Saturday, October 17, 2009

Week in Review

This week... Ed, my youth pastor growing up, often had us go around and tell our "goods, bads, and uglies" of the week- (which I had my small group girls do this week, and it was great! A great segway for people to open up ;) So here's mine for this week:

- I received my first text message from my mom! ha i love it!! And they are now on verizon so we can talk for free- FANTASTIC!
-talk with mom on thursday. She is always so uplifting. Thank you mama!
-My roomates and I learned the miley cyrus dance on monday :) "polka-dot-it"
-oh! risa and i painted our room blue! Did i tell you that? It's marvelous :)
-good talk with Brandon about parents and students in ministry
-awesome small group on tuesday; so encouraged by my girls
-risa and i did the "pen ministry" (haha, i laugh every time i say or hear that- we just go around and stick pens in the chairs for service) yesterday and rocked out to some LeCrea.

-missing Brandon and Amy while they're in California- so glad they got to go home for a couple of weeks, but still missing them
-my computer chord broke, or fizzed out, this week...i'm reminded that everything I have is the Lord's and to not put my hope in the things of this world
-Life's trials and tragedies- i think the realities of ministry and life hit me last week. I so love my girls, so so so much!, and am so thankful that they are open with me with their lives and hardships...but with that comes heartache and a burden for them. Through some of these trials, I was reminded this week that Satan loves to break people apart- he hates it when we dwell in unity or have sweet, sacrificial relationships- he hates relationships. And he's working to tear people apart- whether that's just by being busy, or by dissension. I'm so thankful that I'm aware of that now and encouraged to pray, pray, pray.
-One of the girl's, Whitney, mom died on thursday night. She had been sick for 15 yrs. but passed away to be with the Lord. I actually don't really know Whitney very well, but I did see her on Friday night at church- she was there, which amazed me. I hugged her and asked how she was and told her to let me know if there's anything i can do. I just have no idea what I can do- but pray. So please be praying for sweet Whitney and her family when you read this...that she would feel God's arms wrapped around her.

- my keys fell in the church's toilet yesterday, before i had cleaned it!!! haha Praise the Lord for lysol!! I actually think it's just really funny-my mom got me a light to put on my key chain before I left however, and after falling into the unknown abyss of toilet land, the light wouldn't turn off- oh well!

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