Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December Happenings

Whew! December is flying by! I can't believe I go home in 3 days!!! eeee! But, to catch you up! On Dec.4th we had a girl's christmas party where we made Christmas ornaments, cookies and did a gift exchange. I was so excited that my small group girls came! And although it was a lot of work! I loved seeing the girls enjoy themselves so much- a lot of them had never made Christmas cookies before, let alone frost them. Shekinah and Michelle frosted like 100 of them! haha I realized that when doing events, what matters is that the girls have fun and get to know each other- Then last Monday, JAWS went off! It's a local surf spot that breaks 3-5 times a year- Craig, our senior pastor, called us up and told us to be ready at 6am to go see it! And it was epic! 40'+ waves- they were towing in the surfers...I guess all the famous guys were out- including laird hamilton (is that the right name!? Haha...) The best part though was calling up dad while I was watching; it was like he was there with me- I so wish he could have been. It's his dream to see Jaws go off-
After that Brandon gave me the day off, so Leslie, Risa and I went to the beach to soak up some sun- it was wonderful! I love those girls so much~

On Tuesday we had a gingerbread house making night! IT WAS FANTASTIC! We used graham crackers- which by the way, is the way to go!!! It was so fun and so great to see everyone's creativity-

This past Saturday was one of my favorite days! Leslie and I met up early in the morning to paddleboard- and right away we saw two turtles! (and apparently an hour after we left a shark joined those two turtles! eee!) We just layed down on our boards afterwards and stared up at the sky and talked- love it! Then all of us girls went to Jill Walsh's home (her husband is a captain) and sun bathed, swam in her pool and watch Just Friends in their movie theatre room- aw! It was so relaxing- I am so thankful for people's hospitality here. Then that night we had our Staff Christmas party, which was so great! haha We did a big pirate christmas gift exchange. The best though was at the end, we all prayed together- I can't tell you how blessed I felt to hear the ocean waves breaking, and talking to our Papa with all the staff and pastors- that night will always be in my heart.

So this week!

Yesterday: flat tire! haha

Tuesday: bible study with the ladies

Wednesday: Paddleboarding, drop John off at the airport (how sad!), RISE Christmas Party Bash

Thursday: Youth Group Christmas Party, Rio spends the night!

Friday: Lunch with the girlies, FLYING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to you all-

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Mama & Caitlin!

Happy Birthday Mama! Oh Mama, I love you with my whole heart! You are a woman of truth, wisdom, mercy and kindness. You seek the Lord daily and are always looking to see how you can serve and encourage someone else. You are a treasure to my heart and I praise and thank our Papa daily for you- thank you for laughing with me, crying with me- for listening and speaking truth to my heart. You are my dearest friend Mama- I LOVE YOU and Praise God for His creation of you!!! Have a wonderful day!!

Happy birthday sweet Caitlin!!! You my dear girl are such a blessing to my heart! You are a woman of God who loves Him and seeks Him wholeheartedly! You are a woman of truth and purity- and I love your honesty and tender heart. I'm thinking and praying for you today and CANNOT WAIT to see you and your mama for Christmas!!! LOVE YOU!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

As I'm sitting at work, chewing on some Bazooka bubblegum (!!!! I haven't had this since soccer practice when I was in 7th grade-mmmmm:) I realized I should update my blog~ however, I have to go soon so I thought I would just tell a little tale of today~

So I was cleaning for my green time today, which I really love actually, and I was in the back bathroom in the sanctuary- yes, I do get the privilege of scrubbing a toilet once a week! But I was sweeping the floor, and moved the plunger, to see this GINORMOUS- did I say GINORMOUS!?-cochroach, just lying there, dead as a doornail. (is that the right saying!?) AHHH!!!! Now, I must admit that I have only killed one cochroach since I've been here- and it was little and really in defense of Amy and Brookey. So I did a little dance, got tons of paper towels and then realized I could just sweep it up in the dust pan. BUT STILL! I actually got really nauteous haha!

I'll write later about this past week- love you all!

This weekend:
church tonight!
Graffiti clean up with the kids
little boys' (twins) birthday- turning 2!
working in the nursery- yes!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Lord is Gracious and Compassionate

Time flies here! I can't get over it! My heart is full this morning; I don't even know where to begin... well, i guess the beginning is always good :)

Tuesday's small group was so sweet! 4 girls came!! Sofia, Michelle's friend who is a catholic, came back, which was an answer to prayer! And Sheqina came back- which is such a blessing from the Lord. The first time she came I was honestly intimidated by her, and when I was getting ready on Tuesday morning for small groups I thought of her, and prayed that she'd come, although deep down I knew I was still intimidated. However, she came, and the Lord totally changed my heart and gave me such a joy and compassion for her! Praise God! We were talking about Gen. 2- How God provides for us and we are to obey Him, which is our worship. I got so pumped to teach because I had learned so much while preparing. The best part was when Sheqina said, "Man, I never knew Genesis was so interesting!" Michelle: "I know, I thought it was just creation and that was it." Sheqina: "No, it's so good! There's so much here!" My heart leaped for joy! I can't tell you how sweet it is when girl's get excited for the Word of God- truly they are my delight and joy as Paul says about the church in the epistles.

Thursday I made a costco run and helped Amy clean her house for our Progressive Dinner that night with the high schoolers. Amy and I got to sit down and eat lunch together, which was a blessing to my heart- I am so thankful for her in my life; for her honesty and wisdom. Well! Thursday was crazy and I loved it! We celebrated Thanksgiving with the kids, so we all met at Brandon's house for pupus (appetizers), then we went to another house for salad, then another's for dinner, then another's for dessert. At each stop we had a 5 minute devotion on thanksgiving. Amy talked at the first stop about being thankful for Who God Is, then another leader talked on the church, Brandon talked about our nation and we wrote letters to soldiers, and then I talked about friends and family- I loved it! I got to share about the blessing and answer to prayer Risa is in my life- how sweet it is when we have heart to hearts; how God made us relational beings- and there is so much joy in walking life together. The coolest part was how excited the kids were- 70 kids came!! We've been having about 30 kids each week at youth group, so that was huge! Funny story- I told kids that I could give them a ride home (we were aways away) but if you know me, you know I'm not very good with numbers and practicality- so I didn't realize I was the only ride back to Kihei- let's just say I had 11 kids piled into our van! Haha- They were on top of each other and on the ground- with two huge water jugs. Love it! But praise the Lord, they all got home safely :)

Friday was green time- well, Friday honestly I was feeling a bit "blah"- it was more of a quiet day, which I liked, and I love my green time (cleaning) but I was a bit blah- and on the way home-haha-I got a ticket for not wearing my seat belt! It was the weirdest experience- so calm, and quick- literally within 6 minutes he had me pulled over, and ticketed. The funny thing is that you really don't wear your seat belt in Maui- at least we never do. But apparently you should! It was cool though that the Lord helped me to think on 1 Thess. 5:16 & 17 about giving thanks always- in every circumstance. I've been learning that this week in my study- how when we give thanks, we have deep joy and satisfaction in the Lord! So true! Well, when I was ticketed I got to practice that truth- I am thankful it was just a seat belt ticket, and I know it's good- the Lord's protecting me from accidents and I need to obey...the whole experience was just a bit funny and so matter of fact- not much emotion, it just was. "It is what it is" HOWEVER! Last night at church worship was incredible! I was just praying, asking God to come meet me because I didn't honestly feel like worshipping Him, although I know He's so worthy- and He totally did! Our God is so gracious- it was powerful last night, and it brought me to my knees and in tears at how His cross sweetly breaks us, and how I so desire to be so lost in His love.

