Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh the happenings...

This weekend is the Maui County Fair! I know- I never would have thought that Maui had a fair either! But they sure do...and we have a booth there! We're making mexican baja tacos- and believe me, they are going to be DELICIOUS because I've tried so many of them seeing as how I work for Brandon who has been trying out every taco imaginable and cooking them himself to get just the right one...and i believe it's going to be a winner :) So this week is a little crazy with finishing up all the touches with our fair booth- you wouldn't believe all the details to think through. Yesterday I went out there to paint a bit (and loved it!) and then today Brandon and I revised it to fit the fire code- yes girls! I learned all about sheet rock and drilling and cutting, etc...haha- i really don't know all the terms. It was so great! I love hands on things I have learned- and working up a sweat...you know, feeling like you really worked! And being at the fair totally reminds me of all my mission trips to Montana :) But if you think of it, please be praying for all the details to come together and esp. for Brandon and Tony- for strength and wisdom in overseeing the booth.

This weekend the interns went on a hike to Iao Valley- and it was incredible!!! Let me just say it was a dream come true hiking barefoot, in my bathing suit, eating fresh guava off the trees and then jumping into a frigged stream!

So I just realized that this weekend is October! Crazy!!

1. I've been here a whole month already! It's gone so fast- and everyday I am so thankful and just praise the Lord for His goodness- that He has a purpose for each of us and uses us, regardless of how weak and frail I am.

2. That means next Wednesday night is our first girl's event- a sleepover of course!! I can't wait- but please be praying. I want to lead a couple of devotions, and am not sure yet what to talk about. Please pray for wisdom~

love to you all!!!! and if any of you would like a little vacay to maui anytime soon- please come!!!!

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