Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the first weekend in oct.

Lisa and Alex- on our walk to the coffee shop
Sissy and i at the Fair
Gettin' down to oldies music!

Sorry i haven't written in a bit- this past week was CR-A-ZY with the maui county fair! This was the second year our church was able to have a booth at the fair to raise money for tweens and high school winter camp. We sold Baja tacos :) I think we did pretty well as far as raising money goes- there was one guy there who was selling marshmellow guns and he made $18,000!!! That's the ticket- the simplest thing is what does best. haha I was telling my mama this and she said "man, i would buy that!"
I wish I had the right words to describe the maui county fair- it's magical really! Everyone on the island comes out. If you want a real taste of Maui life- just come to the fair :) There are funnel cakes, malasadas (so yummy- fried dough with sugar), poi mochi (fried- tastes like bubble gum!), chow fun (noodles), lau lau (pork wrapped in tea leaves), & frosty pog (pog juice blended with sherbert- so yummy!). The kids LOVE the rides and the petty zoo (5 animals :) All the high schoolers submit their artwork- that's my favorite part! Also, the outhouses are really pretty nice- whoever put the set up together was a genius, separating men and women outhouses! Great idea- must have been a girl in charge of that one;)
Serving in the taco booth was so fun this year! On Sunday Brandon and I were in the kitchen preparing food at 7:30am (and didn't get home til 1:30am- it's a looooonnnnngggg day!) and found out that our chef wasn't coming til later that night! On the way to the fair, I just prayed and asked the Lord to amaze us with workers and help- that He is the mighty God and if Gideon can win the war with only 300 men- God can certainly provide us with the strength and help we need! And HE TOTALLY DID! Two people came to the early shift, not realizing they had signed up for a later shift. And the kids just stayed the whole day, helping out and serving with such servant's hearts. Two of the parents came down to drop some food off, and then ended up cooking the whole day- what blessings! I was amazed at God's work, and at the body of Christ.
Here's some photos of our time- and some of our surf trip to the westside on monday!

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