Then this morning I got to go paddelboarding with Leslie and chat over starbuck's afterwards! She is such an encouragment to me- that I can be so honest and open with her. We're going to start getting together every Saturday morning for paddelboarding and discipleship! I'm so excited- I told her I am really interested in Young Life, and I told her my fears and weaknesses so she's going to walk through me with those and help me with discipling my girls in the youth group.

Oh! And I changed my plane ticket for coming home for Christmas- so I get to be there on the 18th!!! Less than a month- crazy!

This week, through all that happened and what I've been studying, the Lord keeps showing me His grace and compassion. He truly provides for us and blesses us when we obey Him- and what a JOY it is to obey our loving, faithful Father. Oh how I long to be with my Papa- to run into His arms and be held there forever- I can't wait til we meet at His throne as His bride and worship Him with our whole hearts for eternity! He will dwell with us there...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Best Day on Maui Yet!!!!

On Saturday Leslie took the four of us girls upcountry for a picnic and cardboard sledding!!! I had never even heard of cardboard sledding before (have you!?) but let me just say, it's my new favorite past time for sure! It was a blast- some other families came up to join us, and it was so fun to watch the kids sled down the steep grass hill- although they had brought real sleds! True Maui style- shoots, who needs snow?
Then after our lovely picnic, we met up with the other "Risers" (young adults group) for some caving adventures at Uncle Pat's! Haha, this was the greatest- I totally thought it was this little lava tube you climbed through, and then a big room cave, and that was it. Well, it actually turned out to be the hardest cave climb i've ever had, and i've been on a few hikes before! We had to climb down into the cave, through coffee bean plants and a little cliff, and then through this tube (which wasn't a biggy at all). But then the hike was so intense! You know how on the mainland caves are usually freezing, well, this one was humid and we all were sweating! And so dirty and cut up from the lava rock- but totally worth it! Loved it truly! I got to talk to Brett, a previous intern, during the hike and it was so cool to see God through the cave- for instance, it was completely pitch black, and you could only see the step ahead of you with the light of your flashlight- it reminded me that God's word is a lamp unto my feet, and that usually we never see past the next step we need to take- but God so graciously leads us, one step at a time. And Brett mentioned too that hiking the cave is kind of like the body of Christ- we each shine our light for the Lord, but each light is unique. And how we are dependent upon one another to walk this life- support, encouragement, and how our lights encourage each other. I don't know if that makes sense; Brett put it in such a great way! After the hike- RUGGED!

Afterwards we had dinner and a bonfire at Unlce Pat's property that looked out on the ocean. So beautiful! I got to talk to Leslie and Tiffany about young life and how Tiffany came to know the Lord through the camp. It got me really excited for possible job opportunities in the future!!!
haha! Uncle Pat drove us girls up to our car at the end of the night in his old bronco- he took us off roading- up a huge, steep hill! Haha- it was awesome! The power steering broke on the way up, but nonetheless Uncle Pat kept pushing through- he is a kick.
BUT! My favorite part of the day i think was driving home with Leslie and Risa in Leslie's convertible with the top down- I just sat in the back looking up at all the stars- incredible! God is magnificent and beautiful!

This week:
Small Group tomorrow with my girls :)
Bible study with the intern girls
Thanksgiving Progressive Dinner for high school

Friday, November 13, 2009

snapshots of my life

Our intern crew at Christy's birthday: from top left: Jena, me, Risa, Christy, Vanessa; bottom left: Steven, John, Glenn, Chris

My small group girls at the Lavendar Farm yesterday- so beautiful!

This is Leslie- I love her so much! She works in the bookstore and is leading our girl's bible study by Beth Moore "When godly people do ungodly things." She is such a joy to me!

This one I just had to put up- isn't Brookey so adorable!? We had a beach day with the high schoolers last friday morning, so I got to hang out with Brookey for a bit and play house until the high schoolers came- she wanted to try on my big sunglasses! What a cutiepie

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Tuesdays are becoming my favorite day of the week! I lead a small group with two of my girls, and then afterwards us intern girls and our friends Leslie and Brittany have a bible study. We're going through "When godly people do ungodly things" by Beth Moore- and it is so enlightening! I just love fellowship- getting together and talking about the Lord! There are few things that are sweeter~
But! Yesterday during our small group, Michelle came with her friend Sofia. They are both sophmores in high school. I love seeing Michelle love on her friends- she truly has the gift of evangelism. Sofia is a catholic and is going through a really difficult time right now with her parents getting a divorce. She just opened up her heart yesterday and shared her hurts. I felt so blessed to listen and pray with her.
For our small group we're going through a book on our covenant with the Lord- how He wants a relationship with us. Yesterday I was teaching through how we're created in the image of God (which is such an awesome and sweet truth that I am clinging to more and more these days!) and I read Psalm 139 to the girls. It was so cool! ha I just love God's sweet sweet love for us. I read Ps. 139:17-18
"How precious to me are your thoughts (about me) O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you."

I explained to them that God thinks about us all the time- we can't count how many thoughts he has for us- more than the sand! And then i explained - just think, I can't even count all the pieces of sand in my hand if I take handful, let alone all the sand on every beach in the world, and then to think of all the sand on the ocean floor (It still completely blows my mind! I had never thought of all the sand on the ocean floor before- and then to think that the ocean takes up what, 70-75%of the earth!) I started to go on with the lesson, and I asked the girls a question, and they weren't really listening- and then michelle goes, "wait! I'm sorry- i didn't hear what you asked. I was just thinking of all that sand- for real? the bible really says that!? That He thinks of us that much?" I LOVE IT! I said YES! and then I had her look up the verse in her bible, and sure enough that's what it said- they just couldn't get over how cool that was!

I still can't get over how amazing that is- GOD'S LOVE IS UNFATHOMABLE!

Monday, November 9, 2009

weekend update

tennis by the beach!
beach day with the girls
hip hop abs with SHAN T! haha
rearranging the living room
"she's the man"
"Christmas Carol"

Today is Christy's 24th birthday! whoot whoot! We're going to take her to Outback for dessert tonight- and (hopefully she's not reading this!) we're going to get her Diet Coke for life!!! haha I have never met anyone who loves DC as much as this girl- I love this girl. This past week we got to have some heart to hearts (or H2H as Risa likes to say!) and it was such a blessing- I love her servant's heart with making us dinner and making our house feel like a home- she is so cute. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET GIRL!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It's official! The holiday season is in full swing as of today~ Starbuck's brought out their RED CUPS!!! I walked into our office this morning, and I saw Samson (a guy at our campout who rededicated his life to Christ! It was so good to see him since he lives on Lanai, the other island) with his starbuck's red cupped drink! I was so excited to see Sam of course, but I flipped when i saw the red cup! haha If you are Caitlin, you know how momentous this day is! I love it because it reminds me of Christmas, which reminds me of home...oh sweet home! 49 days til i come home! Not that I want to count away the days here, I want to be all here, but I can't tell you how excited I am to be with my family and friends there!

