Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Girl's Night!

Saturday was our Girl's Night! This night has been in the works since January! It was such a joy to be able to finallyhave it. The theme for the night was "Daddy's Girl"- all about how the Lord is our Daddy who loves and delights in and cherishes us. Romans 8:15 says, "For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry "Abba! Father!" The Lord laid this topic on my heart when we were at Wildwood. There was one night when we did worship under the stars and they gave each of us a blanket to go lay out on the grass field, stare up at the stars and worship the Lord. I was gazing at the sky, amazed at the Lord's work- at His majesty and glory. And then I just broke down crying. I was going to make a big decision and knew this next season was going to be hard. I missed my parents so much- I so longed for my daddy to hold me and tell me it was going to be okay. And then it was as if the Lord whispered to my heart, "Alyssa, I am your Father. I love you and am with you and am going to hold you through this season. I AM WITH YOU. I love you." Then I began to think about my girl's and their dad's- how most of them come from broken homes and don't know the love of a father. It was such a blessing to be able to share with them how much they are loved by our Father- how He holds us and walks with us and cherishes us.
And it was so cool to see who the Lord brought to the event! We had a handful of new freshman! And a few girls who aren't saved and a few that I've been praying would get involved for a long time. It was such a blessing! After I was done speaking, the girls broke up into small groups and shared their fears and how the Lord being their Father will dispell their fears. That by far was the best part of the evening! To hear the girls be so real with each other and how the Lord spoke to them that night.
I was able to teach at our intern lunch today too. Here's what I'm realizing: I get so dog on nervous about teaching! I get stressed, anxious, sick...ah! But then once I get up there and pray- it's like the Lord takes over and I just get the blessing of being His mouth piece! I love it- I love sharing the good news of the Lord! But it's only through Him can I do it! I was encouraged when Risa told me that Beth Moore gets super sick before and after she speaks- and she's been doing it for years. I feel so bad that she gets so sick, but I'm thankful that i'm not the only one and that the Lord's power rests on us in our weaknesses! (2 cor. 12:9-10)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country" Proverbs 25:25
How true! In the past hour I just found out that Nene, Jon and baby Violet are going to drive up to Washington while I'm home in August! AH! That means I get to see them and hold my precious niece!!!! Thank you nene- oh thank you thank you thank you!
Also, Kaelyn just called me and I got to hear their engagement story and a little bit about the wedding planning and how she is doing. Oh I just adore these girls in my life. I'm so thankful for you girls. And what an answer to prayer- I was praying that I'd be able to make it to the wedding, and it's in the perfect month where I can get away- well, i think so- i have yet to ask brandon :)
They both have talked about skype dates- and I have officially decided that I'm going to buy a macbook when I go home! I've only been dreaming of it for 2 years :) Why have I not been more adament about getting skype before? It's amazing-
Thank you Jesus for good news from far countries :) (Or across the sea) I can't wait to see my niece and celebrate her life and the new marriage of my sweet friend!

Daddy's Little Girl

As we speak- or I guess as I speak :) I'm sitting in the condo with hot vanilla carmel tea with milk- a new favorite!- (as the AC is blasting), listening to Shane & Shane and preparing for our Girl's Night this saturday. The theme is Daddy's Girl- all about how we are daughters of Christ and that He is our Daddy- we are loved and safe in His arms. I am writing out the talk word for word- who knows, maybe I'll put it in a book someday! But I thought I might share some of it with you guys- I'm so thankful for you daddy and the man of God you are- you have given me such a sweet glimpse of God's Fatherly love and protection for me. I cherish all of our crazy and sweet memories together!

I am totally a Daddy’s Little Girl. Growing up the style was to wear clips in you hair, and I even had a special red and white pair that said “Daddy’s little girl”. My dad and I have experienced so many things together- we have done crazy things like body surfing in the ocean and almost getting caught in the wash- coming out of the ocean with so much sand in my bottoms that it looked like I had a second bottom! To hiking waterfalls and seeing the third pirates of the Caribbean movie in the theatres- and since the show was almost sold out, we opted to sit in the front row- not a good idea with an action movie! Haha To heart to heart talks, boy advice, and walking through his cancer.
But my favorite memory of my daddy growing up, and still is when I go home, is when my dad would come home from work. My dad would go to work at 3am every morning and come home around 5pm. I wouldn’t have seen him all day, and would just be waiting all day to see him. My mom and I would be in the kitchen getting dinner ready, while I did my homework. Then we would hear the garage door open, the car with blasting jazz music would pull in, and the door would open- my cat would come screeching in- and my daddy would walk in, put down his cooler as I ran and gave him the biggest hug ever. “Daddy!!!!” He would hold me for a few moments and give me a kiss on the cheek. Then my mom would come and give him a hug and they would give a big smoocharoo- literally. SMOOOCH! Then the kitchen would lighten up with quick chatter about our day as my dad made his lunch for the next day and mom put the plates of dinner on the table. It was the best! Daddy was finally home and our family was complete. We would sit down to dinner and my dad 9 out of 10 times would share a joke he heard on the radio- always leading into it as though it were something that really happened in his day. We would share the events of the day- along with the struggles, tears, funnies and victorious moments. When dad came home, our family felt complete; there was laughter, joy, security, and peace.

