about 20-30 spinner dolphins!! And they stayed all morning. Risa and I started swimming out to the middle of the bay to swim with them, when we heard Christy yell "Turn back! All the boys are being stung by jellyfish!" Well, that about did it...we're not fans of jellyfish...so we swam back. But while we were swimming, we put our heads under water and could hear the dolphins talking to one another!!! GOD IS SO AWESOME!
This is a photo of the dolphins- see some of them!?

Risa and I walked up to the Four Seasons Hotel right by our campsite and used their beautiful bathroom (trust me, a real delight after camping!) and lounged out on their chairs overlooking the bay. We watched the dolphins spin and jump, took a wonderful nap, sunbathed, and spent some time with our Lord. I was reading Psalm 67:1 "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us" As I was reading it I was having a hard time accepting God's blessings- I kept thinking "But God I don't deserve your blessings" and I have been struggling with doubting God's goodness lately. (I know, pretty crazy seeing as how I'm in Maui huh!? Oh sin, I hate it!) But as I read it and was looking at those dolphins, God showed me that I'm right, I don't deserve His blessings- I'm so unworthy- but that's the beauty of the Lord! That He pours out His blessings and grace on us inspite of our unworthiness. It all points to Him, not us! He blesses us abudantly simply because He loves us with a love that we will never be able to fathom! God's love is everlasting, compassionate as a Father's, unconditional- it's so high and deep and wide and long- God shines his face upon us- how are we not to praise Him!? I love that phrase "He shines His face upon us"- just as the sun shines down on us with all it's warmth and light, so God shines upon us, showing us His light and filling us with His comfort and warmth. Truly there is nothing better than God's sweet love!

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