Last week and this past weekend were great- Brandon and Amy came home! And so did Craig, our head pastor- so it was a fun reunion type of a week. On Sunday night I went over to Brandon and Amy's for dinner. Afterwards I got to talk with Amy for awhile, which was such a blessing to my heart. I just praise God for fellowship- there is so much joy, refreshment and delight after talking with a brother or sister in Christ.

Today Vanessa, the 9th intern, flew in from Canada! So all of us interns and her overseers picked her up at the airport and took her out to lunch. She is such a sweetheart whose lips constantly praise God- I love it and can't wait to get to know her better! The best line of the day though was when she asked Glenn, Jena and I how we were liking Hawaii. Glenn, who was standing next to Jena, said "Oh it's been awesome. But you know, the honeymoon stage is definately over now." (as you know when you go to a new place, the first month or so is like heaven...before reality hits) And Vanessa looks at Glenn and Jena and asks, "Oh, did you guys just get married!?" HAHA Oh, if you knew the two of them, it would make it that much funnier- but take my word for it, it was so great! I love her already so much!

The bad side of life right now is that I'm sick- yes, yet again. And in a way that I'd rather not say; being sick is so humbling. And I feel like I've just been so sick since I've gotten here. It's really discouraging, but reminds me that I am dependent upon Christ every day- He gives us our every breathe and every ounce of strength. I am going to try and go to the doctor's tomorrow and get a check up- I haven't had one in about two years, so I'm overdue for one. I just have had so many health problems the last year or so...so please be praying for wisdom for the doctors and that I'd be able to get in...sigh. I'm just done with my body- but it reminds me that i am like grass which whithers- I can't wait for the Lord to return, when we will be with HIM forever, and have perfectly healthy bodies!

Oh, finally- there is a lot on my heart tonight and things I'm thinking through- esp with next year- but I just want to say that I am so thankful for the people God has blessed in my life- for how they so love and follow faithfully our Papa. I realized the other day that a lot of the girl's in our youth group are new believers and come from unsaved families. Praise God! But then I'm so humbled and in tears when I think of how sweetly God has blessed such godly, loving and supportive parents in my life who are my best friends. And then to think of the sweet friends I have who encourage me and show me how to love Jesus more and people more. And it's been so exciting to see what God's been doing in their lives as I'm away- I can't wait, again, until we are all in heaven- when no goodbyes will ever be spoken again- and we will all be together, in perfect unity, praising and adoring our Father together!
Love you all with all my heart- may God's blessings and love be full in your life today!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

He makes His face shine upon us

Last week Rio and I had a sleepover at Brandon and Amy's house 'cuz she's house sitting for them while they're in Cali. I can't tell you what a blessing it was to get away for a bit, and just spend time with Rio and hear all that the Lord's doing in her life. This girl amazes me! She is going through so many trials right now with her family, future and friends, but through it all, she is running to the Lord and entrusting her heart to Him. And I love how praise just flows from her lips constantly. I want to be more like her! The Lord really used our time together to remind me that life is not about me! Sometimes I get so caught up with all that's going on in my own life and heart, when really I need to look to Christ and focus on loving Him and loving others. And in that there is so much joy and peace.
Well, while we were hanging out, we decided to start up the dishwasher but didn't have soap for it- so we thought we could just put in regular dish soap! I had already put in some, and asked Rio if we should put in more- she said "No, i think it'll expand alyssa." But I was thinking we should put in as much soap as if we were washing all the dishes by hand. (If you don't know this about me, i definately don't have much common sense...) So, needless to say I loaded that bad boy up and we went to the living room to have our girl talk. About an hour later, we were getting ready to go to bed, when i walked into the kitchen and saw this!!!
SOAP EVERYWHERE! HAHA Oh boy- so for all you readers, not to self- do not use regular dishwashing soap for your dishwasher- there's a reason why we use a different kind! haha I just think it's so funny because i always wondered how people could possibly do this- well, now i know!
This weekend we interns got to go to Lanai for the young adults camping trip. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! Lanai is about a 45 min. ferry ride from Lahaina, Maui- it's kind of like the hawaiian equivalent to wooby island in Washington- just a little island where about 2,000 people live. The campsite was right on the water and beautifully landscaped. We just relaxed- swam, snorkeled, cliff jumped (i didn't do this...), soccer, slept under the stars, bonfire, sang worship songs, testimonies, and smores! :)
We were told that you can swim with dolphins in the morning so we went out snorkeling Sunday morning, but didn't see any at first. We did see some beautiful fish though and a manaray! (I saw it going for Risa's toes...we immediately swam back to shore!) But after breakfast, we heard all the dolphins were out and sure enough there were about 20-30 spinner dolphins!! And they stayed all morning. Risa and I started swimming out to the middle of the bay to swim with them, when we heard Christy yell "Turn back! All the boys are being stung by jellyfish!" Well, that about did it...we're not fans of jellyfish...so we swam back. But while we were swimming, we put our heads under water and could hear the dolphins talking to one another!!! GOD IS SO AWESOME!
This is a photo of the dolphins- see some of them!?

Risa and I walked up to the Four Seasons Hotel right by our campsite and used their beautiful bathroom (trust me, a real delight after camping!) and lounged out on their chairs overlooking the bay. We watched the dolphins spin and jump, took a wonderful nap, sunbathed, and spent some time with our Lord. I was reading Psalm 67:1 "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us" As I was reading it I was having a hard time accepting God's blessings- I kept thinking "But God I don't deserve your blessings" and I have been struggling with doubting God's goodness lately. (I know, pretty crazy seeing as how I'm in Maui huh!? Oh sin, I hate it!) But as I read it and was looking at those dolphins, God showed me that I'm right, I don't deserve His blessings- I'm so unworthy- but that's the beauty of the Lord! That He pours out His blessings and grace on us inspite of our unworthiness. It all points to Him, not us! He blesses us abudantly simply because He loves us with a love that we will never be able to fathom! God's love is everlasting, compassionate as a Father's, unconditional- it's so high and deep and wide and long- God shines his face upon us- how are we not to praise Him!? I love that phrase "He shines His face upon us"- just as the sun shines down on us with all it's warmth and light, so God shines upon us, showing us His light and filling us with His comfort and warmth. Truly there is nothing better than God's sweet love!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today was the memorial service for Whitney's (one of my girl's, a senior in high school) mom. She found her mom on the kitchen floor last Thursday night; she had gone to be with the Lord. She had been in a lot of pain the last few years, going through 10 back surgeries. But still, her passing was unexpected.
I am so thankful I was able to be in that service, and support Whitney and praise the Lord for her mom's life- the legacy she left behind. I didn't meet her mom, but I hear that she had a joy about her, throughout all her pain, and a love for Jesus that her daughter now has. At the beginning of the service we sang "Better is One Day", "Amazing Grace", and "How Great is our God". I couldn't help but let the tears gush down my face. And in that moment, I fully understood the verse that says to "rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep". Even though it is such a joy and delight to know that a beloved one is in heaven, with our Savior- for there is nothing sweeter and all of us children are longing to be with our Heavenly Papa- it is still a heartbreaking time to lose a loved one- at least for the rest of our time on earth. I was reminded of my sweet mama and how the Lord took her mom to be at home with Him when my mom was 19. I can't even imagine losing my mom. I know the Lord will take us all home one day, but how I praise our Father for blessing every moment that He has with my parents. How sweet and precious their love and relationship are to me. They show me Christ each day- and have shepherded my heart to love and long for Jesus as they do. I was reminded today of how short our lives are- for we are like grass- and how we are to live for Christ each day, making Him famous-
It was such a sweet thing though to see Whitney's family in the front row together- and how her dad so cares for his children. Please be praying for their family, and for Whitney especially- that their hearts would fall deeper in love with Jesus through this, and not grow bitter but better, and that they would feel God's loving embrace around them.
I got Whit's phone number and a hoping to get together with her soon- just to talk and pray and love on her. Please pray for wisdom in this-

