Saturday, March 6, 2010

Beautiful Maui is a beautiful day! The past few weeks, okay, since Christmas break, I keep thinking about what I'm going to do next year- go home, stay here and intern another year, or even the possibility of going to's overwhelming and often I get burdened about it. I keep giving it to the Lord, but throughout the day I tend to grab it from God's hands and keep thinking and thinking about it! Oh buddy- The Lord is so patient with me! I've been talking to Brandon, Amy, my parents and Docca a lot about it- how thankful I am for their wise counsel and how they seek the Lord! But on Friday my mom gave me a challenge- to not think about next year at all until Monday- and when I do to say no! And think about the things I love about Maui. It's been tough- haha- and it's only Saturday! But in the midst of it, God has so encouraged my heart and has been reminding me of why I love Maui- of how His hand brought me here and how this is exactly where God wants me to be to grow closer to Him and to be used by purpose is to make Him famous while I fall more in love with Him each day of my life, and through that love, then love others...and right now, this is where I am doing that.

I love Maui~
I love that it is always 75-80 degrees everyday, with sunshine and a sweet breeze
I love the tropical ocean with its sea turtles and breaching whales
I love the soft sand
I love the walk at Wailea
I love looking up at Haleakala to see the sun rise, and then seeing it set towards the ocean
I love my family here- and adore the Smith's
I LOVE the high schoolers- how God is growing them and working in them
I love wearing slippers everyday, and walking around barefoot
I love going on coffee dates across the street from our apartment
I love paddleboarding
I love our pastors
I love my small group
I love that when i went to the beach today, we saw an elderly couple- nicely tan, one in her bikini the other in his speedo, dancing- to no music! Just on the beach doing the waltz!!!!!!!!!!!
I love bumping into people all over town from church
I love how this is a place of healing- and growth
I love that I get Wednesday mornings off to hang out with Amy
I love how people pour out GRACE here
I love that so long ago God has placed the desire in my heart to live in Hawaii and serve Him here and He is fulfilling that!

So, all that to say- God is teaching me to REST in Him, and to run to Him for strength- HE IS MY HOPE; that when we obey Him, He pours out His blessing upon us; that there is no need to worry- but lay it down at His feet- TRULY- and leave it there-
"Be strong, let your heart take courage, and wait upon the Lord" Ps. 27

Also, may I just say I have the BEST boyfriend ever!? I am so thankful for him- for how He longs for our LORD and His word, how he so loves the guys on his team and has such a heart for people to know HIM; for how he listens and cares for me- makes me laugh- is faithful and such a hard worker. You're a stud Jefferson Bethke!

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