Thursday, March 11, 2010


I am teaching at youth group on Romans 4! I've been reading Rom. 4 every day for a few weeks now and I thought I would just share what God has shown me. I love this chapter in Romans- esp. v. 20-21,
"No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised."
God has shown me that He is a God of Promises and everytime I see a rainbow, I'm reminded of this sweet truth- His Word is FULL of promises! And when we believe His promises, we are filled with Hope and we glorify Him. I've always said "glorify God" and heard it, but I learned last night what it really means- it means SHOWING His excellencies and His greatness- we don't add to His glory, it's full. But we show it- we point to Him.
I've been challenged to think on His promises each day and pray that I will believe them- truly when we do, God fills us with all peace and joy!
Please be praying that God would be glorified through the message tonight- that their hearts would be open to hear His word and that they would come away loving Him more. I always get so nervous to speak- although i LOVE studying and teaching, i feel like Moses- so inadequate. But it's for the Lord, not me at all...teaching tonight is in itself a test of my faith in my God who promises to give me strength and courage!!!

I was talking to Jeff this morning too about what I'd been thinking through and confused about with Abraham- in Genesis 15, God appeared to Abraham promising him a son- Abraham was 75 yrs. old. But then Sarah gave Abraham her maidservant to produce a son, an heir, and he and Hagar had Ishmael- then God appeared to Abraham and Sarah again in Gen. 17 reminding him of His promise- that he was still going to have a promised son- and they did, Isaac one year later when Abraham was 100 yrs old! AMAZING! But I was so confused- so many chapters in the New Testament praise Abraham's faith and he is an example for us to follow, and yet he didn't believe God and he did things his own way and had a son through Hagar. Jeff showed me though that that just points to Christ! Abraham believed God, but then decided to take matters into his own hands, but then God still showed His RELENTLESS GRACE and kept His promise, and gave him an heir 25 years later. Abraham's faith is admirable when God appeared to him the second time, but the whole circumstance gives glory to God- He is the God of promises, He is FAITHFUL and TRUE and TRUSTWORTHY! "Were it not for God"!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lyss, you are such an encouragment. I am praying praying for you.
