Monday, October 19, 2009


Yesterday was our weekly Sunday Beach Day at Big Beach- every Sunday afternoon our church gets together to play some volleyball, sponge (like boogy boarding, but they don't dare say boogy boarding here!), and fellowship. BUT YESTERDAY WAS OFF THE HOOK! The waves were insane! 12 footers for sure...crazy! I wouldn't even dare to go into the water- it was so dangerous. But it was so fun to have tons of the high schoolers there and watch all the guys do flips on the waves and just get thrashed. Haha, now I totally understand all the surfer lingo- there's no other way to describe things than "insane""barrelled" and "rugged".
And volleyball was super great! I played a couple of games, and Art- an older man in our church- was coaching me! love it
Then Jena and I went exploring a bit- we got to have a heart to heart as we walked along the beach, which was such a blessing. It's so true that verse that talks about counsel from a friend being like water to the soul-( i could be quoting that completely wrong!) We just realized that as interns we need to be open with one another, and sharing our hearts and praying for one another- so please pray that we would do that! Anyways, we walked up over this cliff to get to "Little Beach" aka Naked beach! haha It was so funny- as we walked up over this cliff, we heard a drum beating, and then smelled some incense- that wasn't so cool. But there were so many people there- in bathing suits. Jena and I looked at each other and said "I don't see any nakeys..." and then one by one they appeared! Oh man...(literally, old men...)we only stood there for a couple of minutes, then quickly turned around and went to our wonderful, clothed side of the beach. Maui is so unique!
Jena got peed on by a dog- !
Then after the beach we all went to "Peggy Sue's" for dinner- this cute 50's diner. We tried egg cream- a drink they use to serve in the 50' wasn't so bad, but not the best either! We played some juke box music as well- so fun! And john, the new intern, made a great surfer scene on his plate with ketchup, mustard and ranch.

Pictures coming soon of Big Beach! I'm just waiting for my computer chord to come in so i can use my computer you all so much and missing you- grace and peace

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