One verse that I love and am always reminded of because it's one of my mom's favorite and one that she clung to when her mom past away is Ps. 73: 25-26 "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever"

Monday, October 19, 2009


Yesterday was our weekly Sunday Beach Day at Big Beach- every Sunday afternoon our church gets together to play some volleyball, sponge (like boogy boarding, but they don't dare say boogy boarding here!), and fellowship. BUT YESTERDAY WAS OFF THE HOOK! The waves were insane! 12 footers for sure...crazy! I wouldn't even dare to go into the water- it was so dangerous. But it was so fun to have tons of the high schoolers there and watch all the guys do flips on the waves and just get thrashed. Haha, now I totally understand all the surfer lingo- there's no other way to describe things than "insane""barrelled" and "rugged".
And volleyball was super great! I played a couple of games, and Art- an older man in our church- was coaching me! love it
Then Jena and I went exploring a bit- we got to have a heart to heart as we walked along the beach, which was such a blessing. It's so true that verse that talks about counsel from a friend being like water to the soul-( i could be quoting that completely wrong!) We just realized that as interns we need to be open with one another, and sharing our hearts and praying for one another- so please pray that we would do that! Anyways, we walked up over this cliff to get to "Little Beach" aka Naked beach! haha It was so funny- as we walked up over this cliff, we heard a drum beating, and then smelled some incense- that wasn't so cool. But there were so many people there- in bathing suits. Jena and I looked at each other and said "I don't see any nakeys..." and then one by one they appeared! Oh man...(literally, old men...)we only stood there for a couple of minutes, then quickly turned around and went to our wonderful, clothed side of the beach. Maui is so unique!
Jena got peed on by a dog- !
Then after the beach we all went to "Peggy Sue's" for dinner- this cute 50's diner. We tried egg cream- a drink they use to serve in the 50's...it wasn't so bad, but not the best either! We played some juke box music as well- so fun! And john, the new intern, made a great surfer scene on his plate with ketchup, mustard and ranch.

Pictures coming soon of Big Beach! I'm just waiting for my computer chord to come in so i can use my computer again...love you all so much and missing you- grace and peace

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Week in Review

This week... Ed, my youth pastor growing up, often had us go around and tell our "goods, bads, and uglies" of the week- (which I had my small group girls do this week, and it was great! A great segway for people to open up ;) So here's mine for this week:

- I received my first text message from my mom! ha i love it!! And they are now on verizon so we can talk for free- FANTASTIC!
-talk with mom on thursday. She is always so uplifting. Thank you mama!
-My roomates and I learned the miley cyrus dance on monday :) "polka-dot-it"
-oh! risa and i painted our room blue! Did i tell you that? It's marvelous :)
-good talk with Brandon about parents and students in ministry
-awesome small group on tuesday; so encouraged by my girls
-risa and i did the "pen ministry" (haha, i laugh every time i say or hear that- we just go around and stick pens in the chairs for service) yesterday and rocked out to some LeCrea.

-missing Brandon and Amy while they're in California- so glad they got to go home for a couple of weeks, but still missing them
-my computer chord broke, or fizzed out, this week...i'm reminded that everything I have is the Lord's and to not put my hope in the things of this world
-Life's trials and tragedies- i think the realities of ministry and life hit me last week. I so love my girls, so so so much!, and am so thankful that they are open with me with their lives and hardships...but with that comes heartache and a burden for them. Through some of these trials, I was reminded this week that Satan loves to break people apart- he hates it when we dwell in unity or have sweet, sacrificial relationships- he hates relationships. And he's working to tear people apart- whether that's just by being busy, or by dissension. I'm so thankful that I'm aware of that now and encouraged to pray, pray, pray.
-One of the girl's, Whitney, mom died on thursday night. She had been sick for 15 yrs. but passed away to be with the Lord. I actually don't really know Whitney very well, but I did see her on Friday night at church- she was there, which amazed me. I hugged her and asked how she was and told her to let me know if there's anything i can do. I just have no idea what I can do- but pray. So please be praying for sweet Whitney and her family when you read this...that she would feel God's arms wrapped around her.

- my keys fell in the church's toilet yesterday, before i had cleaned it!!! haha Praise the Lord for lysol!! I actually think it's just really funny-my mom got me a light to put on my key chain before I left however, and after falling into the unknown abyss of toilet land, the light wouldn't turn off- oh well!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

pictures :)

Last week we girls got to house sit for the Kim's- and oh, how wonderful it was! It was a little retreat- Risa and I slept in the master bedroom- and every night we would just revel in the big bed! haha So fantastic! But one night we had a few people over and celebrated the fall! We bought pumpkin candles and "harvest fruit" haha And Christy made pumpkin and apple pie- it was marvelous.
GIRL'S SLEEPOVER!!! Amy and I dishing out the dessert- strawberry shortcake :) Do you like the left over fair plates? haha Oh the fair... I can't tell you what a blessing these three girls are. From the left- Amanda, Jamie, me, and Amanda. I get so excited everytime i see them! They are just really pursuing the Lord and wanting to grow-

This one is for you mom :) Back at our apt...i made the girl's the cinnamon raisin scones for small groups this tuesday! michelle loved them so much she had three! love it!
And these are the two girl's in my small group- MacKenzie and Michelle. I love them so much. This tuesday was really good- they really opened up and we were able to encourage one another with scripture and prayer. And then yesterday morning I woke up to a text from MacKenzie with a verse to encourage me! And Michelle texted me later that night saying how God had worked that day- i love it! God is so mighty!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Sorry it's been a while...last week was so crazy busy with the fair, guy's campout (which obviously i didn't go to! haha but i had to be on the camping permit anyways...long story! oh hawaii...), girl's sleepover, small groups starting, and youth group (I taught this week!). It was a great week- definately hard at times wtih being tired and worn out, but I loved every minute with the kids- and the girl's sleepover was such a blast! Oh, I can't tell you how much i love those girls- we had 12 girls come and we had delicious food, games, manicures/pedicures, and devotionals- and i loved every minute of it! I talked on falling in love with Jesus and fixing our eyes on Him.

But the highlight for sure of the week (well, actually the week before, but i had to wait a bit to make it public) is that my best friend Nene is pregnant!!! YES! Jon and Renee are parents-to-be! I can't tell you how joyful I am for them- she started a blog too (praise the Lord!) and I cried reading her first entry. I just am in amazement at God's good gifts and how sweet He is to blessi them with children- and how His timing is perfect. The one thing that is hard is that Renee and I grew up dreaming of our husbands and marriage and our children- and I always thought we'd be together through it all. But God had different plans, which are so much higher than our own, it's just hard to be away too. BUT! Praise God for the internet and phones- and how amazing that I will be in California for our high school camp/missions trip the same week the baby is due! Thank you Lord! So hopefully I can see this bundle of joy...I'm going to be an auntie!! (and I agree with you Kimmy, I totally think it's going to be a girl! ;)
(Soon we'll be kissing your precious baby nene!!!) LOVE YOU TWO SO MUCH!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

As Gold Refined in Fire

Thursdays are always busy days for me with youth group (The Furnace) that night. There are announcements, worship, slideshows, computer hoopla- of which i don't understand but somehow God always works it out!- preparing a devotion...and getting so stoked to see the kids!

