Thursday, March 4, 2010


God is incredible! Yesterday afternoon I got a text from Jamie saying that her mom is going to let you come to Hume!!! YAY!!!! She called Amy crying, she was so thrilled. Sigh...I love seeing God's hand at work and what a blessing it is to be used by Him. So thank you so much for your prayers! God blesses those who call upon Him.

One more prayer request though- so today I got a couple messages saying that Michelle and Shekinah aren't coming to Hume this summer...which completely saddens my heart because these are the two girls I am closest with and who are in my small group. They love the Lord so much and are really growing- but if Michelle doesn't go, then Shekinah won't either. Break my! I lay this down at our Father's feet and ask you guys to please be praying today. Please pray that God would change their hearts, and they would come- we're doing Wildwood this year at Hume which is more of a discipleship, leadership camp which would be awesome for these girls! They are such leaders in our youth group and I know would grow leaps and bounds with all that they'll learn and be challenged with at camp. I know God can use anything to grow them- and I trust His plan.

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