Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My 22nd birthday consisted of:

pumpkin coffee :)
work...and seeing a plague of cochroaches! ah! I will never be the same...and forever i will have trash-o-phobia!
balloons from my dearest Cait
coffee with Jason, one of our pastor's...so encouraging to get his wisdom on theology
talking with Mama and Papa!!!
the sweetest card from Leanne that brought tears to my eyes..love you lea
cards from sweet megs!
phone messages from sweet friends
dinner at Brandon and Amy's with the high schoolers
a surprise party with the interns! ...and princess plates :)
It was such a wonderful day- we all went snorkeling in the morning. I just couldn't get over that the Lord had given us such a beautiful day and that I could start it by marveling at His creation- under water! The water wasn't super clear because the surf was coming up, but we did see bright yellow fishies and Risa saw a sting rey...i was thankful i didn't see a sting rey or the eels...uh! Eels remind me of Ursela on The Little Mermaid, and I'm still terrified of them! Anyways, it was such a great birthday. Thank you so much for all your love and encouragement! Really, it was so special because of all of you guys- I was just so humbled by how the Lord has blessed me with such sweet, God-honoring people in my life who encourage me to love the Lord more and more each day!

Yesterday Brandon and Amy took me to Napili (up north, past Lahaina) for banana macadamiun nut pancakes with whip cream that was to die for! haha We spent the rest of the day at the beach by the Ritz Carlton...I officially fell in love with Maui! I was sitting on these rocks, just thinking and praying, and watching the waves hit. The water was so clear...when i saw a sea turltle pop its head out! I was so excited and overwhelmed at God's beauty, that all I could do was clap and laugh before my Lord. Then as I sat there and sang, I kept seeing all these sea turtles- you could see them through the water as the waves rushed up, and then once the waves broke, the little sea turtles would pop their heads out! It was incredible- sea turtles are officially my favorite animal now! (or reptile?) I was so overwhelmed by God's beauty and His grace in blessing me with the opportunity to live in Maui...God You're so good! Thank you! I found myself telling Jesus that I would love to live here for the rest of my life :) But really, my dream still is to help plant a church somewhere...if that was here on the island, then awesome! But if not, then I'm excited to see where God calls me- but i must admit, i do pray it's not somewhere cold like Siberia :)

This is Amy, Brandon's wife- whom i love and who is going to start mentoring me on wednesday mornings!!! She is a blessing in my life and has the warmest, most welcoming heart. She is such an answer to prayer too! I was praying all summer that GOd would provide a woman into my life when I got here to mentor me- someone who I could be totally honest with, and who I could learn from and love Jesus more together- and someone who I could love on her family and get to know them as a second family...God You amaze me!

AND....this is their oldest son, Brody...my new best friend and love of my life! It was so fun hanging out with him yesterday. He is such a little Brandon it cracks me up! He's 4...so you can just imagine the cute things he says! Some of my favorites are:
"I'm going to marry...um...someone with green eyes...and brown hair..." "ME Brody!?" "NO!" "You're right...i'm too old huh!?" "Yes!"
"Hey, do you want to have a secret handshake!? Okay...we'll shake, pound, and then I'll kiss your hand, and you kiss my hand! But don't tell anyone...it's our secret."
"This is my direction bible. Do you want to see where the dinosaurs live and the volcanoes?" (while looking at the maps in the back of the bible)

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