Monday, October 25, 2010

Just things...

1. Praise the Lord! I ordered the right hot dogs! And I gave in and had one while we were at the beach...ah yes, i DO like hot dogs and the fact that they're green before they are died the color they are doesn't really affect me anymore...still delicious with a bit of mustard.
2. When you do a BBQ at the beach, remember to take the buns and dogs out of the ice chest to thaw out before you BBQ...i'm realizing i'm really not good at these BBQ's! How many have i done for a high school event and still forget something or mess it up somehow!?
3. You have to cherish small things...we went to Whole Foods on Saturday- WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN THERE YET?! and they had soy yogurt- of which i bought the biggest tub! I was so excited! Today for lunch i had vanilla yogurt with apples, blueberries and honey- almost like the amazing greek yogurt Brooke and I fell in love with in Santorini. Thank you lORD...i love little moments like that.
4. I love bike rides! I am so thankful for my beach cruiser and that i can cruise Kihei without a car...i've always wanted to live somewhere where i didn't need a car. Now I would just like a cute little basket in the front and some fake pink gerbadaisies.
5. I'm reading "The Air I 2231818-red-vintage-bicycle-with-basket-and-flowers-leaning-against-wooden-fence-at-beach.jpgBreathe" by Louie Giglio and I can't put it down! It's all about worship and how WORTHY our Savior is...i feel like i could read a chapter a day for the rest of my life.
6. On my Fall To Do list: go to the pumpkin patch- check; drink as many pumpkin spice lattes as possible- check; carve pumpkins- check; chili and cornbread- check; make carmel covered granny smith apples with the girls- TBA! caramel-apples-sl-485896-l.jpg

7. I miss my parents and home...fall seems so inticing and how i would love to be cuddled up in a blanket on my couch with my papa watching the UW game and to sit and sip coffee with my mama and have a heart to heart.
8. Green sea turtles can live up to 80-100 yrs. old! They're green because of all the algae they eat; the boys have bigger tails; their shells weigh 1/4 of their weight, of which they can reach up to 500 lbs! I sure wish I could swim with one :)
9. I have been dreaming of going back to Greece and Israel while I've been reading through Acts...perhaps one day....sigh. I would love to go there for awhile and learn as much as possible and write bible studies there- i would love to be in Israel during Passover and do a real Sader.
greece3.jpg10.'s never too late to dream- nothing is impossible with the Lord!
11. My plane ticket for Christmas is bought! Thanks mama- you're the best!
12. Tears streamed down my cheeks this Sunday as our Men of Integrity led worship- seeing the men raise their hands in worship for our King was so beautiful- and the little old Phillipino man who played clarinet won my heart.
13. Purpose of prayer: intimacy with our Lord & causes us to have a childlike faith- full dependence upon Him.

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