Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country" Proverbs 25:25
How true! In the past hour I just found out that Nene, Jon and baby Violet are going to drive up to Washington while I'm home in August! AH! That means I get to see them and hold my precious niece!!!! Thank you nene- oh thank you thank you thank you!
Also, Kaelyn just called me and I got to hear their engagement story and a little bit about the wedding planning and how she is doing. Oh I just adore these girls in my life. I'm so thankful for you girls. And what an answer to prayer- I was praying that I'd be able to make it to the wedding, and it's in the perfect month where I can get away- well, i think so- i have yet to ask brandon :)
They both have talked about skype dates- and I have officially decided that I'm going to buy a macbook when I go home! I've only been dreaming of it for 2 years :) Why have I not been more adament about getting skype before? It's amazing-
Thank you Jesus for good news from far countries :) (Or across the sea) I can't wait to see my niece and celebrate her life and the new marriage of my sweet friend!

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