Monday, November 16, 2009

Best Day on Maui Yet!!!!

On Saturday Leslie took the four of us girls upcountry for a picnic and cardboard sledding!!! I had never even heard of cardboard sledding before (have you!?) but let me just say, it's my new favorite past time for sure! It was a blast- some other families came up to join us, and it was so fun to watch the kids sled down the steep grass hill- although they had brought real sleds! True Maui style- shoots, who needs snow?
Then after our lovely picnic, we met up with the other "Risers" (young adults group) for some caving adventures at Uncle Pat's! Haha, this was the greatest- I totally thought it was this little lava tube you climbed through, and then a big room cave, and that was it. Well, it actually turned out to be the hardest cave climb i've ever had, and i've been on a few hikes before! We had to climb down into the cave, through coffee bean plants and a little cliff, and then through this tube (which wasn't a biggy at all). But then the hike was so intense! You know how on the mainland caves are usually freezing, well, this one was humid and we all were sweating! And so dirty and cut up from the lava rock- but totally worth it! Loved it truly! I got to talk to Brett, a previous intern, during the hike and it was so cool to see God through the cave- for instance, it was completely pitch black, and you could only see the step ahead of you with the light of your flashlight- it reminded me that God's word is a lamp unto my feet, and that usually we never see past the next step we need to take- but God so graciously leads us, one step at a time. And Brett mentioned too that hiking the cave is kind of like the body of Christ- we each shine our light for the Lord, but each light is unique. And how we are dependent upon one another to walk this life- support, encouragement, and how our lights encourage each other. I don't know if that makes sense; Brett put it in such a great way! After the hike- RUGGED!

Afterwards we had dinner and a bonfire at Unlce Pat's property that looked out on the ocean. So beautiful! I got to talk to Leslie and Tiffany about young life and how Tiffany came to know the Lord through the camp. It got me really excited for possible job opportunities in the future!!!
haha! Uncle Pat drove us girls up to our car at the end of the night in his old bronco- he took us off roading- up a huge, steep hill! Haha- it was awesome! The power steering broke on the way up, but nonetheless Uncle Pat kept pushing through- he is a kick.
BUT! My favorite part of the day i think was driving home with Leslie and Risa in Leslie's convertible with the top down- I just sat in the back looking up at all the stars- incredible! God is magnificent and beautiful!

This week:
Small Group tomorrow with my girls :)
Bible study with the intern girls
Thanksgiving Progressive Dinner for high school

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