Thursday, July 8, 2010

Oh July

For the 4th, Risa and I went to the young adult's pool party- Christy made the most adorable cookies that looked like they were straight out of Martha Stewart! Needless to say, they got eaten up right away :) The party was actually so fun! We got a big group together and played apples to apples- but the group had so many fun and interesting people- i loved it! haha Definately the best game of apples to apples I've ever played~
Then afterward, I spent the evening with Rio, her best friend Jasmine, Jamie and her family! It was wonderful- Jamie's parents made a picnic and we ate at the Mana Kai beach- my favorite! Oh, it was stunning- the whole time I couldn't get over how blessed I was to spend the 4th on the beach of Maui as sunset. People lined the beach and set off fireworks. Jamie's parent's bought a walmart size package of fireworks- but the best part was how her dad made 5 smoke bombs himself! haha He was loving it!
Rio cracks me up!Our pastors took us to the Aquarium yesterday- yes, even at the age of 22 you go on field trips- I love it! It was so cool! We watched the divers feed the fishies, sting rays and sharks! Well actually, the sharks didn't eat- I guess they only eat a couple of times every month because they digest their food so slowly. Also, did you know that sharks are scavengers? They only eat dead fish- they don't like living ones! In a way that puts my fears at ease...just a bit! They had a tiger shark in there that was a baby- he was 8ft. already! They can grow to like 30 ft! Risa and I both dreamed of being marine biologists when we grew up when we were younger. So, seeing the scuba divers feed the marine life really got her excited! However, not so much me- I wanted to be a marine biologist so I could swim and play with dolphins all day- and Keiko the whale! Do you remember him!? The one who played Free Willy!

Risa and I's favorite part was seeing the sea turtles!!! LOOK AT IT! It's so cute! Ah! I just love them so much- I guess there's a snorkeling spot on Maui called "Turtle Town". Steven just went there and saw tons of turtles! That's my next snorkeling mission-

Also, while we were getting our tour through the Aquarium, there was a hawaiian man there who makes all these hawaiian weapons from wood and marine animal's teethe- he makes the type of weapons that the early hawaiians would have used in battle. It was so cool! I want one to carry in my purse- I feel like it'd be much more protective than pepper spray! (which I still do not have...)

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