Saturday, September 26, 2009

s U r F i N g

Yesterday morning the four of us got to go to the Cove to surf with our Pastor Craig and Mark. It was so fun!!! I fell in love with surfing yesterday :) And I absolutely loved spending time with Craig and Mark. The more and more I talk with people from the church, the more and more I'm amazed at God's grace and healing. So many people here have stories that just amaze me of how God called them to Himself, and of how He healed their broken hearts and lives.
After surfing we went to Jamba and got some acai cups- oh so delicious- although i'm really looking forward to having Mark's wife's acai cups- i hear they are amazing!
OH! I wanted to share some fun stories of the week- hopefully they bring a smile to your face :)
Oh, the Deathstar
On Wednesday morning i was walking out to our car to go to See You At the Pole. Now, you must know that in Hawaii you always leave your windows rolled down, car unlocked (and rarely wear a seat belt :) ) Well, as I was getting my keys out and walking towards the car, a black cat jumped out of the driver's window! haha- I guess it had a nice little home for the night.
Oh, sorry- I should fill you in. The Deathstar is one of our lovely intern vans that belongs to student ministries- so Glenn and I have the pleasure of driving it around. And truly it is a deathstar- haha! I don't know why it is a star- except that it's white like a star- because really it's just death to us. Not that I'm not thankful- but oh boy! It's been unusable more than usable since we've been here. But on Thursday morning I was driving it to work and as I started to accelerate when i got on the highway, it slowed down...and down...and down. I went to turn it and could hardly move the stearing wheel. Praise God the church isn't far, and the last turn goes down a hill- because it completely died on me. But I could go off of the momentum of the hill and turn it into the Jehovah Witness parking lot :) Oh cars...but apparently it had just ran out of gas- so last night Steven and Glenn filled it up with a gas tank- haha! I was dying laughing because
1. it was completely dark
2. they were talking in their new zealand accents
3. steven- poor fellow- poured gasoline all over his foot!
BUT- The deathstar is back to life! It's like the cat with nine lives...
The other night Jena opened our front door, and there staring at us what a toad! A TOAD! I've never seen an actual toad before except in the movies. I secretly wanted to catch it and kiss it like a princess, but it hopped away from us before I could. But good thing! The next day Amy told me that they're poisonous! Did you know that? I never would have guessed that. She said that Brandon hates toads with fervor because they kill dogs- and he has a hunting dog that he loves like none other. So he catches all the toads in their yard and plays baseball with them- yep...haha And then she proceeded to tell me a story that will forever leave a smile on my face...
So last year when she and Brandon first moved here, some of the high school girls decided to TP their house- and fork their lawn, etc. Well, they weren't the sharpest tools in the shed because they did it at 8pm when brandon and amy were in the house and able to see exactly who did it. So Brandon and Puff went and collected 60 TOADS from their yard and put them in a paper sack...then they drove down the street and waited for the girls to come out from their bible study. When they did, the boys started chucking the toads at them! CHUCKING THE TOADS AT THEM! haha Needless to say, none of the girls have tried anything on brandon since then...
Oh and Ps...the other day brandon tells me, "Tomorrow I am going to kill a dear!" He was so stoked- yep, that's my boss :) love it!

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