So I came to work on Thursday, bracing myself for another thursday, and what a day! Brooklyn, Brandon's 2 yr. old sweetheart, drank a bottle of children's tylenol that morning. It was scary and a bit crazy figuring out how she was doing as she went from home, to the doctors, to the ER...Thankfully Brandon was able to leave and go be with his family and praise the Lord that it turned out Brookey was okay. After they did her blood work, they found out that her toxins were under what they needed to be to stay over night in the ER and have an IV- PRAISE THE LORD! How scary that would have been for her. She's metabolized it by now and is much better. However, Brandon leaving meant that I needed to lead youth group that night. And truthfully, I was scared. I love the high schoolers so much and I love teaching- in small groups or one on one, when i've had ample time to prepare and pray about it. But this all came about at 3pm...thankfully Brandon already had his message all written up, so all I needed to do was share it. However, it was on Col. 1:24-25 and I didn't fully understand it myself- about suffering. I've been kind of thinking through that topic all summer- is this suffering when we are persecuted for our faith, or just trials in general? Sometimes they correlate...but i'm just not real clear on the topic. (Any wisdom!?) So I spent the rest of the day frantically studying, and getting all the worship together...as I prayed throughout it all. I did learn a lot as I studied! One thing that really stood out to me was that after Jesus ascended, the world wasn't done persecuting Him because they hate Him, so because we are the body of Christ- He is the head- we are so intimate with Him- we are persecuted, taking His afflictions. But it's such a joy- not a burden or sorrow- because of the wrath and sorrow He bore on the cross for our sins! How blessed to be able to be part of Christ- to be the branches of the Sweet Vine.
Anyways, I'm still praying through what happened thursday night and trying to process it...but i was amazed at how God worked! Even though Brandon wasn't there (and oh how i missed him!) and the sound to the computer was off and we didn't have a snack- haha- He showed His glory. We had a small group that night because it was the first night of the fair, but i loved it- worship was sweet and as i sat in the back doing the slideshow, i loved watching the kids be intimate with the Lord and truly give Him praise! As we were worshipping, one of the boys- Daniel- had it heavy on his heart to talk to the kids- so i said great- go for it! He got up there and talked about what God's been showing him about worship- that it's not about the sound, or the feeling you get, but about worshipping our Lord because He's the Holy One, Glorious and worthy of all praise. I loved hearing what God had been doing in his life and it seemed like the kids were really intent- i really believe kids like hearing from other kids. Then we sang some more and i just shared Psalm 63 and prayed for them. I loved seeing how the kids stepped up to lead- with worship, announcements, sound (because they all know i don't have a clue as to what i'm doing! haha) and with Daniel sharing. I think it was great that he shared, but after talking with Brandon, i realize too how that's not the best thing to do most of the time because often their theology can be off; it's good to stick to the planned out lesson for the most part. The question I've been trying to figure out in my own heart is whether or not i let daniel talk because the Holy Spirit was leading me in that way, or because really i was fearful of speaking- i have such a fear of people. How I need to work on that and continue to trust in the Lord and to fear Him and not man. I know the Lord works all things out for His glory and our good, but how I want my motives and actions to so please and honor Him. It was definately humbling...i am a simple intern with so much to learn, and in need of relying on the Lord every minute of every day! I also realized how much Brandon does, what all youth pastors do, and am so thankful for him and the gift the Lord has given him.

Yesterday was our fair day!!!! And can I just say i absolutely LOVED it! It was a blast! We are making baja tacos- and an older couple of one of the worship pastor's have been helping out and cooking all the food. Carlos- the cook- is the cutest elderly man i have ever met! He reminds me of a turtle- which are my new favorite sea animal! He's so cute- and hard working; he doesn't stop. Throughout the night he would be cooking and randomly break out in song in spanish! haha or say "arrrrrriiiiiibbbbbaaaa!" This small, tan, elderly man- love him! And I tried some of the maui local food- haha!
1. Poi Mochi- mochi balls fried with sugar...not my favorite! but the line was out of control!
2. malisadas- oh man! AMAZING! It's just fried dough (i don't even like fried food!) dipped in sugar, hot!! it just melts in your mouth
I also got to get out for a bit and walk around with a few of the girlies. We went and looked at the photography and drawings (of which 3 of my girls had done artwork! and they were amazing!), fruit, veggies...and oh man! I was in heaven looking at all that fruit and discovering new ones! Do you know there are apple bananas?!

Oh, but what i really wanted to share...as i was working with people from the church yesterday, i discovered some things about them- the hardships they face. One lady, Judy, has a boy (Brian) who is a sophmore and adores brandon. (I really love Brian) Well, I had asked her if she could help at the booth last night, and she said she'd love to- she'll do her best- but has a really hard time with her hands and feet because she's doing chemo-therapy- i think- or something to fight her breast cancer, which she's had for 12 years. It's stagnate right now- she still has it a bit, but it's not getting any worst. But with her medication, i think it's burning the cancer out of her, but it goes to her feet and hands, which look like they're 3 degree burned. And they just hurt...but she and her husband and Brian helped out at the fair last night- and she stood the whole time, working so hard! And as I watched their family, I almost had tears in my eyes, seeing how precious their love for one another was. Brian is a joyful boy who respects his parents and authority so much- and Peter, the dad, so lovingly serves his wife- and Judy is just so joyful and gentle-hearted. When I was talking to her on the phone yesterday I mentioned how my dad had had cancer when i was in high school so i understand a little of what they are going through, so if they need anything at all, please ask me- i would love to help in any way. And she said thank you, but that they are really doing great- she just kept emphasizing how thankful she was that Brian is so involved in the youth group and is growing in the Lord- that's what matters most to her. Oh the heart of a mother! I can't even imagine what it'll be like...and as i was observing this family last night in the booth, all i could think of was how God makes us so beautiful through the trials we face- just as gold is refined in fire- I guess that's the theme of the week huh? With Brookey being in the hospital, my challenge to lead the youth group, this precious family fighting cancer...
and then with Rio (one of my girls) locking her car keys in her car at the fair- so not getting home til 2am and then getting up at 6:40am to get to the church to do dishes, and then drive up in the mountains to get her spare car keys, then back to the fair to get her to the car....but it was so fun because Rio and Cindy (another girl helping out last night) got to spend the night, and then we got to hang out all morning and just enjoy one another and get to know one another better, which is a blessing, esp. since Cindy doesn't have any friends here. (Recently moved from the big island)

God, thank you for teaching me about suffering this week, and how we can truly rejoice in it because it draws us closer to You, and makes us more beautiful- reflecting Your beauty. And through it all, we have nothing to fear because you are always with us and hold us and keep us through the storms.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This morning Amy and I got together- i have decided that wednesdays are definately my favorite day of the week! I love spending time with Amy so much...she just is such an encouragement to me and so open. And she encourages me to keep dreaming and living out God's purpose that He has for me...as I was driving home I was just in awe of God and His hand in my life. I still can't get over that I use to tell my parents that I was going to be a missionary to hawaii, and sure enough- here I am! And believe me, sometimes you feel like a missionary while living in maui! Haha Amy and I were in walmart today, and we totally felt like it as we were buying cockroach bombs for her car! ;) (PS- I killed my first cockroach today...yep! it was a baby one...so it wasn't all crunchy...but it was a big step for me. I was going to let it go but then i thought of little brooklyn and my mom instinct kicked in, and i squashed that sucker!) Anyways, I was just praying on the drive home, surrending my life up to the Lord, asking that His will be done in my life, and if that's living in hawaii for a long while...then okay! I am His vessel and I definately see an opportunity and need here to pour into these girls- and how i would love to stay around to see their fruit! (Is that selfish?)

