Friday, November 27, 2009

As I'm sitting at work, chewing on some Bazooka bubblegum (!!!! I haven't had this since soccer practice when I was in 7th grade-mmmmm:) I realized I should update my blog~ however, I have to go soon so I thought I would just tell a little tale of today~

So I was cleaning for my green time today, which I really love actually, and I was in the back bathroom in the sanctuary- yes, I do get the privilege of scrubbing a toilet once a week! But I was sweeping the floor, and moved the plunger, to see this GINORMOUS- did I say GINORMOUS!?-cochroach, just lying there, dead as a doornail. (is that the right saying!?) AHHH!!!! Now, I must admit that I have only killed one cochroach since I've been here- and it was little and really in defense of Amy and Brookey. So I did a little dance, got tons of paper towels and then realized I could just sweep it up in the dust pan. BUT STILL! I actually got really nauteous haha!

I'll write later about this past week- love you all!

This weekend:
church tonight!
Graffiti clean up with the kids
little boys' (twins) birthday- turning 2!
working in the nursery- yes!

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