Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Sorry it's been a while...last week was so crazy busy with the fair, guy's campout (which obviously i didn't go to! haha but i had to be on the camping permit anyways...long story! oh hawaii...), girl's sleepover, small groups starting, and youth group (I taught this week!). It was a great week- definately hard at times wtih being tired and worn out, but I loved every minute with the kids- and the girl's sleepover was such a blast! Oh, I can't tell you how much i love those girls- we had 12 girls come and we had delicious food, games, manicures/pedicures, and devotionals- and i loved every minute of it! I talked on falling in love with Jesus and fixing our eyes on Him.

But the highlight for sure of the week (well, actually the week before, but i had to wait a bit to make it public) is that my best friend Nene is pregnant!!! YES! Jon and Renee are parents-to-be! I can't tell you how joyful I am for them- she started a blog too (praise the Lord!) and I cried reading her first entry. I just am in amazement at God's good gifts and how sweet He is to blessi them with children- and how His timing is perfect. The one thing that is hard is that Renee and I grew up dreaming of our husbands and marriage and our children- and I always thought we'd be together through it all. But God had different plans, which are so much higher than our own, it's just hard to be away too. BUT! Praise God for the internet and phones- and how amazing that I will be in California for our high school camp/missions trip the same week the baby is due! Thank you Lord! So hopefully I can see this bundle of joy...I'm going to be an auntie!! (and I agree with you Kimmy, I totally think it's going to be a girl! ;)
(Soon we'll be kissing your precious baby nene!!!) LOVE YOU TWO SO MUCH!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh what a cute baby you two are kissing! :)
