Thursday, October 7, 2010

does anyone know how to shrink the header photo!? i love this photo- but it's way too big!

I was looking through my photos from my time at Master's trying to find a photo- well, really just my photos from Greece. I miss that time! I love now- and the season God has me in. But I so treasure my time that I had at Master's- the teaching, discipleship- being surrounded by people who genuinely LOVE and cherish our Papa. The Lord blessed friends into my life there that i will have for my lifetime- ones that truly sharpen me. I'm so thankful for that season of my life. It's melancholy to think it's over...oh how fast time goes by.


I'm realizing more and more through reading through Luke about prayer- pouring our heart out to Him and giving him my requests and petitions. Ezra 8:22 says,
"The hand of our God is for good on all who seek Him..." God loves for us to seek Him! That amazes me! And over and over in the old testament and new, it talks about how God hears our prayers and answers- I keep thinking about that today- He wants me to run to Him and tell Him my heart and ask Him for what's on my heart- He will answer in HIS perfect way! Sometimes, I'm realizing, I don't want to ask because I'm afraid of what the answer will be! But why? He is good and is good to those who seek Him. And although the answer isn't always what I want, or the easiest, it's always always always BEST and GOOD.
I almost wish I were 90yrs. old- on my front porch, in my rocking chair, crocheting blankies for my grand babies- so I could be that much closer to the Lord- so intimate with Him- and so wise! I wonder what it was like to be Solomon- being the wisest man in the world and through all the ages- I'm thankful though that i can run to the Lord and seek His wisdom. I was reminded today that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge- "just keep seeking His face Alyssa, and He will give you the wisdom you need"
There's a lot I need wisdom for right now- He is faithful to give it. May my heart be open and soft to receive it!

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