Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cafe Des Amis

This morning Amy and I went to Cafe Des Amis for breakfast. AH! I loved it! It's in Paia, my favorite spot in Maui- a cute hippy town. We sat outside and sipped our peppermint tea as we shared our hearts. We both ordered crepes with eggs, feta cheese, tomatoes and spinach- and of course a cinnamon one for dessert! Oh so wonderful! I just love Amy and I love hearing what God is teaching her, and her listening ear. I love being a girl!
Also, I am officially in love with crepes. One day when I have a house, I can't wait to have people over all the time for breakfast- we'll have crepes, fresh fruit, lattes, & fresh squeezed orange juice on the back porch. I would love to have tons of potted plants, and an herb garden- basil, oregano and rosemary. And we'll have to have an orange tree for the orange juice and a strawberry patch, simply because strawberries are delicious and are good in so many things! We can listen to the birdies chirp~ oh yes!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

God of Impossibilities

"In hope he believed against hope, that he should become the father of many nations, as he had been told, 'So shall your offspring be.' He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead (since he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barreness of Sarah's womb. No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. That is why his faith was 'counted to him as righteousness'." Romans 4:18-22

I've been studying this passage all month and it has been the coolest thing! This is how God worked it out in my life~

Renee was having a baby shower this past Saturday in Seattle, and I had been so hoping I'd SOMEHOW be able to make it- I prayed a few times, but didn't think it was possible. And! I had so wanted to go to one of Jeff's games on the mainland, and I prayed a little- just whispering my desire to God, but realizing it was impossible with ticket prices and getting time off of work.

Then! A couple weeks ago, mom emailed me asking me if I could come home one weekend in March because Dani at church had given her a stand-by ticket that had to be used up by the end of this month!!!! "WHAT!? NO WAY!" So after much prayer and hope, I asked Brandon for time off and prayed that I would be able to get on the plane- and sure enough, I did! God showed me that He truly is able to do all things- He's the God of impossibilities!

So this weekend, I got to see my parents, be at Nene's shower and see my sweet friends, and go to Jeff's game and hang out with him Monday- the one day he had off from school and baseball- God you amaze me! I am so grateful for His precious gift- a time to be refreshed, encouraged, and grown. I'm speechless at His working~

Nene's shower- with the girlies :)At the game
Jeff and I tootling around Portland

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

little joys

highlights of my day:
-asking brooklyn if i could have a hug, and her not only giving me a big bear hug, but a kiss too! I told her how I saw a video of her over the weekend and almost cried because i missed her so much! She is so precious to me

-Jena and I saying goodnight to Brody and Brookey:
me: "Goodnight loves!"
Brookey: "Goodnight Pineapple head!" (her new phrase)
me: "Goodnight banana head"
Brody: "Goodnight lemon head"
me "Goodnight cherry on top"
Brody: "Goodnight whip cream with sprinkles head"
Jena and I "Goodnight guys. Love you so much!"
Brookey "see you tomorrow!!!" (gives me a kiss!)
Brody: "I'll miss you more than my life!"
me "Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!"
Brody "Love you sweetheart"
Brookey "miss you!"

Friday, March 12, 2010


Tomorrow morning we are getting on a ferry and going to another island- Lanai'i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glorious ocean, beach, dolphins, paddleboarding, rest, camping, bonfire, smores, small groups, worship, teaching and fellowship....along with a hopeful night's sleep on the beach and devotion time at the Four Seasons, overlooking the lying ahead! I am so excited....excited to fellowship, to rest, and to spend time with my precious and beloved Savior!!!!

Other exciting news:
Shannon is done with college!!! Way to go girl!!!!

If you think of it, please pray for Cindy- she's a senior and is going to the big island this weekend for prom- with her boyfriend named Darwin. To be honest, I am so worried- he is not good news- so please pray for her protection- that God would be a shield...I know she is in His hands, so I trust Him!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I am teaching at youth group on Romans 4! I've been reading Rom. 4 every day for a few weeks now and I thought I would just share what God has shown me. I love this chapter in Romans- esp. v. 20-21,
"No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised."
God has shown me that He is a God of Promises and everytime I see a rainbow, I'm reminded of this sweet truth- His Word is FULL of promises! And when we believe His promises, we are filled with Hope and we glorify Him. I've always said "glorify God" and heard it, but I learned last night what it really means- it means SHOWING His excellencies and His greatness- we don't add to His glory, it's full. But we show it- we point to Him.
I've been challenged to think on His promises each day and pray that I will believe them- truly when we do, God fills us with all peace and joy!
Please be praying that God would be glorified through the message tonight- that their hearts would be open to hear His word and that they would come away loving Him more. I always get so nervous to speak- although i LOVE studying and teaching, i feel like Moses- so inadequate. But it's for the Lord, not me at all...teaching tonight is in itself a test of my faith in my God who promises to give me strength and courage!!!

I was talking to Jeff this morning too about what I'd been thinking through and confused about with Abraham- in Genesis 15, God appeared to Abraham promising him a son- Abraham was 75 yrs. old. But then Sarah gave Abraham her maidservant to produce a son, an heir, and he and Hagar had Ishmael- then God appeared to Abraham and Sarah again in Gen. 17 reminding him of His promise- that he was still going to have a promised son- and they did, Isaac one year later when Abraham was 100 yrs old! AMAZING! But I was so confused- so many chapters in the New Testament praise Abraham's faith and he is an example for us to follow, and yet he didn't believe God and he did things his own way and had a son through Hagar. Jeff showed me though that that just points to Christ! Abraham believed God, but then decided to take matters into his own hands, but then God still showed His RELENTLESS GRACE and kept His promise, and gave him an heir 25 years later. Abraham's faith is admirable when God appeared to him the second time, but the whole circumstance gives glory to God- He is the God of promises, He is FAITHFUL and TRUE and TRUSTWORTHY! "Were it not for God"!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

my day...