I can't wait to be home for that in 21 days! Love ya daddio

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Best Summer Day on Maui Yet ;)

Monday is our "wet furnace" where we take the kids somewhere and get wet! This Monday was so fun- before we went, we painted over some graffiti by Brandon's house. The kids did great- it was a easy task that went really fast with all the kids, and yet we had the opportunity to serve the community. I never would have thought to paint over graffiti before, but really it is important to help prevent further gang activity- it was cool to help out and Brandon gave us a painting lesson:) I think I have a lot of practice to do!Then we went to Swinging Bridges out by Iao Valley. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! I don't think I'll ever stop being amazed at God's beauty here. It was the best hike I've done on Maui yet- you felt like you worked out, and there was a great pool at the end that you could swim in and do a little cliff jumping. However, there were 2 swinging bridges on this hike- which normally would be fine and dandy, but when you're in front of Tyler Blair and Brandon- you fear for your life! haha I was terrified! The bridges aren't that sturdy- especially the second one- and they were jumping on them and swinging them- I felt like I was on Indiana Jones- but I didn't have Indiana Jones to come and save me!
And what better way to end the day than Yogurtland!? Oh yes- how I love you- they had a new flavor- chocolate coconut truffle! yummmm....
Monday night Dicky and Marla had the Smith's, Englert's, Chris and Whitney and I over for dinner to talk about our trip to Hume and our High School trip to LA. It was such a blessing to visit among them and share stories that God accomplished- to laugh and cry together. I am so thankful for our pastor's and the people in our church- they really are family- just as the body of Christ should be. I am staying and doing the internship again next year, but have no idea what I will do the year after- I think the Lord is really teaching me to be completely surrendered and open to whatever He calls me to- if I have to leave Maui though, I think my heart will break a bit- I just love it here- it's my family away from home- the high schoolers, pastors, and friends. I am so thankful that God has given me this season in Maui. Truly, all good and perfect gifts come from Him.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Oh July

For the 4th, Risa and I went to the young adult's pool party- Christy made the most adorable cookies that looked like they were straight out of Martha Stewart! Needless to say, they got eaten up right away :) The party was actually so fun! We got a big group together and played apples to apples- but the group had so many fun and interesting people- i loved it! haha Definately the best game of apples to apples I've ever played~
Then afterward, I spent the evening with Rio, her best friend Jasmine, Jamie and her family! It was wonderful- Jamie's parents made a picnic and we ate at the Mana Kai beach- my favorite! Oh, it was stunning- the whole time I couldn't get over how blessed I was to spend the 4th on the beach of Maui as sunset. People lined the beach and set off fireworks. Jamie's parent's bought a walmart size package of fireworks- but the best part was how her dad made 5 smoke bombs himself! haha He was loving it!
Rio cracks me up!Our pastors took us to the Aquarium yesterday- yes, even at the age of 22 you go on field trips- I love it! It was so cool! We watched the divers feed the fishies, sting rays and sharks! Well actually, the sharks didn't eat- I guess they only eat a couple of times every month because they digest their food so slowly. Also, did you know that sharks are scavengers? They only eat dead fish- they don't like living ones! In a way that puts my fears at ease...just a bit! They had a tiger shark in there that was a baby- he was 8ft. already! They can grow to like 30 ft! Risa and I both dreamed of being marine biologists when we grew up when we were younger. So, seeing the scuba divers feed the marine life really got her excited! However, not so much me- I wanted to be a marine biologist so I could swim and play with dolphins all day- and Keiko the whale! Do you remember him!? The one who played Free Willy!

Risa and I's favorite part was seeing the sea turtles!!! LOOK AT IT! It's so cute! Ah! I just love them so much- I guess there's a snorkeling spot on Maui called "Turtle Town". Steven just went there and saw tons of turtles! That's my next snorkeling mission-

Also, while we were getting our tour through the Aquarium, there was a hawaiian man there who makes all these hawaiian weapons from wood and marine animal's teethe- he makes the type of weapons that the early hawaiians would have used in battle. It was so cool! I want one to carry in my purse- I feel like it'd be much more protective than pepper spray! (which I still do not have...)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thoughts on my heart the past few days:

* Girlfriends + cookie dough + Disney channel really cheer up your spirits
* when you doubt the Lord, cry out to Him and tell him your doubts- He meets you, holds you and restores your faith
* catching up with your best friend is a gift from the Lord
* there's no better way to spend saturday morning than to sunbathe at the beach with a girlfriend, drinking coconut ice coffee, and sharing your hearts
* homemade guacomole is the only way to go
* listen to the Lord's voice- be still
* maybe spending a summer in alaska working for some fishing co. or on a cruise line is a great idea!
* having a kitten would be lovely- a cute orange tabby cat named "Spunk" or "Nutmeg"

Here's our recipe for guacolmole:
3 avocados
3 roma tomatoes
1 red onion
1 jalepeno
salt & pepper

Cut up the avocados into little cube pieces and set aside in a bigger bowl. In smaller bowl, combine all the other ingredients. (This makes pico de gallo) Mix the pico de gallo with the avocados. AMAZING!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

This morning I baked chocolate chip cookies for tonight's youth group. Sigh! I forgot how much I love to bake- it reminds me of home, of growing up and being in the kitchen with my mama who is an expert baker :) Baking is so healing- I love it! And have decided I need to do much more of it- so if you have any fun and inexpensive recipes, please send them my way! Also, as I was looking up cookie pictures today, I saw this one with bacon- really!? Would this really be good!? Hmmmm...makes me wonder. I also decided that every woman needs to have a kitchenaid mixer in their kitchen- they're amazing! Thanks Leslie for letting us store yours :)