The Brodster

So the story of the day, which i hope melts your heart as it did mine, is about the little Brodster. (Amy and Brandon's 4 yr. old son) Oh! I wish ya'll could meet him- he's so precious! Everyday I am so tempted to ask brandon to tell me a brody story because he is just the sweetest thing...so!
Last night we had small groups and brody was there. We split up into a guys and girls group, and prayed together. Well the girls finished before the boys, so we got to hear the boys pray, and little Brody prayed for the boys....oh! We girls all quieted down and heard little brody's voice saying with such confidence, "And God, I just pray that you would unify us, and that you would show us your might and power. And I know this is going to be hard God, but I pray that at the end we'd know you more. Amen." AH!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh the happenings...

This weekend is the Maui County Fair! I know- I never would have thought that Maui had a fair either! But they sure do...and we have a booth there! We're making mexican baja tacos- and believe me, they are going to be DELICIOUS because I've tried so many of them seeing as how I work for Brandon who has been trying out every taco imaginable and cooking them himself to get just the right one...and i believe it's going to be a winner :) So this week is a little crazy with finishing up all the touches with our fair booth- you wouldn't believe all the details to think through. Yesterday I went out there to paint a bit (and loved it!) and then today Brandon and I revised it to fit the fire code- yes girls! I learned all about sheet rock and drilling and cutting, etc...haha- i really don't know all the terms. It was so great! I love hands on things I have learned- and working up a sweat...you know, feeling like you really worked! And being at the fair totally reminds me of all my mission trips to Montana :) But if you think of it, please be praying for all the details to come together and esp. for Brandon and Tony- for strength and wisdom in overseeing the booth.

This weekend the interns went on a hike to Iao Valley- and it was incredible!!! Let me just say it was a dream come true hiking barefoot, in my bathing suit, eating fresh guava off the trees and then jumping into a frigged stream!

So I just realized that this weekend is October! Crazy!!

1. I've been here a whole month already! It's gone so fast- and everyday I am so thankful and just praise the Lord for His goodness- that He has a purpose for each of us and uses us, regardless of how weak and frail I am.

2. That means next Wednesday night is our first girl's event- a sleepover of course!! I can't wait- but please be praying. I want to lead a couple of devotions, and am not sure yet what to talk about. Please pray for wisdom~

love to you all!!!! and if any of you would like a little vacay to maui anytime soon- please come!!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

s U r F i N g

Yesterday morning the four of us got to go to the Cove to surf with our Pastor Craig and Mark. It was so fun!!! I fell in love with surfing yesterday :) And I absolutely loved spending time with Craig and Mark. The more and more I talk with people from the church, the more and more I'm amazed at God's grace and healing. So many people here have stories that just amaze me of how God called them to Himself, and of how He healed their broken hearts and lives.
After surfing we went to Jamba and got some acai cups- oh so delicious- although i'm really looking forward to having Mark's wife's acai cups- i hear they are amazing!
OH! I wanted to share some fun stories of the week- hopefully they bring a smile to your face :)
Oh, the Deathstar
On Wednesday morning i was walking out to our car to go to See You At the Pole. Now, you must know that in Hawaii you always leave your windows rolled down, car unlocked (and rarely wear a seat belt :) ) Well, as I was getting my keys out and walking towards the car, a black cat jumped out of the driver's window! haha- I guess it had a nice little home for the night.
Oh, sorry- I should fill you in. The Deathstar is one of our lovely intern vans that belongs to student ministries- so Glenn and I have the pleasure of driving it around. And truly it is a deathstar- haha! I don't know why it is a star- except that it's white like a star- because really it's just death to us. Not that I'm not thankful- but oh boy! It's been unusable more than usable since we've been here. But on Thursday morning I was driving it to work and as I started to accelerate when i got on the highway, it slowed down...and down...and down. I went to turn it and could hardly move the stearing wheel. Praise God the church isn't far, and the last turn goes down a hill- because it completely died on me. But I could go off of the momentum of the hill and turn it into the Jehovah Witness parking lot :) Oh cars...but apparently it had just ran out of gas- so last night Steven and Glenn filled it up with a gas tank- haha! I was dying laughing because
1. it was completely dark
2. they were talking in their new zealand accents
3. steven- poor fellow- poured gasoline all over his foot!
BUT- The deathstar is back to life! It's like the cat with nine lives...
The other night Jena opened our front door, and there staring at us what a toad! A TOAD! I've never seen an actual toad before except in the movies. I secretly wanted to catch it and kiss it like a princess, but it hopped away from us before I could. But good thing! The next day Amy told me that they're poisonous! Did you know that? I never would have guessed that. She said that Brandon hates toads with fervor because they kill dogs- and he has a hunting dog that he loves like none other. So he catches all the toads in their yard and plays baseball with them- yep...haha And then she proceeded to tell me a story that will forever leave a smile on my face...
So last year when she and Brandon first moved here, some of the high school girls decided to TP their house- and fork their lawn, etc. Well, they weren't the sharpest tools in the shed because they did it at 8pm when brandon and amy were in the house and able to see exactly who did it. So Brandon and Puff went and collected 60 TOADS from their yard and put them in a paper sack...then they drove down the street and waited for the girls to come out from their bible study. When they did, the boys started chucking the toads at them! CHUCKING THE TOADS AT THEM! haha Needless to say, none of the girls have tried anything on brandon since then...
Oh and Ps...the other day brandon tells me, "Tomorrow I am going to kill a dear!" He was so stoked- yep, that's my boss :) love it!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today was See you at the Pole where kids from all over the US gather around their flag poles at 7am and pray for our country, schools, teachers, friends, family, etc. I got to go to Baldwin High School- one of the schools that a lot of our kids in the youth group attend. When I got there they were singing praise songs to Jesus- which was awesome because the two leading it were guys from our youth group! Then we prayed together for awhile. Towards the end we laid our hands on those who were sick and prayed for them, and then we laid hands on the seniors and prayed for them specifically. I can't tell you how encouraged and awesome the time was! How powerful and uplifting it is to pray with the body of Christ...and to see these kids on fire for God- in love with Him and zealous to share Him with those around. I pray that I would have a passion for the gospel as they do...

I met with Amy for the first time too this morning! She is discipling me and it was so wonderful to just sit and talk with her- for like 2 1/2 hours! What a woman of God she is- so encouraging, uplifting, and truth giving too. I am so thankful that the Lord so sweetly answered my prayers for a discipler- and someone i feel totally comfortable to tell anything and everything to. I'm so excited to grow with her and learn from her.

