Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thoughts on my heart the past few days:

* Girlfriends + cookie dough + Disney channel really cheer up your spirits
* when you doubt the Lord, cry out to Him and tell him your doubts- He meets you, holds you and restores your faith
* catching up with your best friend is a gift from the Lord
* there's no better way to spend saturday morning than to sunbathe at the beach with a girlfriend, drinking coconut ice coffee, and sharing your hearts
* homemade guacomole is the only way to go
* listen to the Lord's voice- be still
* maybe spending a summer in alaska working for some fishing co. or on a cruise line is a great idea!
* having a kitten would be lovely- a cute orange tabby cat named "Spunk" or "Nutmeg"

Here's our recipe for guacolmole:
3 avocados
3 roma tomatoes
1 red onion
1 jalepeno
salt & pepper

Cut up the avocados into little cube pieces and set aside in a bigger bowl. In smaller bowl, combine all the other ingredients. (This makes pico de gallo) Mix the pico de gallo with the avocados. AMAZING!


  1. Lyssa -

    Disney channel is the best! :D I def remember our own highschool musical nights.

    Coconut iced coffee sounds SOOOOOOOOOOO good!

    And Alaska?!? That's so random and neat! We have to catch up. You are breaking my heart with all your world travel though...I miss you SO much :)

  2. oh cait! i love you so much~ we definately need to catch up asap!
    yes! do you want to come to alaska with me!? haha just for a few months- sometime after next year;)

  3. why do you always have to be at the outer most parts of the world? :( haha
