Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Girl's Night!

Saturday was our Girl's Night! This night has been in the works since January! It was such a joy to be able to finallyhave it. The theme for the night was "Daddy's Girl"- all about how the Lord is our Daddy who loves and delights in and cherishes us. Romans 8:15 says, "For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry "Abba! Father!" The Lord laid this topic on my heart when we were at Wildwood. There was one night when we did worship under the stars and they gave each of us a blanket to go lay out on the grass field, stare up at the stars and worship the Lord. I was gazing at the sky, amazed at the Lord's work- at His majesty and glory. And then I just broke down crying. I was going to make a big decision and knew this next season was going to be hard. I missed my parents so much- I so longed for my daddy to hold me and tell me it was going to be okay. And then it was as if the Lord whispered to my heart, "Alyssa, I am your Father. I love you and am with you and am going to hold you through this season. I AM WITH YOU. I love you." Then I began to think about my girl's and their dad's- how most of them come from broken homes and don't know the love of a father. It was such a blessing to be able to share with them how much they are loved by our Father- how He holds us and walks with us and cherishes us.
And it was so cool to see who the Lord brought to the event! We had a handful of new freshman! And a few girls who aren't saved and a few that I've been praying would get involved for a long time. It was such a blessing! After I was done speaking, the girls broke up into small groups and shared their fears and how the Lord being their Father will dispell their fears. That by far was the best part of the evening! To hear the girls be so real with each other and how the Lord spoke to them that night.
I was able to teach at our intern lunch today too. Here's what I'm realizing: I get so dog on nervous about teaching! I get stressed, anxious, sick...ah! But then once I get up there and pray- it's like the Lord takes over and I just get the blessing of being His mouth piece! I love it- I love sharing the good news of the Lord! But it's only through Him can I do it! I was encouraged when Risa told me that Beth Moore gets super sick before and after she speaks- and she's been doing it for years. I feel so bad that she gets so sick, but I'm thankful that i'm not the only one and that the Lord's power rests on us in our weaknesses! (2 cor. 12:9-10)

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