We had our weekly intern lunch with the head pastor Craig today too- he made us kahlua pulled pork- oh! mouth watering...and i don't even like pork! The Bagsby's (a missionary couple in Nicaragua) had lunch with us too and told us how they met and came to the Lord- so awesome! She was a buddhist...but her auntie came to the Lord and wrote down the Lord's prayer for her- so she prayed it twice a day, just like another god to worship but the more and more she prayed it, the more and more she got stuck on "in Jesus' name"...so she went to the library and looked up all the books on Jesus. She read a couple of them, and realized that this Jesus was God- the One and Only! So she gave her life over to the Lord and started walking with him- and after awhile, her whole family was saved too. AMAZING! GOD YOU ARE AMAZING!

To top the day off, i got a call from my poppi...which was the sweetest, most endearing call from him. I love my daddy so much- and love how gentle and caring he is with me; how he so longs to be available to mom and I and open to talk about anything and everything. I love you daddy- ever so much!

Monday, September 21, 2009

This is the lovely Rio! She is a stud- totally loves the Lord and loves people. We went out to coffee last Wednesday night and it was so encouraging to get to know her and hear her heart for our Jesus. And...i had a pumpkin spice latte which was like fall in my mouth! Rio is so cute...she told me on Saturday, "Alyssa, I had my first fall moment with you at starbuck's on wednesday!" On Saturday she put together a service project for the high school, so we went to the homeless shelter and reorganized their library. Only two of the kids came, but that's okay! Hopefully more next time :) Please pray that our kids would really have a desire to serve- they love coming on Thursday nights, but it's hard to get them to come to other activities.
Afterwards Rio and I went out to lunch and she got this GINORMOUS burrito from Maui Tacos- haha! I love her so much- she ate the whole thing- so proud :)
Risa, my dearest roomie. I love you so much! It's so crazy how God has blessed us together and how alike we are...down to the perfumes we wear and have worn in the past! haha She is my kindred spirit and so encourages me to seek the Lord and love people. She encouraged me with this verse on saturday, "Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told." Hab. 1:5We got to go on the Trilogy cruise with our young adults on saturday- it was so beautiful! This is by Lahaina...it reminded me of the picture of my aunt debi and her husband when they went on their honeymoon...

This is my favorite picture yet! I love these guys so much- it's such a blessing to have a family away from family...
love to you all- please let me know what i can be praying about for you!! And let me know what GOd is doing in your lives- He is at work in you and among you- He is doing a work that you would not believe if told!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy 29th anniversary!

Today was our church's 29th anniversary! How exciting- it blows me away to think of how God works when I think of how our church here in Maui got started- it all began with 3 guys who were in their 20's- sold out for God- surfer dudes, saved by God's grace- who wanted to plant a church in Kihei, Maui. (I love it too because it reminds me of my daddy. He was 19 when he came to the Lord; a surfer himself, realizing that he was missing Something in his life) The choir sang and the hula dancers danced to "God of our city" It brought me to tears, it was so beautiful! I feel like I got a glimpse of heaven this morning...

I am so thankful that the Lord so encouraged my heart this morning at church. How sweet it was to worship together and get to talk with some of those at our church. I love looking around and recognizing kids' faces now! It was a huge comfort and blessing from our Lord because my heart has been a bit discouraged this week...just with being sick and feeling a bit homesick. I know God has me here for a reason, and I do love it and am starting to really love those here, but it is still hard to be away from family and friends. But how comforting it is to know that Jesus is with us always, he never leaves us or forsakes us- He is my Love and Light and Joy.

"yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord is my strength. He makes my feet like the deers; he makes me tread on my high places. " Hab. 3:18-20

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My 22nd birthday consisted of:

pumpkin coffee :)
work...and seeing a plague of cochroaches! ah! I will never be the same...and forever i will have trash-o-phobia!
balloons from my dearest Cait
coffee with Jason, one of our pastor's...so encouraging to get his wisdom on theology
talking with Mama and Papa!!!
the sweetest card from Leanne that brought tears to my eyes..love you lea
cards from sweet megs!
phone messages from sweet friends
dinner at Brandon and Amy's with the high schoolers
a surprise party with the interns! ...and princess plates :)
It was such a wonderful day- we all went snorkeling in the morning. I just couldn't get over that the Lord had given us such a beautiful day and that I could start it by marveling at His creation- under water! The water wasn't super clear because the surf was coming up, but we did see bright yellow fishies and Risa saw a sting rey...i was thankful i didn't see a sting rey or the eels...uh! Eels remind me of Ursela on The Little Mermaid, and I'm still terrified of them! Anyways, it was such a great birthday. Thank you so much for all your love and encouragement! Really, it was so special because of all of you guys- I was just so humbled by how the Lord has blessed me with such sweet, God-honoring people in my life who encourage me to love the Lord more and more each day!

Yesterday Brandon and Amy took me to Napili (up north, past Lahaina) for banana macadamiun nut pancakes with whip cream that was to die for! haha We spent the rest of the day at the beach by the Ritz Carlton...I officially fell in love with Maui! I was sitting on these rocks, just thinking and praying, and watching the waves hit. The water was so clear...when i saw a sea turltle pop its head out! I was so excited and overwhelmed at God's beauty, that all I could do was clap and laugh before my Lord. Then as I sat there and sang, I kept seeing all these sea turtles- you could see them through the water as the waves rushed up, and then once the waves broke, the little sea turtles would pop their heads out! It was incredible- sea turtles are officially my favorite animal now! (or reptile?) I was so overwhelmed by God's beauty and His grace in blessing me with the opportunity to live in Maui...God You're so good! Thank you! I found myself telling Jesus that I would love to live here for the rest of my life :) But really, my dream still is to help plant a church somewhere...if that was here on the island, then awesome! But if not, then I'm excited to see where God calls me- but i must admit, i do pray it's not somewhere cold like Siberia :)

This is Amy, Brandon's wife- whom i love and who is going to start mentoring me on wednesday mornings!!! She is a blessing in my life and has the warmest, most welcoming heart. She is such an answer to prayer too! I was praying all summer that GOd would provide a woman into my life when I got here to mentor me- someone who I could be totally honest with, and who I could learn from and love Jesus more together- and someone who I could love on her family and get to know them as a second family...God You amaze me!

AND....this is their oldest son, Brody...my new best friend and love of my life! It was so fun hanging out with him yesterday. He is such a little Brandon it cracks me up! He's 4...so you can just imagine the cute things he says! Some of my favorites are:
"I'm going to marry...um...someone with green eyes...and brown hair..." "ME Brody!?" "NO!" "You're right...i'm too old huh!?" "Yes!"
"Hey, do you want to have a secret handshake!? Okay...we'll shake, pound, and then I'll kiss your hand, and you kiss my hand! But don't tell anyone...it's our secret."
"This is my direction bible. Do you want to see where the dinosaurs live and the volcanoes?" (while looking at the maps in the back of the bible)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Catching up...