-woke up with Risa and walked over to Starbuck's for our devo and coffee time- lovely :)
-Long's Drug stop...really? face moisturizer with SPF is THAT much!?
-work...Oh Costco studyn' it up!
-Brandon busting into our office to tell me that yesterday Brody said, "Daddy, can you take mommy on a date soon?" Brandon: "Oh son, I would love to take Mommy on a date! But why?" Brody: "'Cuz I want Alyssa to come over" !!!! MELT MY HEART- why are they so stink' cute!?
-small group with 3 of my loves: Shekinah, Michelle and Mackenze! It was SO GOOD to hear their hearts- what their struggles are right now. We prayed for each other and ate brownies and popcorn with choc! Studied Gen.17- God is a God of promises and tells us to surrender everything to follow Him- because He is worth it all!!!
-Amy & Brandon's to celebrate Jena's 23rd birthday! whoot whoot! Oh yummy spaghetti and the BEST PIE IN THE WHOLE WORLD!
Happy Birthday Jena Bell- you are such a blessing to us!!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Beautiful Maui is a beautiful day! The past few weeks, okay, since Christmas break, I keep thinking about what I'm going to do next year- go home, stay here and intern another year, or even the possibility of going to's overwhelming and often I get burdened about it. I keep giving it to the Lord, but throughout the day I tend to grab it from God's hands and keep thinking and thinking about it! Oh buddy- The Lord is so patient with me! I've been talking to Brandon, Amy, my parents and Docca a lot about it- how thankful I am for their wise counsel and how they seek the Lord! But on Friday my mom gave me a challenge- to not think about next year at all until Monday- and when I do to say no! And think about the things I love about Maui. It's been tough- haha- and it's only Saturday! But in the midst of it, God has so encouraged my heart and has been reminding me of why I love Maui- of how His hand brought me here and how this is exactly where God wants me to be to grow closer to Him and to be used by purpose is to make Him famous while I fall more in love with Him each day of my life, and through that love, then love others...and right now, this is where I am doing that.

I love Maui~
I love that it is always 75-80 degrees everyday, with sunshine and a sweet breeze
I love the tropical ocean with its sea turtles and breaching whales
I love the soft sand
I love the walk at Wailea
I love looking up at Haleakala to see the sun rise, and then seeing it set towards the ocean
I love my family here- and adore the Smith's
I LOVE the high schoolers- how God is growing them and working in them
I love wearing slippers everyday, and walking around barefoot
I love going on coffee dates across the street from our apartment
I love paddleboarding
I love our pastors
I love my small group
I love that when i went to the beach today, we saw an elderly couple- nicely tan, one in her bikini the other in his speedo, dancing- to no music! Just on the beach doing the waltz!!!!!!!!!!!
I love bumping into people all over town from church
I love how this is a place of healing- and growth
I love that I get Wednesday mornings off to hang out with Amy
I love how people pour out GRACE here
I love that so long ago God has placed the desire in my heart to live in Hawaii and serve Him here and He is fulfilling that!

So, all that to say- God is teaching me to REST in Him, and to run to Him for strength- HE IS MY HOPE; that when we obey Him, He pours out His blessing upon us; that there is no need to worry- but lay it down at His feet- TRULY- and leave it there-
"Be strong, let your heart take courage, and wait upon the Lord" Ps. 27

Also, may I just say I have the BEST boyfriend ever!? I am so thankful for him- for how He longs for our LORD and His word, how he so loves the guys on his team and has such a heart for people to know HIM; for how he listens and cares for me- makes me laugh- is faithful and such a hard worker. You're a stud Jefferson Bethke!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


God is incredible! Yesterday afternoon I got a text from Jamie saying that her mom is going to let you come to Hume!!! YAY!!!! She called Amy crying, she was so thrilled. Sigh...I love seeing God's hand at work and what a blessing it is to be used by Him. So thank you so much for your prayers! God blesses those who call upon Him.

One more prayer request though- so today I got a couple messages saying that Michelle and Shekinah aren't coming to Hume this summer...which completely saddens my heart because these are the two girls I am closest with and who are in my small group. They love the Lord so much and are really growing- but if Michelle doesn't go, then Shekinah won't either. Break my! I lay this down at our Father's feet and ask you guys to please be praying today. Please pray that God would change their hearts, and they would come- we're doing Wildwood this year at Hume which is more of a discipleship, leadership camp which would be awesome for these girls! They are such leaders in our youth group and I know would grow leaps and bounds with all that they'll learn and be challenged with at camp. I know God can use anything to grow them- and I trust His plan.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

please be praying...

Our high school group is going to Hume Lake and doing an LA mission trip this summer- whoot whoot! Tomorrow their first deposit is due- they have to pay by then to guarentee a spot. One of the girl's, Jamie (senior) is awesome! I love her so much- but her mama really is hesitant with letting her go, but she wants to so badly and I know it would be incredible for her! So, please be praying that the Lord would really work in her mom's heart and let her go- and be excited for her to go! I know that God is in control and works in people's lives, and His will is best whatever happens...I just so hope His will is for Jamie to go!!!

sorry i've been slacking in the blogging department! i'll catch up you!