Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today was the memorial service for Whitney's (one of my girl's, a senior in high school) mom. She found her mom on the kitchen floor last Thursday night; she had gone to be with the Lord. She had been in a lot of pain the last few years, going through 10 back surgeries. But still, her passing was unexpected.
I am so thankful I was able to be in that service, and support Whitney and praise the Lord for her mom's life- the legacy she left behind. I didn't meet her mom, but I hear that she had a joy about her, throughout all her pain, and a love for Jesus that her daughter now has. At the beginning of the service we sang "Better is One Day", "Amazing Grace", and "How Great is our God". I couldn't help but let the tears gush down my face. And in that moment, I fully understood the verse that says to "rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep". Even though it is such a joy and delight to know that a beloved one is in heaven, with our Savior- for there is nothing sweeter and all of us children are longing to be with our Heavenly Papa- it is still a heartbreaking time to lose a loved one- at least for the rest of our time on earth. I was reminded of my sweet mama and how the Lord took her mom to be at home with Him when my mom was 19. I can't even imagine losing my mom. I know the Lord will take us all home one day, but how I praise our Father for blessing every moment that He has with my parents. How sweet and precious their love and relationship are to me. They show me Christ each day- and have shepherded my heart to love and long for Jesus as they do. I was reminded today of how short our lives are- for we are like grass- and how we are to live for Christ each day, making Him famous-
It was such a sweet thing though to see Whitney's family in the front row together- and how her dad so cares for his children. Please be praying for their family, and for Whitney especially- that their hearts would fall deeper in love with Jesus through this, and not grow bitter but better, and that they would feel God's loving embrace around them.
I got Whit's phone number and a hoping to get together with her soon- just to talk and pray and love on her. Please pray for wisdom in this-

One verse that I love and am always reminded of because it's one of my mom's favorite and one that she clung to when her mom past away is Ps. 73: 25-26 "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever"

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