This past week:

paddleboarding- L-O-V-E it!

sunbathing in the wind! haha covered in sand- and burned

Beach baptism!

laughing hysterically with the interns

sweet conversations with shanny and my mama

surprise packages!


running by the chickens and peacocks

first small groups

seeing God answer prayer with discipleship and fellowship

Sorry I haven't been keeping up! This weekend was pretty packed with events! We had our first beach baptism, and we interns were in charge of setting up, organizing, and tearing down. But it was so worth it to see believers publicly show their committment and love for our victorious Savior! Risa and Christy, two of the interns, got baptized too, and emily one of the high school girls who has had a hard background and family life. I'm so excited to see her grow this year and hopefully to get to know her more on a deeper level.

Last night we had our first small group meeting for high schoolers. It was just an intro to see who was interested and to talk about why we do small groups. Growing up we didn't have small groups in youth group, but after talking with Brandon, I totally see why we do them and the importance of them. You get to meet once a week and talk through a study and share what GOd's been doing in your life, what struggles you have, and to pray with one another. Community...GOd's really been showing me lately how important that is- to have accountability and vulnerability with believers! I was so encouraged by the girls who showed up last night- what sweethearts! I wish you could meet all of them- they are so welcoming and open and excited for discipleship and to hang out. One of the girls, MacKenzie- what a doll- invited me to her birthday campout this weekend :) I'm just continually amazed at God's sweet gifts- how open these girls are. So many come from broken homes or just hard family lives...I was encouraged this morning by a friend to pour out unconditional love on them. They are so hungry for it- so please pray that I would be faithful to shower them with God's abudant love. I think I will have the freshman/sophmore small group! Unless if we can get another girl leader- then i may have a different group...but i'm so excited! Brandon mentioned last night that he was stoked about the kids that showed up last night too- a lot of them are new believers, so the fact that they are hungry for discipleship is awesome! GOD YOU'RE AWESOME!

Sending you all much love~

Friday, September 4, 2009

week one

WOW! Week 1 down...i can't believe it's been a week already, and yet it feels like i've been here for a month! Risa and I were just talking yesterday about how we almost feel like we're home in Maui- like we were made to live here!

1. Always sunny and warm (and you know how i am usually cold!)

2. beautiful beaches- all around! I forget that i'm living on an island and can see the ocean on both the north and south side! (well and i guess east and west too- but there's two mountains on the east and west side)

3. can walk around the office (and anywhere really) barefoot :) i love this...

4. Office/church attire: shorts and tshirts- i love that all the pastors wear boardshorts everyday

5. there are no snakes on this island! Praise God!

6. Fruit and fish are the mainstays- yum

7. hawaiians run on island time, aka 15 minutes late to everything- not that i'm typically a late person, but i just like that it's laid back and not time-oriented

8. t.v. and media is not a big thing here, esp. with the high schoolers- they just love to be outside and go to starbucks...which leads me to #9

9. starbuck's- coffee is plentiful here! haha Starbuck's is almost as common as in seattle- i love it! and the high school girls love to go out for coffee- and you know i'm always up for that!

This week has been sweet. The highlight for sure was when Risa, Jena and I got to go in a hawaiian canoe Monday morning at a resort and swim with sea turtles in the ocean. The water was the clearest I've ever seen, and we saw 5 sea turtles- do you know they just cling to the reefs at the bottom of the ocean? They can stay under there for 3 hours! Aw man, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! God is so creative, and so beautiful. And to think how vast the ocean is, filled with trillions of sea creatures that I've never even heard of before- all because it brings Him glory and He delighted to create them!

It's also been fun to get to know the other interns better- we're becoming a family, which is such a blessing. I'm reminded though of how we need to depend on the Lord to love people in general- love is supernatural! But I really love all of the interns and love laughing together- we're pretty much all in the same office so it's super fun to laugh together throughout the day.

Last night was my first offical youth group night! It totally reminded me of youth group when i was in high school, which was so sweet! I did the slide show announcements and music- so I got to observe from the back. I loved watching the kids worship our Lord, raising their hands in the air. And I loved hearing Brandon preach- he's so good at engaging the students and giving them truth. The highlight for me though was talking with Rio, a senior (i think!) and having her ask me to coffee next week! she's so cute- i can't wait! Throughout the night though I was also reminded of the hardships and reality of high school- the insecurities, anxieties, fears, guy/girl relationships, etc...that some of those kids (or a lot, i dont know) don't know Jesus, and even those that do are still growing and need discipleship- as we all do! God's really taught me this week about grace- and how we are all at different stages, and all need to show grace and mercy to each other and patience- to be learners, humble to learn and change. So I'm super excited to invest in these kids lives, but also humbled realizing that i need to depend on our Lord for strength, wisdom and grace every step of the way...

i'll try to take photos of the church and our lovely condo this weekend and get them posted soon! for now...aloha!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy 28th wedding anniversay mom and dad!!!! love you two with my whole heart- and am so thankful for your faithful love for the Lord and for each other. I love that you two still make each other laugh and giggle-
Surf lesson with the pastors and elders!
We all got up!!!
Costco Run- yay for food, and most of all...coffee!
Dinner with pastors and their families at $38 mill. maui home- beautifully stunning!
High School parents meeting
Beach Volleyball til dusk...most incredible sunset! And fun to talk with some people from church and the guys in the high school group- they are a kick. Especially "Oolah", or "Hawaiian boy
or "olah" or "the brown one"!

Friday, August 28, 2009


I'm here! I'm still in shock i think- i flew in yesterday afternoon and just am humbled and so thankful at God's gracious love and for how He comforted my heart. My mom took me to the airport yesterday bright and early and we got to sit and talk over coffee for an hour before i left, which is our favorite thing to do! That's what i miss the most whenever i go away ~ coffee dates with my mom. BUT! I got to be bumped up to first class and sat next to this man who looked like the evil one on "Enchanted"- the one with the big eyes who tries to get the princess to eat the apple! haha He wasn't evil at all though- super nice. Flying into Maui it was so cloudy, you couldn't see anything. But then right when the clouds broke open, the island appeared- lush and green- and this hug rainbow! It was the most incredible thing I've ever seen! And so of the Lord- it was as if He was saying "Welcome Alyssa- don't worry, you are in my hands and I will never leave you"
The youth pastor Brandon and his wife Amy and their new baby picked me up from the airport with a pink lei of plumeria! That's all i was hoping for! And let me tell you, i'm convinced that's what heaven is going to smell like~
we went to Paia, the hippy town, for lunch and got fish burgers which was maybe the best thing i've ever put in my mouth! And then we got gelato- it was just such a blessing being with them. I absolutely love them both- and their three adorable kids- and feel so at home with them. They drove me around the island a bit- in Brandon's convertible jeep (my dream car!).

Last night, we had youth group- the Furnance- and they had a welcoming beach party for me! I was really nervous to meet the kids, fearing that they wouldn't like me- but they were the most welcoming bunch of kids i've ever been around. All the girls came up and introduced themselves and were so talkative and excited for this next year. Eden, one of the girls, kept saying she can't wait to have girl time! Girl, I am so up for that! They even had a hula for me last night too~
I can't wait to get to know them more.
The only bad thing was that my rainbow flip flops (or slippers as they call them here) got stolen at the beach- i guess rainbows are a hot commodity here- but that's totally okay! But, if you ever come to hawaii, know not to leave your slippers behind!

Then today we had intern training and we all have our own desks and little offices! crazy- and the church is awesome! The staff are so welcoming, and our head pastor Craig is a big teddy bear- he's taking us surfing tomorrow!

I love and miss you all~ grace and peace