Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today was See you at the Pole where kids from all over the US gather around their flag poles at 7am and pray for our country, schools, teachers, friends, family, etc. I got to go to Baldwin High School- one of the schools that a lot of our kids in the youth group attend. When I got there they were singing praise songs to Jesus- which was awesome because the two leading it were guys from our youth group! Then we prayed together for awhile. Towards the end we laid our hands on those who were sick and prayed for them, and then we laid hands on the seniors and prayed for them specifically. I can't tell you how encouraged and awesome the time was! How powerful and uplifting it is to pray with the body of Christ...and to see these kids on fire for God- in love with Him and zealous to share Him with those around. I pray that I would have a passion for the gospel as they do...

I met with Amy for the first time too this morning! She is discipling me and it was so wonderful to just sit and talk with her- for like 2 1/2 hours! What a woman of God she is- so encouraging, uplifting, and truth giving too. I am so thankful that the Lord so sweetly answered my prayers for a discipler- and someone i feel totally comfortable to tell anything and everything to. I'm so excited to grow with her and learn from her.

We had our weekly intern lunch with the head pastor Craig today too- he made us kahlua pulled pork- oh! mouth watering...and i don't even like pork! The Bagsby's (a missionary couple in Nicaragua) had lunch with us too and told us how they met and came to the Lord- so awesome! She was a buddhist...but her auntie came to the Lord and wrote down the Lord's prayer for her- so she prayed it twice a day, just like another god to worship but the more and more she prayed it, the more and more she got stuck on "in Jesus' name" she went to the library and looked up all the books on Jesus. She read a couple of them, and realized that this Jesus was God- the One and Only! So she gave her life over to the Lord and started walking with him- and after awhile, her whole family was saved too. AMAZING! GOD YOU ARE AMAZING!

To top the day off, i got a call from my poppi...which was the sweetest, most endearing call from him. I love my daddy so much- and love how gentle and caring he is with me; how he so longs to be available to mom and I and open to talk about anything and everything. I love you daddy- ever so much!

1 comment:

  1. guess who found your blog this week,
    it took me a few hours to get caught up but I have read every blog and love them all! I'm SO thankful you are blogging, your heart comes through your words, and I feel so much more connected to you when I read this!
    God is doing so many AMAZING things in your life, it's hard to belive how meant to be this internship was, God has had this planned your whole life, incredible, He has been preparing you this whole time. I love it. I love you. I'm calling you today.
    so much love and thanks that I can read about you everyday,
